V4.5 Tama Log


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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
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Hi there everyone! This is my first time making a log so sorry if i'm not too got at it. Anyway, I started a little bit late but right now i'll say everything about my V4.5 Fluff.

She's sleeping right now...

Fluff's daddy left this morning so she was really scared. I fed her and made her happy then i had to go to school.

When i came back i played a few games. She really loves climb alot. We made lots of points by playing. ^-^

*Fluff wakes up*

Mummy! Are you talking about me?

Yeah! I'm making a log about you!

Oh yay yay yay!

*she falls asleep again*

Anyway, later on I heard a beeping noise. It sounded like an evolving noise! I grabbed Fluff watching her change into a really cute, Kuchitamachi! She was so proud of herself! Soon after she got a message about going to preschool. She was really excited about it.

I've been playing with her all the time making she she's happy.

Now like i said before shes sleeping. She fell asleep at 8pm, right after i finished playing a game. She was really tired.

Well, i'll update tomorrow! Hope you like my log so far!! ^_^ :lol: Cya later!

Hi everyone!

When i woke up this morning Fluff was still sleeping.

Later on I heard that she got some mail. So of course, i checked it!

It was a fortune. Pretty good things in it too!

Fluff was really happy, she couldn't wait to get more mail.

Now, i guess Fluff wants to talk...

Hi hi hi! I'm Fluff! Who are you? Nice to meet you guys! I'm really excited! I think Mummy is gonna bring me to Tamatown but i'm not sure! Yeah yeah yeah! So how are you? I'm really excited! Wait, did i already say that? Anyway, I really hope that i'll be really really smart! Well, i'm off to preschool, bye bye bye!

Fluff, don't go to preschool yet! Fluff!

But Mummy, i wanna go!

Just wait please.

Ok then!

Well, as you already know, i'm taking Fluff to preschool and then, we're going to tamatown! I'll probably bring her to the movies in tamatown too.

Also, if you want to know her stats, they're in my siggy.

Can we go now?

Fluff wait!

Well, I gotta go now, cya later!

Hi there!

Fluff and I are back from TamaTown!

I really really liked the movies we watched! They were funnnyy!

We made 9900 GP from Tamatown and we got....

a Passport,

a Picture Book,

an Organ,

2 Posters,

a Brochure,

a Box,

a Stamp,

and a Lollipop!

Fluff ate the lollipop right away!

Yeah, it was good mummy!

Fluff was also really proud of herself at preschool too. She did the dances really well!

Dancing was fun!

Well, now we're going to go to the shop to see whats in there.


Oh look Fluff, a ticket!

For only 5000GP Mummy!

Do you want to get it?

Yeah yeah yeah!

Wow, we bought a really cheap ticket!

Fluff, when you're an adult, we can use the ticket that i'm going to be saving for you!

Oh yay!

Well, we're off again to play some games. I need to make sure she's not fat and i need to get her skill points up. Cya later!


These are her skill point thingys so far!

smiley face-60



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Hey there!

A while ago Fluff got a message from the king and it was a Fishing Pole!

She got another message and she got 900 GP!!

Mummy,I think the king really likes me. Maybee its because i'm the smartestest Kuchitamachi ever!

You are very smart Fluff. Don't say that your the smartest though, it'll be mean to others.

Oh ok! I'm one of the smartestestest!

Thats better!

Tee hee

Anyway, Fluff and i played a whole bunch of games so she wouldn't be fat and she would get more skill points.


Yes Fluff?

Can i go to pweschooool again?

Ok honey, let me just finish writing in the log.

Okey, tank oo Mummy

Well, we're going to Preschool again so see ya later!

I also really hope that she evolves today!

I wanna be a pretty teenager!

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Fluff's wish came true!

Today at 10:02am she evolved into a.....


I'm so happy! I can't believe it! Soon i'll be able to go to school and everything!

I had to put Fluff on pause for a bit yesterday because i was so busy. People came over and friends came over and if i left her off pause, her happy and hungry bars would probably go down a lot.


I'm so happy she'll soon be able to go to school!!


Yes Fluff?

I have mail.

Oh you do? Lets check it.


Oh its a fortune!



Big tough guy dude(strength?)-2

Yay pretty good don't cha think Mummy?

Oh yeah!

Well, i'll cya guys later. We're probably going to go to tamatown again today and i'll play some games with her. Bye!


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Just now Fluff got a message in the mail to go to school!

I was a upset to leave preschool but i got over it. Now i'm realy happy!

Fluff chose the Turtle teacher because thats what her daddy chose.

Now Fluff is going to talk about school.

Hi everyone! I really like school alot! I'm already learning a whole bunch of stuff! I think its really fun trying to guess the smiley in the box! Well, cya!

I played Climb 2 times with her.

Well, now i gotta go, cya soon!

Hi everyone sorry i haven't replied in so long!!

I had to keep Fluff on pause for a bit again today because we've been really busy over the march break.

She's a little bit overweight right now but tomorrow i'm going to bring her to her school, play games, and do lots of stuff with her.

Also tomorrow my friend is coming over and she has a V4.5! So hopefully we can connect and Fluff and her tama will get to know each other!

Mummy, i don't really like being on pause...

I know Fluff, but if you weren't on pause then all your happy and hungry hearts would go down.

Oh yeah....

But don't worry, you'll be off pause for the whole day tomorrow!


Well, thats all for now, cya later!

:D :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:


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Hey everyone!

I just played a whole bunch of games with Fluff so now she's her normal weight.

Also i was looking at her skill points and i noticed that the smiley face was at 104! I'm so happy!

Yay! Does that mean i'm smart mummy?

I don't know but hopefully!


I'm sure you'll get a job really easily when you're an adult!

Tee hee!

Anyway, Fluff also went to school a few times and hopefully today we will go to tamatown. My friend should be here with her tama's in about an hour now.

Cya later!! :mellow: :) :)

Bye! :) :) :) :)

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Hi everyone!

Guess what?

Today at 9:50am Fluff evolved into a............


Shes so happy!

I'm so glad to be an adult! Soon i'll be able to get a job!

Heres her stats



Tough guy(strength?)-48




Well, thats about it, cya later!


Hi everyone! Fluff here! You're probably wondering why i'm here, well, Mummy decided to let me talk for the whole post! Isn't that great?!??!?!


Mummy and I just got back from going on a trip to Canada! It was great and i got a Maple Leaf souvenir!!

In tamatown I earned 9900GP from playing games! It didn't take to long...

Fluff, can i talk now!

Mummy wait a second!


I'm so happy that i'm a Purimatchi! Its really fun! I also just realized that i'm really good at dancing and skating.

Mummy i'm done now!


Hi everyone. I'm gue-

Mummy i got mail!!

Aww its a robber...



Man, he got away with it....

Thats ok Fluff, you still have lots of points.


I'm guessing that Fluff told you all about what we did just now so, i'll cya later!

Bye!! ^-^

Hi everyone!

Just now Fluff got a job working at i think the circus or something? Shes jumps on a trampoline and you have to pop balloons. Shes really happy with her job. ^-^

Hiii Fluff here! My job rox sox man! Its so much fun! I already went to it 2 times and won both!!

Also yesterday my V4 tama Jimmy had the name glitch... His new name is now Himmy...

But he's alright with his little baby boy. ^-^

I'm now 4 years old and i can't wait til i'm 5 or 6 to have a baby! If its a girl i'm naming her Fuzz and if its a boy i'm naming him Tyler(probably). I can't wait!

Well thats all for now, cya later! ^-^


Hey everyone!

Nuthin much has happened really...

Except for that we went to Fluff's job SO many times today!

I think that Fluff is a little bit overweight right now but she's sleeping so i can't play...

Well gotta go, cya later!!

*yawn* byee

Hi everyone!

Its morning and i just found out that Fluff has mail. She was also a little bit hungry and not as happy...

So i fed her and i gave her some snacks. Now we're checkin mail.

Its a fortune!






I wanted 3 for hearts or points though....

Hopefully you'll get it next time!


Well, we're off to play more games, cya later!


Oh and BTW, I'm 5 right now, hopefully the matchmaker will come soon!

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Hi everyone!

Fluff was on pause yesterday for most of the day...

I've been taking care of my V3 for a bit but now Fluff is back off pause.

My V3 just evolved into an adult a while ago.

I'm really hoping that the matchmaker will come for fluff today. ^-^

Though she's still 5 years old.

I'm so happy that son the matchmaker will come! I'm a little worried though, but it will be cool having a baby. I hope its a girl!

Hi everyone! So sorry that i haven't replied in so long!! ='(

Anyway, yesterday Fluff got married and had a baby boy!

We're both so happy!

I love my baby!

I was hoping for a girl but i love my baby boy just as much!

Goo Goo Baw wa?


He loves the colour red, red everything!

Well, thats about it for now! Cya later!

Bye!Goo wa bow wa buh byyyyyyyyy!

Hi everyone!

Today Fluff left her baby boy named......


Aaron really missed his mommy a lot so i'm playing lots of games with him and we're having fun!

He was just a little hungry a while ago but i fed him.

Now i guess he wants to talk?

Goo woo gah boo woo woo wa. Gah boo boo ga wah, goo too too too. Boo Aboo boopy.

I don't really know what he's saying but at the end it looks like I Aaron happy. Aww, so cute!

Now we're going to play some games! Cya!


Hi everyone!

Aaron evolved into a Kuchitamatchi!

Just like Fluff!

Hii evewybodyy! I am Aawon!

Aaron's really happy to meet everyone! Now he can finally talk!

Oh look, we have mail!

From Tamaloverr,

i love your log!



Tank oo Tamaloverr!


We're so happy that you like it!

Anyway, thats about all for now, cya later!


Hi everyone!

Today i left Aaron off pause and when i got a chance to see him, he was really hungry and not happy.

Now he's alright and he evolved into a......


He looks really nice!

Also today was my first day of school! It was so much fun!

I'm a little overweight but i'm sure Mommy will play games with me tomorrow or today.

I also can't wait 'til Easter! Its going to be really fun!

Well thats about all for now, cya later!


Hi everyone! Sorry i haven't replied for a bit!

Just now at 6:!5pm I got my first tamagotchi V5!!

I don't think i'll be writing in this log alot anymore because i will mostly be playing with my V5. So far their bonding is at 20%. I'm still playing with that Gotchi King DVD!!

My familys name is Fluff named after my V4.5 tama!

I have a Tororotchi, Mousetchi, and Belltchi!

They're all so cute!!

Well, thats about it!

BTW, Aaron says hi!

Hi everyone I wanna meet Mummy's new tama peoples. Cya later!


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