v4.5 log


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Feb 11, 2009
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This is a log about my v4.5 she just hatched and I named her Alex since it is a boy and girl name and i missed the part telling the gender. Here is her stats

Hunger: 3/4

happy: 4/4

here is what she says:

Alex: Baabaa goo fa tee bloo (baby talk)

Alex evolved! Now she is and adorable little toddler, or is it child?

Alex: Yay! Look at me! Isn't it great? I can talk now! This is-*falls asleep* Zzzzzz

well, she is sleeping.

Well, after Alex fell asleep she slept all night and then I put her on pause while I was at school. She has been playing with her friend, Greg the v3, a lot. He just evolved into a teenager. But when they played their first game Alex won! But Greg wasn't being a very good sport and came and gave her some poop! He got in a time out.

Alex: Greg is my new friend. He is the coolest to play with. Even though I almost always win! Here I will go play with him right now! *teleprts to Greg*

Alex: Greg, I have a present for you! *hands present and leaves*

Greg: Huh? *rips open present* Yay! A pie!

Alex: *floats back home* That went well! I think he likes my pie! Earlier today he gave me an ice cream cone! :D

Oh, by the way I think you should read Roxygirl26's tama log!

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Hi, sorry I didn't post earlier, I went out to eat with my family. Also we stopped at target and my sister got a music star and I got a lanyard for my tamagotchis. Also Alex evolved! She is an UraYoungMemetchi! She is SO adorable.

Alex: Hi! Aren't I absolutely GORGEOUS?!?!? I mean look at my wings!

She loves herself now. :)

Well, she met a new "friend" Today! He is a v4.5 just like her, teen, that is a gorgeous kujakutchi and she has been enjoying spending time with him!

Alex: YAY! My owner said "come on Alex, you are going to meet someone." And I was like "Is it Greg? I already know greg!" That is because he is my bff :p . But then she introduced me to a handsome young kujakutchi! He looks like a peacock. You could tell he was in to me because I am beautiful! I am going to talk to him now!

Alex: Hi Earth! (Earth is his name since he is globe design) You're in my tama log!

Earth: Really? :mellow: I think Jim has one of those

Alex: Yeah, yeah. Now tell us who you're owner is!

Earth: My owner is you're owners little sister. :D

Alex: Yup! :blink: Now that is enough from Earth :D ! Bye! ;)

Well, Alex seems to like interviewing :D . Ok, I will let you know how things go later! Bye!

Hi! I am about to go to bed but here is how my tamas day went.I put them on pause while i was at the movies so i didn't worry. Then after my little sisters basketball game she took us to Toys r us and I got another v5 cookie dough design! My little sister got another v5 AND another music star! :lol: Not fair! Then she got an "early" birthday present of a mini laptop even though her birthday is in march. Well, i took my v5 to tama town, then after my basketball game I went skating until about 9. I got back and she was asleep. I will feed her first thing she wakes up tomarrow. :lol:

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Oh no! Here, I will let Alex tell you what happend.

Alex: Oh my gosh! I went out to the mailbox to get my mail and see if it was from Earth, and there was a guy wearing a mask! That is right, the robber! He took 300 points! I am so angry -_- ! Well, at least soon I will become an adult an me and Earth will have a baby then go off to tama town where there is no robbers :( !

Yes there was a robber. Oh well, 300 isn't that much. I think Alex will evolve today though! Also my one of my v5s evolved and I bought a girls dresser and got the secret character.
