V6... Log?


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New member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hi, my name is Babo for now. I used to take care of my pet, but I put him somewhere and now I cant find him. He is a V6, the music star ones, and I am gonna tell you a story about my last tama that I remember, Vemmi.

Vemmi is probably still on pause or he is dead, I forget. :]

Okay, so I hatched him on a boring, rainy day. I really wanted something to just play with. And then, when he hatched, I became strangely attracted to him, like a baby. So, I took care of him, and I think he liked rock music, then. I kept playing until he was a child, and I thought he was the most adorable thing. I kept playing with him for, probably, another hour, and I started to see a faint line on the screen, from top to bottom.

And so I was just like, whatever. Its just a line. And so I kept playing with him.

And after another 5 minutes, I saw the line getting darker and darker. I was thinking, setgtgdbgyabfghbshdbfuhfdeee?!?

It was covering half the screen now. I was getting ready for goodbye with my baby.

It seemed that he was sad, too.

I was so heartbroken, my baby slowly fading away. He was also real smart.

I would miss him.

And then, the darkness covered the rest of the screen.

I wasnt able to find anything online about what it was, but it was a good thing! Keep reading!!

Well, so I was crushed that Vemmi was missing, and the whole tama was blank. I decided to try pause, and nothing happened. Thats whan I heard little Vemmi beep. :[

Bee beep beep bee beep, bee beep beep bee beep.

I thought the dark had won over my child, but I was wrong.

I was franticly trying to get Vemmi back, when I heard a long beep. And thats when it was over. Or so I thought.

It took me to the egg screen. I hit the middle button.


I pressed download.


I saw my baby on the screen!!!


But wait.... he had a new insurment and a new, expensive toy with him! I looked in his inventory.. he had all new items! It was awesome!

Who do you think was behind the darkness giving out presents?

Santa claus?

A fairy?

A random hobo?

Well that was the story of me and Vemmi.

Xoxo.. byeee!

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