w00t! ^^


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Well-known member
May 8, 2006
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Southern Ontario
Omg, my grandparents pre-ordered Trauma Center: New Blood for me!

It just came in today from California, and it comes with a promo pen that looks like a needle and a fake surgery certificate xD

Don't ask about me and surgery simulations games o.o'

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Ahh, I dont like Trauma Center games, I get totally stressed out when I play them! Sounds neat though, have fun with it! :chohimetchi:

le GASP! I'm jealous. xD

My parents pre-ordered it for me, too, but I have to wait until Christmas before I can play. They've put it up right by my Wii and they stuck a big bow on it... I think they're trying to torture me... >,<;;

Have fun! ^^

Omg...I would play it at 3:00am, then try to put it back in the plastic wrap stuff with no signs of opening xD

Did you get a pen or certificate thingy with it? I've been very proctective of my pen xD The only times I've seperated from it was when I went to school and when I went to volleyball o.o'

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Believe me, I've seriously considered doing that. xD

I'm pretty sure I got those with it, but I'm not sure. My parents have all that. =P

Ohh. I've only seperated from my pen four times, and they were for school, volleyball, or hockey xD

I love how it's fully voice acted ^^

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