V4 And V4.5 log!


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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2007
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Hi! I M Lily...I Have 4 tamas but one broke and the other is chinesse AND OUT OF BATTERIES. But I have a working V4 and V4.5. My V4 is a girl and her name is Elda. My V4.5 is a boy and is named Loed. It is pronounced LOW-EDD. They are both toddlers, And they will evolve today. I Can Not Wait! I will post when they change!

I Am Very Happy, ;) :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :) :) :) :) :D :D :D :D :D


Guess What????? They Still Have Not Evolved! I Think I Was Wrong... I Think that they are going to evolve tommorrow....... :furawatchi: <_< :D Well, I will post back here when they do.....(UGHHHHH!!!!! I Am SOOOOOOO Mad...Well, Not Really Cause' I Guess They Like Bein' A Toddeler.

Bye-Bye! Lily :lol:

:furawatchi: :furawatchi: :D They Evolved!!!! tHEY bOTH eVOLVED!!!!! Loed is a Kometchi and Elda is a Ojyotchi!! I am sooooo Happy!

I Connected them and they started going on dates!!! SOOOOO KOOL!!! B) They will mate...I decided that they will.

Oh yeah, People its ok to write in my log.

Tamas Evolved Today,


Does anyone know any cheats 4 skill points???

Again, Its ok to write in my log.

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Hi People! Yestarday something weird happened with my tama. It started making these weird screaching noises.....

I wonder what happened! ;) :( :p Anyway, I think that they are both going to evolve today!!!!!!!!! :D :D

I Can Not Wait!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D I think that Elda is going to be a maskotchi :p .....WAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maskotchi is not my fave charecter! She is one of my least faves! WAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Loed has a chance of being a

beautiful tama.....OR NOT! Well,after they mate, If they get girls, What should I name them??? Or what about boys???

Just reply by writing your Ideas in MY LOG!!!!!

Hi People!!! I think that they (my tamas) are going to evole today!

Thats all... :D

I Am starting to think that they are not going to evolve today..... No, I know that they aren's going to!!!!! WAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They might evolve tomorrow but I don't know... :angry: :angry: :angry:

Oh Yeah! I don't know how to type in color please people help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elda just rolled her eyes at me. B) Loed just beeped at me.

Me: What do you want, Loed?

Loed: I want to EAT NOW!!!

Me: I just fed you! are you still hungry?!?

Loed: UHHH...

Me: Thats it, you beeped at me for no reason. Thats annoying Loed. Stop. Go to your room now!!!

Loed: But...But...But...WHY? *He Does Puppydog Eyes At Me*

Me: Uhhhhh..... Never Mind.

Why do tamas have to be sooooo nice? I mean creepy nice? I MEAN, SCARY NICE????????????????


Anyway, Bye!

Me and Loed are going to go to tamatown now.Bye!!!

Loed: Bye-Bye!!! Oh yeah, Girls who are single out there, my number is---

Me: Loed! Stop!

Loed: Ok, Fine then. Just Bye.

My Tamas Evolved today...On the way to get chineese food!!! It happened about 1 hour 30 minuts ago.

Loed evolved into a wierd octopuss thing... He looks misereble and dead!!! :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

And Elda, She evolved into..... Now guess..... a maskotchi. :unsure:

Loed's charecter is kinda cute but, Elda..... Is..... Uhhhhh..... Kinda cute. KINDA AS IN NOT!!!


This is a list of all of the cool things happening on my tamas.

1. I found out what character Loed is. He is a Tempatchi. The one with a lot of legs.

2. I kinda think maskotchis are cute now that I have one. :)

3. They are both 3 years old. They will mate tommorrow!

Thats all. And...... LazyButt Elda :) is still asleep. She wakes up at 10:00 A.M.!!!!!! Such a lazybutt!

Oh, Loed wants to tell you something.

Loed: Hi People! My mommy is so mean! She let me get fat! 86 lbs!! Guess how? She didn't have enough time to play

games with me yestarday! I can't beleive it! And Elda is...Ummmmm..... Fatter than me. 99 lbs!!!!!

But my mommy says that she will NOT let my baby or Elda's baby get


Loed is done talking... Elda is talking in her sleep.

Elda: Vroom...Vroom..... Can't.....Wait...Till'.....Drivers.....License.....

Me: Ummmm..... Elda?

ok thats all loed is still mad at me for letting him get so fat.

I need to go play games with Loed.


Loed: Bye-Bye! :D :D :lol:

:ichigotchi: :huh: Hi Yall !!! I still havent come up with good names for my tamas babies. please help me name them! And if you gie me a name that I like, I might use it!

Elda and Loed are both going to get jobs today. I Can't wait!

I Will Post back when they get jobs. :D :D

Loed and Elda just mated!!!!! They got a couple of girls. I will name them Ally and Alex. I LUV THOSE NAMES!!!!! :blink:

Bye! Gotta go.


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