V5 familitchi pets


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Jun 27, 2008
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when you have a non-blended family, i noticed in the family charts that there are family pets. I was wondering what they did and how you would get them. Thanks!

You can only get pets if you have a prue-bred Family. Here are the combinations of pure Families:

Mame Family: Mametchi + Chantotchi

Meme Family: Memetchi + Mumutchi

Kuchipa Family: Kuchipatchi + Yonepatchi

Violet Family: Violetchi + Sukatchi

Each pure family has a different pet. Try expirementing with the different pure families to find out which pet you like! You can't raise the pets, though. They only come out in animations.

You can only get pets if you have a prue-bred Family. Here are the combinations of pure Families:
Mame Family: Mametchi + Chantotchi

Meme Family: Memetchi + Mumutchi

Kuchipa Family: Kuchipatchi + Yonepatchi

Violet Family: Violetchi + Sukatchi

Each pure family has a different pet. Try expirementing with the different pure families to find out which pet you like! You can't raise the pets, though. They only come out in animations.
they also need 100% bond

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