V4 tama diaries


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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2007
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Hi!Welcome to tamagotchi v4 diaries!(you can post in here :angry: )Well,here we go!

Rok:Hi! I am Rok.I am now a puntatitchi :furawatchi: Guess what?I am going to evolve tommorow!!!!!!!I really hope my mommy takes good care of me,for I want to be a young Dorotchi.OK,I know I am to young,mommy always says,but I have a friend that is a boy,a boyfriend.mommy doesent know,though.well,he is a young kutchipatchi,(thats why I want to be a young dorotchi,because y.k and y.d are both vearry kind.)I told my mommy,but I didnt tell her that I have a crush.well,his name is ronny.

Lily78900:well,we are going to visit tamagotchi town now,for she wants to see her mother again.I rented a UFO,and she went somewhere with lots or other littlle guys on it,i think it is the moon!well,Rok really likes goint to tamatown.Bye now!Rok:Yah,bye!

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Hi!I am back,again! Rok has been beggingto talk to you people,so,here she is!

Rok:Mommy didnt do it right!I'm not a young dorotchi!I'm a hawaitchi! :chohimetchi: :unsure: :huh: well,at least i figured out that Ronny loves hawaitchis! :huh: :mellow: :angry: :( :( :eek: :eek: I LUV HIM SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!well,I went to tamatown again,to show my real mommy what I changed into.she was soooo happy for me,I think.well,she gave me a chest,and grandma d. gave me 500 points!

Lily78900:well,Rok is vearry cute,now that she has changed.I am trying to get pyconotchi.well,bye now!

Ok.rok is doing well and all,but she has a 100 out of 100 chance of becoming a pyconotchi.well,here she is:

Rok:ronny evolvd today!I know that you dont care,but he is a kutchipatchi!!!My mommy told me that i might be a pyconotchi!ronny saidthat if I an a pyconotchi,he will take me on a date!!well,I am going to ask momy if we can go to tamatown,right now!I need to get lots of stuff!!!!!!!!!!!

Lily78900:eek:k,Rok,we will go to tamatown now.by for now! :) :angry: ;)

Rok:Oh,yeah!I got a date with ronny!Im a pyconotchi!Im way too exited to stop talking!!!!!!!!!Oh,WeLl,HeReS MoMmY!!!!

Lily78900:eek:k,rok.I get It.you get a date with ronny.great!now I will get her a skirt,and a fancy shirt.(By the way,people,can someone tell me how to get the ring for v4 tamas?thxx!!!)well,she is begging to get a ring,for she wants to marryhim!its so cool!

Rok:yeah!well,gottsa go to tamatown now!bye!!!! :mametchi: :wacko:

rok:eek:h,yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am way to exited to think clearly!I mated with ronny,and now i have a baby girl!by the way,i also got a job as a hair dresser!!!!!Its way cool!well,heres mommy!!

Lily78900:eek:k,everything here is true.she is.....ok its an emergency!!!!bye pplz! :D :eek: :D :mimitchi: :unsure: B) B)

ok.the emergency was I went tomy friends house to se her new tamas.(not really an emergency,hehehehe.please,ppl,click on my signathure!!!)well,rok left today,and i am sooooooo sad.rok was my favorite charecter of all!!!well,I names the baby pokky,and she is a girl.(already told you that!!)she is now a harutchi.here she is!

Pokky:Hi people!my mommy is sooooo cool! B) B) B) I really miss her,though.she left me at home when she went to get icecream at baskin robbins!

Lily78900:sooo not true!I took you with me,but you fell asleep when we got there!!!

Pokky:no,I didnt!!!

Lily78900:eek:k,you win.(she is LIEING,though!!!heheheheheheheheheheh :D :D :blink: :D B) B) )ok,we gotta go now!bye!


ok.were back.i found out that every tamagotchi loves yougurt!well,pokky wants to tell you something.

Pokky:hi people!gues what? <_< mommy showed me how see kiko the puppy.all you hae to do is click on her sig. <_< :lol: well,i am goint to make mommy let me see kiko again.

Lily:eek:k.we aregoing to go see kiko again.byebyebye!

Pokky:I am a hawaitchi!!!just like what my mommy grew into!no wonder people calll me a mommys girl.I wanted to be a hannahotchi,but it would be cool if i grew into a pyconotchi,just like my mommy,Rok.

Lily78900:yes,it would be cool if you grew into a pyconotchi,but,I think Hannahotchi would fit you better.bye guys! :angry: :mellow: :mellow:

Sorry!I havent posted in a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.well,roks baby,pokky,she had a baby girl,the baby girl is yosie,she died and I got a girl(lotsa girls hehehehehehehehehehe!!)well,she is a maskatchi,and she was a young dorotchi.well,pm me again for me to post more in this log.byebyebye!!

:angry: :angry: Ops!Forgot to tell you her name.she is Zip.here she is


sorry!she doesnt want to talk right now,and my mom is expecting me to wrap a present,read,take a shower,and a whole lotta BORING stuff like that.bye!

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