Hi: here is a video about the tamakaci dino
I own a couple of odd ones:
- some pretty demanding ones would be the dinkies (penguin, dino, etc.) they evolve every 2 days and have 3 types of evolutions wich depends on what you feed them, I really love dinkies.
- Hitorikkos are really cheap, but may seem really boring to some because they are not demanding at all, and takes neglect pretty well. they poop a lot! at least once per hour. they come in many many different shell designs and each have 4 evolutions. They are dinkies knock off versions. the pocket pals v-pets are hitorikkos as well
- Gyaoppys takes neglect pretty well... at least the ones that I have, which are the virtual buddy dinosaur and the 10 in 1 virtual buddy. Something I love about them is that they evolve day by day and have some cute animations.
- nano's takes a little longer to evolve, they live for about 36 days (except the nano baby). They are usually expensive when sold as a brand new item...
Anyways I hope this could help