V4 Log


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Mametchi 4ever

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
At Yankee Stadium admiring field.
I just got a V4 Yesterday. A petichi. He hasn't went to school yet. He is good at playing jump rope. I think he likes scones and sushi!


Gender: male

Training level: 1

art points: 1

social points: 6

flower points: 7

16 lbs

He just became a Harutchi!


Gender: Male

training level: 3

Art points:15

social points:25

flower points: 11

Generation 1

10 lbs


Username: CHAI

He is now really, really good at jumprope :( He is kinda good at mimic but not too good... He has went to school, finally!!!

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Just today he became a young mametchi! He is outta preschool and is now in primary school! He also started brushing his teeth and trying to break outta the screen(lol)


Gender: male

training level: 4

art points: 25

social points: 35

flower points: 11

1 year

21 lbs

generation 1


username: CHAI

Hey! It's me! He passed primary school!! He has his graduation cap and clothe. He might become a doctor since he went to the hospital place(he wasn't sick!!) It's really exciting!


Traning: full

art point: 77

social: 42

flower: 27

4 years

48 lbs

gender: boy

1 generation

point: 201999(yay I am rich! :mellow: )

Look forward to the next part of my exciting tama log

Currently he is 7 years old and I am totally rich! I haven't bought him a omlette yet, though... :( Oh well. I only buy him items and a quarter chance of food. I am saving money! I hope Mametchi gets a Mimitchi, Kutchipatchi or anything but a Makkioktchi or a Memetchi.. I hate the coupling of Mametchi and Memetchi or Makkikotchi... Grr.. I almost got another V4 last night but my mom said no so no V4 for poor me.. Poor Mametchi has no friend. My 2 v3's have no battery soo... yeah. I tried to connect it with a tama school but it failed.

finally, Mametchi got married to Mimitchi!! He had a baby!! Lol I am typing this at my school's library computer! I usually use my computer at home but I was curious so yeah.. ^_^

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