V4 questions - meaning of pencils, flowers?


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Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
first off my tama has 165 pencils, 102 sparkles and 93 flowers what does this mean keeping in mind its a V4

also when i get 30 in skipping i get 400p but recently i get 500p why does this happen?

also yesterday at the zoo (we take our tamas everywhere) my sisters tama was looking at an egg with a star on it! anybody else seen this? if so please reply

finnaly when does the matchmaker come because i want to carry on my generation and im getting worried now

its a masktchi

TamaMumEdit: I changed your topic title to include info on your question - it helps to let members know what you need answers to ^_^

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About the 400 GP vs 500 GP prize for winning the game: Your fortune cookie levels determine the top prize amount in the games.

Egg with a star: Seasonal animation for Easter.

-The pencil,star and flower are skill points. They help to determine which jobs and characters you get when they evolve.

-On V4 the matchmaker comes when your tama is between 6 to 9 years old.

You can head over to the "Tips & Tricks" forum and view the "V4 topic index" that is pinned. I think you will find it very useful.

~shawdy~ :p

what are fortune cookie levels?
As suggested before, if you visit Tips & Tricks forum there is a topic pinned towards the top of the page called V4: Index of Useful Topics

Get to know your V4 by reading through a few of those topics.

You'll see that you receive a "fortune" sent in the V4 mail - it's also known as a fortune cookie.

If you receive a good (high) fortune level in the mail you will get higher scores when you play games.

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oh i get it so the bodybuilder person would mean better luck at games the points bag would be cheaper items

about the flower pencil and sparkle there kinda like Strengths like lets say

if the pencil is high enough u will get mametchi who is smart so pencil represents smartness

if sparkle u will get memetchi so sparkle represents fashion or somthing like that

if the flower is high u will get kuchipatchi so flower represents wildness,forest idk XD but in this case to get kuchi,mame,meme u need 200+ i think?

like if i have 100 pencil i wont get mame but if i have 200 i have more chances =D?

i hope i helped

~magnom :)

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