V4.5 Computer Pack Log!


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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2007
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So I decided to get myself a computer pack edition Tamagotchi.

I got it today, September 29th at 12:45PM.

Toys R Us, Hayward California. At the Manaphy event.

... xD Too much detail?

Anyways, I got a male, and I was watching Suite Life of Zack and Cody, and decide to name my pet "_Zac_" Instead of "_Zack" {Underscore is a space}

I play with him, and he evolves into this;; :angry:

n__n; With 1 training bar, at 11 lbs. and the stats.

Happy Points; 18

Sparkly points; 12

Glove Points; 18

At about dinner time, Zac went to bed. I woke him up, and played Climb a couple times.

Now the Glove Points are at 30. ^^

It's 11:22, Getting late. So I'm going to go make Zac go to bed, and we'll be enjoying our day together tomorrow!


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I'm back.

My tamagotchi woke up at it's usual time. 9:00 AM.

I got it's points up today.

Happy Points; 34

Sparkly Points; 12

Glove Points; 36

He should be turning into a teenager in a couple of hours. ^_^

Woohoo, 2 more hours until Zac evolves!

I'm going to aim for another Kuchipatchi, then get another Nonbritchi.. or however youspelled it.


Zac evolved to Kujakutchi.

According to this chart, Zac can evolve into

a] Serebutchi

b] Yasaguretchi

c] URA Togetchi.

Serebutchi's mask looks mighty fine, but Togetchi also looks kind of cute.

I'm going to earn some humor points for Serebutchi! :]

And here were the stats at evolution.

Humor 40

Gorgeous 38

Passion 36

15 Lbs.

and I'm off!

Will be back right before Zac goes to sleep to update his stats. ;)


I just finished making Zac go to school.

He's with mr Turtlepedia. (I think that was his name)

Anyways, He's at 60 Humor points right now, and I'm going to make him eat. >:3 Lots of Snacks.

Then play Apple.

I hope he doesn't go to sleep at 8:00 PM, because that's going to be boring...



Zac went to sleep, so I'll let him stay that way. I was thinking about waking him up for some apple picking.

He called for my attention once, and I punished him. (Feels Guilty)

Anyways his stats now.

Humor; 68

Gorgeous; 38

Passion; 36

Training |||||||||

15 lbs. (I got him to 18, then played apple once)


I'm getting bored of the computer now.

So I'm going to wake up Zac, feed some snacks. Then go pick apples with Zac! :)

He has 3 stars of Money in the fortune Cookie, So he'll be earning a bit of points, and 8 skill points! :D :lol: :D :D


Last night didn't go too well. -___-;

My friend IMed me on MSN, and I got distracted for an hour, then had to go to bed.

Today, After Zac woke up, I played apple a couple times.

He got a toothache today when I fed him a snack. :kuribotchi:

His points so far.

Humor; 212

Gorgeous; 38

Passion; 36



Zac went to bed, I got bored.

Woke him up.

Now I'm bored, so I'm getting off the computer.

Stats are still the same as the last post. So bye!

also. Points so far.

11980. 8D

I bought a plane ticket to N.Y.

on the first day, I earned myself a ticket to.. somewhere.

Then before I got that ticket, I got one to Canada from the king. 8)

Anyways, Bye!


In a couple minutes, Zac will be evolving! I'm so excited.

I hope I get Serebutchi! :lol: :) :D :D

Stats so far.

Humor; 482

Gorgeous; 38

Passion; 36


19 lbs. (I'm going to quickly play Apple, feed him a snack, then play again to get him to 15 which is his minimum weight.)

Zac started crying, I praised him!

Woohoo! Training Bars filled.

Anyways, Zac will evolve in a couple hours. T_T

Because this morning, It said my tamagotchi ran out of batteries, I pressed reset. and now it's working again. D:




Zac was sound asleep this morning while I was in 1st period.

Then during second period, I checked up on him, and he was already awake and evolved. He Turned into a URAMametchi! :D :eek: B)

Then I tried to play a game, and before I could press "b" to go onto the menu to play games, Zac stood at the middle of the screen.

I then thought "Hey, I've been so good to Zac, why would he die?"

Then I put my head down.

I put my head up 30 seconds later to find a different tamagotchi bouncing on my screen.

Zac had evolved to a Hyottocotchi. I pressed "C" to have a close up look of him. :eek:

I didn't know what he looked like, so I just thought of him as a "Strawberry elephant" XD

Stats at evolution.

15lbs, 2 yr old.

Full Happiness / Hunger.

Humor; 506

Gorgeous; 38

Passion; 36



Thanks, Flame!


Zac got a job offer today.

With over 600 points, There's no way he could fail the job offers that relate to humor! :kuribotchi:

So, I saw this job with a microphone on it. I pressed B, and got accepted.

:[ I don't like this game.

D: Not much today.

Zac got married today. :(

A baby boy. I'm going to name him something starting with a Z. XD.

I wonder if "Zed" is a word.

Wow! your so lucky you got a really rare one. I'm also a rock star and I agree that the game is so-so... But good job taking care of your tama, you must really care about him to get his points over 600 :) that's really impressive! My tamagotchi is a Purimatchi and I'm pretty happy with that. But how did you get such a rare tama? Is it because you got the skill points so high? :eek:


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