V4 Log (5th generation+)


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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2007
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NY state
So this is my little log. I'm in the middle of a growth process and a family, but I really wanted to start a log.

Name: Felix

Age:2 yrs



Smart: 185



Generation 5

Species: Young Robotchi

Dream Character: Tensatchi

Dream Job: Scientist

I hav 2 get 360 smart skill points in order to get the special Mame tribe character (tensatchi). I think my tama evolves 2morrow. !!1

I woke Felix up an hour early to work on his skill points. I played Shape like mad!!! Then I finally got 360 skill points so I stopped playing. He changed into Mametchi! Not that I dislike Mametchi..I'm gonna go look for help on getting Tenschi (The one kinda like Mametchi only with huge glasses). I think it said somewhere that you can get that character after you get an adult from 900 skill points in smart. I Don't know. I'll try. But if you have 2 days to get 900 smart skill points, it's insane.

Name:Felix (y'all know that)

Age:3 yrs

Weight:30 lbs





Species: Mametchi

Dream Character: Tensatchi (if still possable)

Dream Job: Scientist

I woke Felix up an hour early to work on his skill points. I played Shape like mad!!! Then I finally got 360 skill points so I stopped playing. He changed into Mametchi! Not that I dislike Mametchi..I'm gonna go look for help on getting Tenschi (The one kinda like Mametchi only with huge glasses). I think it said somewhere that you can get that character after you get an adult from 900 skill points in smart. I Don't know. I'll try. But if you have 2 days to get 900 smart skill points, it's insane.
Name:Felix (y'all know that)

Age:3 yrs

Weight:30 lbs





Species: Mametchi

Dream Character: Tensatchi (if still possable)

Dream Job: Scientist
oh yea! Rumors right! Felix turned into tensatchi a hour after I posted my last log entry. It's so cool! I was bragging my little brother (also likes tamas) that I got the smartest tama ever on v4! The thing is, he's always frowning. On the tama screen it has a dot and on tamatown he has a frown. Just because he's smart doesn't mean he has to frown. I mean *sniffle* i think I'm pretty smart *sniffle*. joking. anyway,for the care part. Scince I started this when Felix was a teen I can't tell you how i cared for him. But I can tell u this: His mother was a mimitchi and he was raised when I had nothing to do but sit at home and care for him. (thus-absolute pampering). So i've decided im gonna stop giving my stats every time I post, but instead just update my sig. So here comes the most boring part of a tama's life. Adult. Oh wait-I have a job 2 wait for! I'll tell you that 2morrow. But after the shine of my first job wears off, I have to wait for the matchmaker. I hav lots of tamas (okay not lots like other peeps) but I hav to convinve my parents to let me get a battery for at least one of them. :) this is a really long log entry. Sorry! HAPPY HOLLOWEEN!!!!

So Felix got a job today. I was on the subway. Yes, he did get his dream job a scientist. I actually find the scientist job kinda tricky! So I don't want to write a really bad log, but there is no care to be recorded. So for the next few days i'll record his pay for his job, and any interesting things that happen to him. Of course when the matchmaker comes in 3-4 days I'll be writing all about it. I won't spam but I also won't be giving great big stories. Just a check up to keep my log on the first page of the forum. :D ;)

So my first day with no fantasic great development. I got a few skill points, went to work and got better at my job, but nothing really else. As I wait for the matchmaker I plan for my next tama. I'm thinking...should it be a boy or girl? i think another boy. I have a pattern: girl girl, boy boy. i dunno. I also had a kutchipatchi, then a memetchi then a mimitchi. the three main tamas. i now have a tensatchi. I want to get the arts specail character then the social. then i have a character goal. if I get to the 15th generation im gonna let my tama grow to be an old person. If i even get that far. So thats my current plan. kay!

I have to admit ive been neglecting felix over the last 24 hours. I don't play games with him, and don't feed him special foods anymore. He doesn't get overweight cuz i am addicted to his job. i get better everytime. its not very hard anymore . So Felix is 6yrs old and im expecting the matchmaker by the 6th. In a way, this is good and bad. I don't have to be running all over the place screaming for my tama. i get some relaxation from my little digital responsabilty without just pausing him and stuffing him in a drawer for a month. then on the other side,, i love caaring for my little baby tama!!! :D ;) so ill see u tu mar oh (tomorrow) and if im extra ridiculously lucky the matchmaker will come.

I have to admit ive been neglecting felix over the last 24 hours. I don't play games with him, and don't feed him special foods anymore. He doesn't get overweight cuz i am addicted to his job. i get better everytime. its not very hard anymore . So Felix is 6yrs old and im expecting the matchmaker by the 6th. In a way, this is good and bad. I don't have to be running all over the place screaming for my tama. i get some relaxation from my little digital responsabilty without just pausing him and stuffing him in a drawer for a month. then on the other side,, i love caaring for my little baby tama!!! :lol: :lol: so ill see u tu mar oh (tomorrow) and if im extra ridiculously lucky the matchmaker will come.
omg omg omg! the matchmaker came at 7pm!! i was freaking out so i accidently pressed "b" which gives u a girl. I wanted a boy. well, once i thought it out i like the idea of another little girl. but i can't believe the matchmaker came so early!!! and the special social character Makikotchi is supposed to be a girl right??? well if it isn't, ill get a chacter i don't even know about it. okay....

okay so i forgot to write yesterday but ill fill u in. My little tama, felix's daughter is now a child named Pearl. She was born when I was on my way to school so kind of got a neglected start. She turned into a child that i recongnize from v3. does that mean she's gonna be a universal tama? o pleaz no! as for my Makikotchi dream, i have more arts than smart or kindness which is helping. today im gona spend lots of time with her (no school, election day u.s.) and keep pearl more healthy. Wow. 6th generation. in my 3 ears of tamas ive never made it this high!

its been a while scince I wrote here last. Pearl turned into a young memetchi then into Memetchi. I've given up my order of characters i want, but im just keeping a list to get them all. Pearl has been paused for a while (ive been busy with homework) and im don't expect the matchmaker till 13th of November. Im still going for Makikotchi for my next generation!!!!! :)

okay, so Pearl got a social job (firewoman) but that's okay. I love the mini game for that job and I'm not trying to get arts points anymore. I have been going on pause majorly but I am making a new guess to when the match maker wil come:17 or 18th of the month at the latest. Today she is 6 yrs old when the matchmaker comes. So I"m just eagerly awaitnig that moment so I can start my 7th generation and a chance for Makikotchi. I'nm not obsessed, I just want to get all the special characters for fun. Kay!!

okay, so Pearl got a social job (firewoman) but that's okay. I love the mini game for that job and I'm not trying to get arts points anymore. I have been going on pause majorly but I am making a new guess to when the match maker wil come:17 or 18th of the month at the latest. Today she is 6 yrs old when the matchmaker comes. So I"m just eagerly awaitnig that moment so I can start my 7th generation and a chance for Makikotchi. I'nm not obsessed, I just want to get all the special characters for fun. Kay!!
yo! yes the matchmaker came and cuz im trying to get Makikotchi I pushed "b" button when the matchmaker cam and got a girl. See, this kid will be born on a Friday so I hav all weekend to get lots o skill points. So I needed to bump my log up and I had news. Pearl's daughter will be Jade, river or rain. IDK. Maybe river. anyway......

So. Im on my 7th generation and I named Pearl's daughter River. I am determined to have Makiko (thanx clear w lava purple pink, I must have looked like a fool forever) this time. I will. Wow. 7th generation. THis is an all time high. for me of course. so im playing jumprope (as i type) to get arts points. I think Mimic just gets social. This is based on experiance!! And the Kindergarden helps with arts points. So cuz it's the weekend, this kid is going to have exellent care. When I go back to school, she'll be a teen though, and thats the most crutial part of life. (omg i sound like my mom!) :furawatchi: :D I'll try. And if I don't get Makiko, I will never say the name again. (for the next 5 generations). Farewell! :( :D :D

so River became a young Memetchi which is going in the right direction. I need to seriously get skill points today. River changes tomorrow!!. I have like 60 arts! :) :) :p :p SO thats whats happening. Oh and I chose the arts teacher (ms Flower). yea.

so again, my tama ended up paused alot and I got a universal character!!!!!! this is not a good thing!!!!!!! then again, my masktchi is kinda cute. Very old Character. And it's another character knocked over on my goal to get all the characters. So River is 4 years old and I won't get the matchmaker until 26 of the month. im growing to love :eek: the more I look at her, even though she is universal. Okay then. BYEE :p :p :( :( :( :( :( :(

Yo! so River got a job day before yesterday as a Hairdresser. I had that job before but I love it. It is also easy and give lots of Gotchi points. I've been buying lots of tickets and im now really broke. oh and i remembered, scince i didn't get makiko, i cant try to get her until my 12th generation!!!! that was my deal w\ myself. Now I want to get that dinosaur looking tama in the Kuchi family. its name is Sebiretchi. I pulled the name out of a hat, and realized id chosen a really odd tama. But its fun that way. okay then.

the matchmaker came 2 days ago and River had a baby boy. This morning I named him Caleb. I did a pretty good job of taking car of him while sneaking care during classes. By 3rd period I put little toddler Caleb(puchitchi) on pause until 4:15 this afternoon. I then played lots of games with him. Mostly mimic cuz thats the game that gives the most social points. The thing is my parent history is all artistic and smart for the last 5 generations! I love my tama so much that I want to care for it 24/7. But a social character needs a little neglect! Oh well. its eaiser to neglect than to devote all time to him. C ya!

I kept Caleb on pause from 9:00 when school started until 7:00 pm. I played lots of games and gave him a little to many snacks. And I left him alone for an hour but he was fairly okay. I don't send him to Elementry school alot cuz he always makes a mistake with the singing. Because he is a guy, I think he will be Tarkaotchi not Sebiratchi. Anyway, Im on my 8th generation!!!!! I cant believe it! this is what Caleb has to say:

Hi everyone! Im Caleb, a Puchitchi. My mommy was a Masktchi, but Mametchi_Queen takes care of me. Sadly, she is very busy with school and dance so she puts me on pause for the best part of 24 hours. But I love her. And she will play with me over the weekend she promised me. I really want to be a Kutchipatchi, but M.Q (Mametchi_Queen) wants me to be a tarkaotchi. THey're so fat! but she thinks they are cute. We'll see what I evlove into. Bye!!!!

Caleb turned into a young robotchi today. I had him off pause half the day and played with him alot. Even though he had more arts and social points, somehow Caleb became part of the Mame tribe!! So I still got the social teacher cuz I want that funny social character on the growth chart.

Caleb turned into a Zukyutchi with 106 social skill points this morning! the character looks kinda like a girl, but I like it anyway. On my screan it looks really big compared to little robotchi I've had for the past couple of days.So I cross off Zukyutchi off my list of tamas to have.


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