Vintage Vpet Hatch!


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Apr 16, 2018
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Hello TamaTalkers!  :lol:

Welcome to the Vintage Vpet Hatch!  :D

I think it’s time we all take a break from everything we are doing and spend some time with our Tamas! This group hatch is focusing on vintage virtual pets. That includes Tamagotchi, Digimon, Giga pets or any other virtual pet you would like to run.  :)  

The hatch will run for one generation only and it will start on the 10th of May

The rules are simple and easy:

1- Only vintage virtual pets are allowed for the hatch.

2- You can run one or more devices at a time, it’s up to you.

3- Please make sure you keep updating, not necessarily every day but that would be great if you do.

4- Post a picture if it’s possible.

5- You must start the hatch with a new generation.

Please register below if you are interested.

See you guys on the 10th of May!  :D

I'm joining at the last minute with my Tako Seijin. It's an alien virtual pet that runs on similar programming to the Dinky Dino, so it's definitely vintage. It's unfortunately reset twice this past week due to not taking accidental, moderate bumps very well but its opportune timing for this hatch. Hopefully, I'll finish this group hatch log in a timely manner since I'm going to do it more of an update log than a journal-style one. See you all in the group hatch log!


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