Weird Dream about Tama's


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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
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Portland, Oregon
OK, so in the dream, I was in the very first house I ever lived in, and I had all these old school Tama's. They ran out of batteries every five minutes, and I kept losing track of them. They all were getting lost in this big black hole in the floor. I tried to jump in and save them, but I hit my head and woke up.

Does anyone else have dreams about Tama's?

Yes, I do, I dream that my tamas keep dying, I had one last night!, it was a toddler and no matter how well I took care of it, it kept dying o-O scary. ;)

one time I had a dream about this toddler version of tamagotchis and it was light blue with circles, triangles and squares. your character is a babysitter for them and it's really weird

Another dream I had was where I forgot about my tamagotchi and I remembered it and when I picked it up it died so I reset and downloaded and it was back alive LOL

Another dream I had was I was at school and I was wearing it on its strap and the P.E. teacher saw it and took it and gave it to the principal for my mom to come and pick it up and give it back to me

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I often have these weird dreams where I dream I've recieved something I really want, whether it be a nice tamagotchi or a musical instrument or a video game. Most recently I dreamed I had gotten a Devilgotch, probably because I actually saw one on eBay last week. The bad thing about these dreams, though, is that I always wake up, forgetting it was a dream. So for like the first 5 minutes after I've woken up, I'll look around my room, dreary-eyed, for a devilgotch or whatever and go "Oh. That was a dream. Darn. I want a devilgotch. :) " Happens ALL the time.

I had one where the tamagotchi turned evil and killed its baby. Then it came out of the screen, killed my friends but looked at me happily. Then he gave me MoNeY!!!! :wacko: ^_^

I dreamt I was walking along, and I saw this cool pink and white tamagotchi V4. It had all dragonflies over it...I picked it up, it was new, and pulled the plastic tab out of the side. :kuribotchi:

It beeped and then a big dragonfly flew out of it. I jumped on it, lol, and it took me to my bedroom. Then, it flew out the window, and flew up into the clouds. :eek:

Next minute, I saw TamaTown. :hitodetchi:

And I called:

"Gozarutchi!!! Lets no ninja training!" (I wanna be a ninja lol)

And then, the clouds covered the sun...And i was back in bed...

I have dreamt this a lot, and I always wake up when I go to TamaTown...LOL ^_^

For as much as I'm into Tamagotchis, I haven't had that many dreams about them. :huh: I have had dreams about them before, though. I usually dream that they keep breaking! I had a dream my cousin tried to clean it and got water in it! :D


-Tamaguy#1 ;)

I'll share a 'strange' tamagotchi dream I had about 3 weeks ago :ph34r: :

Me and these other people were in my house and this baby came to stay. The baby was 'evil' and kept on throwing it's toys at us. The next minute, the baby somehow got trapped inside my tamagotchi. ^_^ I was shocked, so I quickly hid my tamagotchi back in my bedroom drawer where my tamagotchi collection is kept. It turned out that the 'evil baby' was a disguised alien. I suddenly had this vision of it's U.F.O. there were these strange creatures in it, and I saw in my mind that they were coming for the tamagotchi that the baby was trapped in. I was scared and anxious. I didn't want the aliens attacking my house - so even though I didn't want to, I grabbed the tamagotchi, and threw it out of my bedroom window into my neighbours garden. Then, I woke up from the dream. I was woken by this 'buzzing' sound that seemed to get louder and louder, and faster and faster - like it was a bomb about to explode. :wub: I checked my tamagotchi drawer and saw that it was one of my tamas making all of the noise. Luckily, it was the battery going mad - so I took the battery out and the noise stopped. The strange thing is, that was the tamagotchi I had the dream about. But, I hadn't used it for ages and the battery had never made that noise before - even though it's been in the same place and position for months. Freaky.. :p

-sk8er girl-

lol.... Perhaps you have some "connection" with that special tam... Like me and my P1 *generation 1*

I once had a dream long ago about finding a small box filled with digital pets... among them was a tamagotchi. The tama was turned on and the others were not, so I looked at it's screen and one of my friends was trapped inside. I tried pushing all of the buttons to get him out, but to no effect. Then I decided that I should probably take him to his parents house so that they would know what happened to him.... but I woke up before I got there. :wub:

Thats strange, I also had a weird tamagotchi dream a few days ago.

My mum turned out to have this old tamagotchi hanger thing and it was like this rectangular piece of material with tamagotchi character plushies hanging on them. My mum gave me a Mimitchi plushie with a santa clause hat on it's head. It was cute ^_^

That same night I had this other dream that a new tamagotchi was out and it was shaped exactly the same as the Tama Suku! On the screen there were a few random tama characters and they had to look after a little character for tamagotchis to look after! It was quite weird but made sense in a way... :D

I had a wierd, but cool dream. One day I was walking at school and my Tamas fell!!! I went to pick them up, I tripped and then I fell with my tamas. Except for one thing- they were REAL!!!! My little Mametchi was scared. I hugged the two of them tight- next thing i found, we were in tamatown. Someone was poking me. I looked back... And then I woke up. What the heck was it????

i once had a dream that i found like ten tamas and vurtual pets on the ground and like ontop a' stuff. it was really weird. but then (in the dream) i lost my own tama! so i put the vurtual pets back exactly where they were and got my real tama tama back. freaky.

I ALWAYS dream that I take my Tama out in the middle of class for no reason, and I'm so scared that the teacher saw it, but I only got caught in one of my dreams so far.

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