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Feb 15, 2009
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That place with the stuff, and the other stuff.
Do you follow a specific ritual on weekends, that you always follow? I do. Every weekend, it's the same.

The process starts on Friday. I change into school sweats, a tiny tank top, and a thin hoodie. Then, I throw my hair into a messy bun with a headband. Usually, I've already put my headphones in, right after school. This weekend I took pictures, so I put them in later, but I was still blasting music. It's Saturday, I've had them on for sixteen and a half hours now. I don't even take them out when I sleep, music is essential for me. then, I usually stay up till around three, sitting around, eating, on the computer, watching occasional TV. Then, in the morning. I wake up at around five. Keep listening to music till i fall asleep once more. Then, I'll awake once more at seven. Fall sleep again. Once more at nine. I continue that cycle till about one. Then, I get up, amble downstairs, find out what's up, then go back to the shadows of my room, with a few cans of whatever crap my fridge is stocked with, either Monster, Rock Star, Coke, or Mountain Dew. I drink and go on the computer for however long, until I get hungry, when I text my dad and ask him what he's doing, and if he's out somewhere, I'll get him to pick me up something to eat. Same with dinner. Then, when Sunday comes along, I repeat the cycle. If have to go somewhere, I go, then get back as soon as possible and keep going with the cycle. Then, a lot of the time I'll spend the night or someone will spend the night here, and we'll basically do what I usually do, but together, with more joy. It's what basically everyone does here. My favorite time of the week. Two days of love. Oh, and, occasionally we go to the mall, buy stuff, then get home and move on with the cycle.

So, do you follow a cycle each weekend? Or does it change? Is everyone as lazy as me? XD

Well, I usually just relax on weekends. TV, Computer, Junkfood, Sleeping In.

Not this weekend. I have to take care of a 6lb baby doll for Home and Careers. Sleepless nights, WOOHOO!

Usually when I get home on Friday I have to babysit my baby brother for an hour (it sucks) then I either go to a friends house or stay home depending how tired or hyper I am. On Saturday I go to my dad's house and pig out on fat cakes and other various sugar-filled things. Then I watch TV or harass the neighbors or find ways to hurt my brothers. Usually around 8 I listen to my iPod, I also leave it in at night. Then in the morning, all my brothers get up at freakin 6 in the morning and jump around the house while I try to sleep in. I get up around 11-12. Then we go back to my moms house. I usually go to a friends house or the mall then when I get back to my moms I do mah chores and tear up my homework.

The End.

Mine changes somewhat. :I

Friday nights, I go to track practice until 5:30PM. Unless we have a meet. Then I don't get home until about midnight, or even 1AM. That means I'm at school / school events from 7:15AM - 12:30AM. o: Like, 16 hours.

Well, my parents don't let me out a lot. I was so mad at them last night. I had track practice, and came home. I felt like I NEEDED to get out and do SOMETHING. ANYTHING. My parents said I could go pretty much where ever, as long as I had a ride, because they didn't wanna drive me around. I called my friend, and she said I could come stay at her place, and her mom could come pick me up. And they wouldn't let me go. D': It have no homework this weekend [ For once ], my grades are fine, and I'm an honors student. I'm not in any trouble, and they wouldn't have to drive me or ANYTHING. They just had to SIT THERE. And they still said no. D: They told me they weren't trying to punish me, but they said I need to learn to spend time alone and I don't need to be out. It was like being grounded for no reason. I cried and screamed and threw a fit, and normally the cave and let me go, but it didn't work this time. U_U

So after track practice Friday nights, I usually TRY to make some plans. Like movies and rollerblading are my favorites. :] But a lot of times, due to my parents, it doesn't work out. D':

Saturday mornings I get up about 9:30AM, eat breakfast, practice my guitar some. I have guitar lessons from 11AM - 11:30AM. Then my mom and I usually run some errands. My brother has soccer games all Saturday afternoon, so that gives me some alone time on the computer. Occasionally I'll go up to the mall, and sometimes my mom even lets me take someone up to the mall with me. o:

Most Saturday nights I have no plans, so I just work on projects or homework or whatever, get on TamaChat, forum, roleplay, whatever. I usually watch 48 Hours or 20 / 20 or whatever's on.

Sunday morning I go to church. Sometimes 10:30AM mass, sometimes 12:00PM mass. It depends. Sometimes, because of my brother's soccer schedule, we don't even get to church at all. Sometimes we go out to lunch, after church. My mom usually goes to the groccery store, or my dad goes to Wal-Mart. Sometimes I'll go with them. Sometimes I insist they take me home, so I don't have to go with them.

Now that the weather is getting nice, I go bike riding. A LOT. My parents let me do that, because they don't have to take me anywhere. [ Or have to feel bad about someone else giving me a ride. ] I stop by my friends house, and we hang there for a while. And there is a 'general store' near by, where we can get penny candy, Jones soda, and pretty much whatever. We hang out there for a while, and then sometimes we head over to Marissa's house, or we head over to our elementary school and goof around on their playground, and watch all the guys from school play football. x3 Sometimes we go over to see Erica. Sometimes we just ride around. It all depends.

So I do that a lot on Sundays, when the weather is nice.

A lot of times I just get on the computer, practice my guitar, and watch TV though. :I I'm looking for babysitting jobs, I have flyers out and everything. I'm certified by the Red Cross, and still no one has called me. D: I wish I were making money on the weekends. ><

Sunday night, I watch Desperate Housewives at 9PM. I straighten my hair, set my clothes out for the next day, pack my gym bag for track practice, and get everything set out for when I have to wake up at quarter to 6AM the next day. D':

My life varies, but it is typically very uneventful.

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My ritual?

Sleep in, do chores, eat lunch whilst watching Clone Wars (8D), chores, church, relax, end.

My weekends get alot more interesting in the spring. ^^

^ No, I'm not really busy at all. I have like, too much free time. I hate free time. It's not good for me. I have to keep myself busy. xD

Yes, I have my weekend ritual. It's a mixture of laziness, trying to get my butt outside to some extra curriculars, and being social.

Friday night, I come home, and all I want to do is rest. Because it's hard living life as a spaztic schoolgirl, so I just need something containing some kind of calorie/caffeine/sugar content and to come on here for a while. Then I have to leave for Youth group, with my friend who also goes there. We eat pizza there - and cookies. So it's all good. And then I have to go to my Dance class.. I think I've already described that to you guys in another post on here. Let's just say, I'm not the most graceful dancer you'll ever meet. Putting it bluntly, I fall over all the time and I'm nowhere near co-ordinated to ever become a decent pirouhetter (or however you spell it). So that's my Friday Evening Fail. And then I come home and laze around, listening to music or being on the phone. And then I go to sleep. Saturdays, I'm either out at the mall with my friends or doing nothing at home. And then I'll either be spending the evening at a sleepover, or hosting one, or again, doing nothing at home. Except sleeping. On Sunday, I go to Church with my best friend forever. It is SO hard to get up for it, though. I am not a mornings person, and service starts at 10am. It ends up being alright, because there's a coffee hour from eleven to twelve, where I can eat brownies and coffee (and then not get too full to eat any lunch at home, much to my Mum's displeasure.) Then I'll just be Esther at home. Emailing people, on the phone or texting, or on Tamatalk with my lovelies. <3

That's my weekend. Exciting life, eh? -nudges reader-

Every Saturday between October and March (excluding Christmas holidays) I play club cricket for 2 age groups. This weekend is the last, which is the finals. Both my 14s and 16s teams have got into the finals. Actually, every junior team in our club is in a final. We rule :angry:

Apart from that, I do basically nothing on weekends. Soon, all Saturday will be footy. Nice...

Well, since I go to a boarding school, even my weekends can be pretty structured.

Friday night: After I get out of school, I do my sport (swimming) until around 6:00 or so (we're going to start having most of our meets on fridays, though, so my Friday night schedule will change completely once I get back to school for this term). Then I go to dinner check in (we have to check in with the faculty on duty in the dining hall every night at dinner and they cross our name off the list). I eat dinner, and then I usually try to get on the first bus off campus with my friends. We go to the mall and hang around until we usually take the 8:50 or 9:50 bus back. If I don't go off campus, I'll just hang in my room or in the common room and watch a movie or something. Then I have to check in with the faculty member on duty in the common room before going to bed at 11:30.

Saturday: Wake up around 9:00. Take fast shower and majorly clean room. (We have room inspection every day, but on Saturdays they check our drawers and closets and stuff, which I let get messy during the week.) I also put my laundry in the washing machine. They inspect our rooms at 10:00. Then I do nothing until 12:00, when I go to lunch. (I finish doing my laundry in that time) I usually then take the first bus off campus to go do nothing at the mall all afternoon. I come back, eat dinnner/check in, and then I might go off campus again or I might just hang around. Check in and bed time is 11:30.

Sundays: No room inspection! So that's my huge mess day. My room mate always gets so mad. I have my clean clothes that I didn't fold from laundry yesterday all over the place. My bed isn't made, my toiletries are all over the floor. I wake up around 9:30 or ten, and go to brunch at 10:15. Then I keep being messy until I take the bus off campus and go on a one or so hour trip to the mall to get stuff (like toothpaste) I've been meaning to buy all weekend. I come back for dinner and dinner check-in. Then after dinner we have study hall until 9:45. Then I go get ready for bed, because we have to be in our rooms again by 10:30. At ten thirty a prefect comes and makes sure we're in our rooms, then lights out is at 11:00.

Hah, that post made my weekends seem a lot busier than they are.

Eh, my weekend starts on Friday. When I come home from school, I go straight on the computer. I'll usually be in the bedroom or the lounge room. I'd sometimes be watching TV too. At about 9pm, I'd shut down and go spend time with mum. It's either checkers, an evening walk or just being stupid. Then at around 11pm, I'd go to bed.

On Saturdays, I wake up at around 8:30am. I go on the computer/get ready for the day until 9:45am. Then mum's friend comes, and drops me off at my acting class. I stay for 2 hours there, and then he comes back and drops me back home. From then on, the schedule is constantly changing. I'd either beon the phone, still on the computer or sleeping over a friends house. I usually go to sleep around 11pm too. Oh, and mum's boyfriend sleeps over on saturdays.

Sundays are also always changing. I dont know what'd happen on them. I always find time to go on the computer for atleast 2 hours on sundays. So yeah.

As you can see, I spend ridiculous amounts of time on the computer on weekends x3

The usual:

Wake up @ 8 AM: skating :'( :)

Come home, shower



Do something with my friends


Play outside, unless it's too cold and I'm too lazy

Skating til 10 at night

Computer til I fall asleep

there you go. ;)

My weekends vary, but here is my usual ritual...

Friday: Come home from school, stuff my face (what? a girl needs to eat!), then go on the laptop. Talk on msn, go on Tamatalk, log into Facebook and listen to music. Occasionally I'll go to a friends, or go to the mall.

Saturday: Sleep in to 1:00, get up, more laptop, and then maybe go to someone's house. If I don't, I'll spend the day blasting the music, dancing, and practicing makeup techniques (dont ask). Every other saturday night, I go to a community dance between 7:00-10:00. They are really fun, and you meet alot of really hot guys. x3

Sunday: Again, sleep in until 12:00 or 1:00 (this morning I had to wake up earlier, because I'm leaving for a short vacation), watch T.V, go on the laptop, take a shower, and plan outfit for Monday.

Very boring, but it's my free time. :) Relaxation time!

Yesterday was fantastic. :D

I rode my bike over to Emily's house. I've never hung out with her outside of school before, but it was amazing. We bummed around her house and got on Youtube and Myspace and stuff.

And then Toni called my cellphone and was all like, "Hey! I called your house and your dad said you were out riding your bike. Wanna meet up and go to Kemper's? Tara is with me, and she'll come too."

So, since Emily didn't have a bike, we walked up to Kemper's. [ The general store thing I mentioned earlier. ] We acted like complete idiots the whole time, spinning around in circles, running, and screaming. xD

We got up to Kemper's, and then Toni and Tara got there on our bikes. I borrowed money from Toni and got a liter of Mountain Dew to split with Emily, and some chips.

We were gonna head over to the elementary school and goof around the playground, and maybe head over to Erica's house, but my dad called and said that I needed to come home for dinner. I had only been out for about 3 hours, but meh.

So then I walked back to Emily's house, and rode my bike home.

Emily and I decided that when I get my own camera, [ Hopefully around Easter ], we're gonna start our own Youtube webshow thing. x3 It's gonna be great.

That's probably what I'm gonna be doing all summer. Riding my bike around, taking videos, and just having fun. I can't wait. :D

My weekends depend on my mood and if I'm doing anything. I have tennis practice usually every weekend and now that the weathers getting better I'm probably going to train every week. -shot-

Well, I attempt to sleep in. Then wake up and either read or watch anime. (Usually the latter) Then I drag myself out of bed an hour later and eat breakfast. I wait and see if the house is going to be empty or not. If it is, I go and play piano and if it isn't I go into my room and do whatever I feel like.

If I have homework, I stick it in somewhere.

Fridays I automatically get on here after school. I eat some crap like a hog. Then I don't eat dinner, and sit through a lecture about eating 3633339372829 pounds of food before dinner. I stay up and sleep in late.

Saturdays. I get up around 11-ish. I go downstairs and watch whatever disney-like program my sister is watching. She won't ever let me turn the TV. I usually have 2 meals a day on Sat. Because I eat a lot of snacks here and there throughout the day. I hang with myself (oh, the joy!) or I do stuff with my lovelies. I stay up late.


On Sundays, my dad wakes me up at 9-ish so my mom can drag me to church while I (literally) fall asleep.

Then I usually hang around in my PJ's at home or go out with my friendlings.

Then at the very last minute, I almost do my homework, and take a beating from the teacher the next day.

: D


I get out of school @ 2:45. I get a 30 minute break, then I do homework. Then my parents pick me up. I can stay up as late as i want. :mellow: [Party at my house. xD]


Nothing much. :I

Except on April... 18th? I have a Jazz band performance. x3


Sometimes I go shopping, then I have to go to my grandma's.

I usually just play on the computer, have sleepovers, have people come over, run around like a maniac, fall and laugh, watch tv, play video games, take pictures, listen to my ipod, go shopping, and have fun. I'm usually pretty lazy. One thing that happened this weekend was something I didn't expect. I have already made a topic about this, but my friends brothers friend kissed me.

FeeBee~How do you fall asleep listening to your ipod? Wow...

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