Version Four Frolic!


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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2006
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Washington, gross.
Today I got my new Tamagotchi Connection V4! It was hatched as a baby girl who I named Allie! She was always unhappy so I fed her lots of snacks to make her happy which made her overweight. So I played with her a lot and finally she mastered the Jump Rope game! :) Then after that she ate more. And I played more games with her. Once she got a lot of points I went to the shop where there was a sale and bought her make up! Hoorah. I haven't used it yet though. After all that Allie turned into a Harutchi!!!!! Yay! She's so cute. Right now she has all her hungry and happy hearts filled and five art points, twenty two intellect points, and eight social points. She has one training bar, is twelve pounds, zero years old, and has two thousand and ninety points! I'll update laterrr.

A little while ago the little mail thingy starting flashing so I clicked on it and the Nanny came! I had no idea what happened but they left and then it showed a picture or something of them just sitting somewhere with some guy and then Allie came back and had mail so she opened it and it was poop. No clue how all that happened, but it did. No replied please :]

I made Allie go to school twice. But everytime I did she got mad at the teacher because she made her dance and she would fall on her face. And get mad. And leave. But shes good now. A few seconds ago she beeped and she had four full happy hearts and four full hungry hearts so I gave her a time out. Now she has two training bars. Thats the first time she has beeped in a few hours. Shes really quiet. :ph34r: Allie is MELLOW! Uh. Yeah.

Nothing has happened yet. Last night Allie fell asleep sometime around eight thirty. So she should wake up in about an hour. I'm gonna take her to school and leave her on so wish me luck!

I got back from school :] Before first period I put Allie on pause because I don't want to lose her or get her taken away so I just put her in my backpack. Ever since I got home she has been really quiet. Right now she has all her hungry and happy hearts. She is fourteen pounds and has three thousand and fifty points. One sec, I gotta check the shop. I just bought Allie some soda and some tacos! Hoorah! Now she has two thousand five hundred and fifty points! I wanna see if she can go to school now because I want her to be a doctor! She has to be smart though! Allie is going to school! She's at school now!! Allie is getting mad. And now shes back. That gave her more skill points! Hoorah. She probably won't evolve until Saturday because I can't keep her on for twenty four hours unless I have her on at school and I don't wanna risk that! THANKS EVERYONE FOR READING MY LOG!

Hello. I keep forgetting that Allie is on the table or something (wherever I leave her) because she hardly ever beeps! Haha. I entered four or five (can't remember...) secret codes and got love potion, steak, cd, and clone. So I guess four. Allie ate her taco recently. I played lots of games with her and she has three thousand seven hundred and seventy Gotchi points! I think I might start a Fan Fiction about Allie. Probably about her being a flight attendant. I think thats what she wants. :huh: It just seems to fit her. Earlier she was sad :rolleyes: But as soon as she beeped I cheered her up (right after I cleaned up her poopy! Lol.) My time zone is off still. Hmmm, I needa fix that. Okay. Well, I'll update once Allie does something exciting...Or does something at all. Lol.

Allie fell asleep last night around eight thirty-ish. I put her on pause til this morning but I didn't play with her I just made sure she was okay. Then a few minutes ago I got home from school and turned her on. All her happy and hungry hearts are full and she is at the correct weight for once! Right now she has four thousand five hundred and seventy points. Wait, I gotta check the shop. I just bought Allie a plant so now she has four thousand three hundred and seventy points! Hooray. I'm working on a Fan Fiction which I will be submitting soon! So look for it!

A little while ago Allie beeped but once again she was fine. So I put her in time out. Now she has FOUR training bars! But she didnt lose any happy hearts thankfully. I just submitted a Fan Fiction, it'll be reviewed by a moderator though. But be looking!

Today Allie didn't do much. She played lots of games. Ate lots of food. And was quiet a lot. Them mailman came at four like usual but nothing FANTASTIC happened. But then at five thirty (two minutes ago!) the mailman came. So I opened it and there was a message from the king. He gave Allie ONE THOUSAND POINTS! YAYYY!!!

Yesterday nothing much happened. At all. Except for Allie got mail at about five thirty last night and it was a snake. It took ALL of Allie's happy hearts >< So I just fed her four snacks. Which made her overweight. But I didn't play any games because I was busy. So anyway, I took her off pause at nine this morning and she'll stay on overnight until she evolves! I want her to be an adult by Tuesday because I don't have school on Monday so it gives me some extra time. This morning I got her down to twelve pounds (only two overwight!) and bought her a corn dog from the shop. Allie also donated two thousand and one points to the King, leaving her with four thousand five hundred and seventy nine points. A lot eh? I'm gonna search around TamaTalk so I can get ALL THIRTY TWO SOUVENIERS! Wooha. Allie will be very happy ^^

Okay so Allie donated some more points to the King right? Well I got mail and it was from the King and he gave Allie FOUR HUNDRED POINTS. Hoorah. Later, he came back and gave her FOUR HUNDRED MORE POINTS! Hoorah. And now, now the fun never ends! Just a minute ago it made the mail beep noise so I went to look. As it turns out, Allie was EVOLVING into a Ringotchi! Yayyy! Now shes a teen and shes ONE year old! YAY! And she wasnt even on for twenty four hours! Today is a GREAT day! I'm REALLY happy now!

I just bought a new V4! Hoorah! I just started her up (yes, it's a girl) and named her Ritz! Ritz is gonna connect with Allie soon. One sec, I gotta make her happy. And content with her hunger. Okay. She has all her happy and hungry hearts. Allie has all her training bars but she still beeps for no reason :) Confusing! Okay. Well, one sec, I'ma make them become friends. Ritz is going to Allie. They're jumping on a teeter totter. And now Ritz is back. I love the name Ritz. But I gotta go. Updates later? mmhm.



Yesterday I accidentally left Allie on for TWELVE HOURS STRAIGHT! I didn't even play with her that whole time. When I found her she was starving, very unhappy, had four poopies and was sick. I fixed EVERYTHING! Today I decided to leave my Tama's on all day while I was at school, checking them only every hour or so. At about eight fourty five Ritz and Allie were happily brushing their teeth. After school I noticed that ALLIE WAS AN ADULT! She is three years old now. SHE IS A MAIDTCHI! OMG, she is soooo cute! RITZ IS A TEEEEN! She is one year old. SHE IS A YOUNG DOROTCHI! Both are sooo cute, I've never had either. BYEEE!


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