V3 Journal


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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
behind you(no seriously O.o)
I have another log, but it a little cluttered. I made this log EXCLUSEVLEY for my v3. My cousin shattered my other one so I had to use this one.

The egg hatched and a baby girl came out! I named her Moon, and she is a Teletchi. She looks happy! Here are her stats:

Name: Moon

Training: -none-

Age: 0

Wieght: 11lbs.

I'll update when Moon evolves. I hope you like this log, bye!

Moon evolved! She is a Tamatchi! She is sleeping now, but I'm so proud! Tamatchis and Mizutamatchis. I'll update somemore tommrow if I have time. I'm going to my granparents house, and thats probably where Moon will evolve into a teen. I hope Moon has a happy life... I guess I just care a little too much. Anyway, don't feel obliged to do this, but I would like feedback on my new log. I want to know if people like it or not. Thanks!


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