V3 and V4 log


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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
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I'm getting my v4 tomorrow (If everything goes as planned) and i'm playing my v3 now.

V3 log:

Chapter 1: The introduction:

Luke is taking care of his baby bart, they are double trouble, with them pooping all the time.

Luke is a :blink: . He is great to play with. It seems he enjoys pizza.

WOAH! Luke's hungry, better feed him!

I'll tell you if luke or his baby do anything worthwhile writing down.

Tommorow, chapter 2, another day.

v4 log:

Coming soon!

V3 log:

Still chapter one:

I'm making the most of my final moments with Luke, he should be heading back to Tamatown tomorrow or the day after.

I'm giving Luke some delcious treats, and trying to lower his weight as much as possible. I've been playing bump with him, and so far he's lost lots of weight and we're getting heaps of gotchi points. Woah, Lukes just done a poop, and it looks like his baby has yep, pooped. *sigh* i'll tell you if something interesting happens.

V4 log:

coming soon

Remember to keep checking this thread!

V3 Log

Chapter 2. Another day.

Luke left bart. He is poopin' a lot. Not much else.

V4 Log

Got Gaz today. He is around the same age as Bart. They are both still babies. I expect them to evolve soon.

I'm getting better at jump rope.

They both just evolved as soon as I pressed add reply!

V4 is Harutchi. V3 is the rain drop one.

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V4 Log

Gaz the Harutchi is great friends with bart. Mimic is kinda hard, I can't get past round 3.

Gaz went to pre-school for his first time. He enjoyed it. He also got a backpack. It's a nifty little thing.

V3 log

nothing to report.

V4 log

Gaz the Harutchi evolved into my favourite Tamagotchi, Young Androidtchi this morning. (AU time). He has been playing lots of games. Here are his social status thingies. (in order)




I love Gaz. i am treating him as best as I can. He graduated from pre-school and so far the robber has not come.

To get a Young Androidtchi play lots of games with your toddler tama, give it some snacks and keep it's weight low.

V3 Log

Forgot to mention, Bart is a patapatatchi. It has been pooping a lot. I haven't been giving him his share of games, so whatever he'll evolve into will be interesting. He has 6 training.

V4 Log

Because I absolutely love young Androtchi, which Gaz is, he is recieving star treatment from me. If he drops a happy heart I win a game of jumprope for him. He is really healthy. He has full training.

He went to school twice today and payed a visit to his old pre-school.

Here are his stats in order from the pencil, then the star, and finally the flower.




I heard you only need 40-50 of each to get a good job. I guess i'll get a great job then! :)

Tomorrow is monday here, which means school, but my tamas will probably be able to deal without going on pause. They're old enough to last a couple of hours without immediate attention.

My tamas should evolve tomorrow too. I can't wait. I wonder what they'll be?

I'll post back after school or when something exciting happens.

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I was right, my tamas didn't need to go on pause. Young Androitchi evolved into Androitchi.

my v3 hasn't evolved yet.

v3 log

Bart evolved into my very first Mametchi! I am so happy with myself!

v4 log

Gaz got a job at the television network. He got his job strait away!

The game is fun. You just have to press the correct buttons when the arrow hits the icon.

<=A. O=B. >=C


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