Warped Tour...?


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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2007
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On the road. <3 Wireless broadband.

Has anyone ever been to Warped Tour? I WILL go one day. It'd be really awesome since I know and love most of the bands <3

For those who don't know what it is,

Warped Tour is a tour that goes around every summer (For Americans) and all these really cool bands play, like, Paramore, Cute Is What We Aim For, The Academy Is..., etc.

(I dunno is Ellington play, but I HOPE THEY DO!!) They play for a few weeks (I think) and they have WARPED WATER!!

Omfg ^^ Luvz teh warp3d wat3erz!!!


So anyway, have you ever been? Do you want to see it? What do you think of it?

Enjoy <3

I was going to Warped in 05 with my cuz but a week before I left my parents changed their minds about letting me go!

Never going to forgive them. It would have been awesome though.

I am just randomly laughing over this at the moment..

There's a rumor circulating around that My Chemical Romance is the love child of the Warped tour...

Gerard, Mikey and Frank in unison: Whoa! Wow!

Frank: But what does that mean, that the Warped Tour and another tour got together and had...

Who's in it this year? I wanna go so bad. I'll beg. Beg beg beg. Make my friends in Cali visit and go.

I was going to go this year but I decided against it. It woould be hot and people would be even more sweaty in the pit and i'd pretty much die of dehydration but I should've gone becuase one of my favorite bands, The Vincent Black Shadow got switched to play main stage and that would be awesome.

It would have been so boss.



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