Weird Things That Irritate You?


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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
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I know we all have our 'pet peeves' and I wanted to know some of the more unusual ones.

Here is my worst:

When I eat cereal it bothers me when the cereal pieces get stuck to the side of the bowl, so I have to scrape them off.

Here's my weird irratents:

1. Snoring (probably not so weird)

2. When rugs aren't perfectly straight

3. At school, we have desks that have the chair attacthed to them. under the chair is a basket which people often put their feet on. I hate it when people put their feet on the basket.

Eating the M&M with the colored shell on it bothers me, for some reason. I usually pick it off before I eat the chocolate.. So I don't eat M&M's very often anymore.

When the part of the necklace that you clip together is showing.


[SIZE=13pt]I absolutely HATE the sound of Styrofoams rubbing together! O_O I want to pull my hair out and scream every time I hear it. >_< I have no idea why...But it just really bothers me. O_O[/SIZE]

When the teacher erases the board and leaves small marks left. Really irks me.
>.< Ugh! yes! I can't stand it, I always have to clean the board at the end of the day, mulitple times!

Also, I hate when people are like giving speeches or reports and they say "um" like every other word. It just gets me really annoyed. Can't they think of a better word?!

>.< Ugh! yes! I can't stand it, I always have to clean the board at the end of the day, mulitple times!
Also, I hate when people are like giving speeches or reports and they say "um" like every other word. It just gets me really annoyed. Can't they think of a better word?!
I'm one of those people. XD

There's one thing that annoys me so MUCH! WHEN PEOPLE SLURP! Like GOD do they HAVE TO SLURP? >__<


I also can't stand people who, during the presentation they're giving, they click. They click they're tongue off the roof of their mouth while they think of something to say. It bothers me to no end, and I really hadn't even noticed this until my language arts teacher pointed it out to somebody. From then on I couldn't stand it. >..>

One thing that seems to bug me is when any living thing, be it pet or human, walks in a circle in front of me or around me. My dog when he's sometimes scared of the vthunder during a storm will circle around the table in the kitchen and it drives me crazy >_

Also not a fan of when people start their sentences, and I mean every sentence with "Well..." it bugs me a lot more online on messenger than it does face to face :p

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Also not a fan of when people start their sentences, and I mean every sentence with "Well..."
Ya, that's just like the "Um" thing, it gets so annoying how they do it every single sentence it seems!

I had to walk out of the room once because it was annoying me so much

My irritations...

The 11 most annoying in my life.

1. Bugs...especially ants and mosquitos.

2. Mice.

3. Really loud and annoying barkings of dogs. I mean so loud where YOU CAN'T HEAR THE AVATAR FINALE!

4. When my little brother starts rambling on randomly RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF WHEN I'M TRYING TO WATCH AVATAR!

5. The annoying and/or embarrassing things my brothers do on me.

6. Annoying boys. (Especially the ones that are so stupid and that just LOVE IT when I'm upset!)

7. When people look for "Charleen" or "Mike" or whoever when I SPECIFICALLY SAY ON VOICEMAIL TO ONLY CALL FOR ME AND I EVEN SAY MY NAME WITH MY CELL PHONE!

8. Camp. To me, the camps that I get stuck in are pointless. All they do is take my mom's/grandma's money and just sit there and yell at me.

9. Two words: Katy Perry. Her dang song "I Kissed a Girl" is driving me so mental that I'm almost at the point WHERE I NEED THERAPY!

10. When my mom spells my friend's name wrong for the 10,000th time.

11. "Katie, do you want barbecue sauce?" -Mom


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When people start talking to me when I'm trying really hard to think about something.

When people get MY name wrong for the 1,000,000th time! :)

What annoys me the most is when people call me Rachel. My name is not Rachel!! Everyone, including my teachers, say "Oh, you look like a Rachel!". SO annoying...

What also annoys me is when my brothers are fighting and I can't hear the Big Brother Daily Show!!

Things that annoy Bratztroxg (the first two have already been said):


1. When the teacher doesn't rub off all of the board & there are still marks left

2. When the part of the necklace that you clip together is showing

3. When someone's parting isn't straight or their ear is sticking out of their hair

4. When you do pottery and the clay dries on your hand (I can't STAND that feeling!)

5. When someone you are talking to has some food on their face or sleepy dust in their eye


How I deal with them:


1. I say to the teacher 'You missed a bit!' ^ _ ^

2. I just put the clip to the back of my neck again

3. I tell them about their parting/ear and they generally put it right

4. I keep dipping my hand in a pot of water so it can't dry

5. I tell them about the food on their face/sleepy dust in their eye


These are just my little annoyances! ^ _ ^

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