V3 and 4.5 log! Enjoy!


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Mar 6, 2008
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This is my first time at ever trying a log, so be kind... Okay, so Im not resetting just for this log so you'll have to join me at their current ages!


Name: Cica

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1st

Training: 6 bars

Age: 1 yr

Weight: 22 lbs

Cica is a Patapatatchi. I neglected him a little yesterday when I was playing with my baby over on V4.5. Fed him a lot of snacks so I think thats why he evolved into a patapatatchi... Not sure if its a good character or bad *shrugs*


Name: Yaila

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Training: 3 bars

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 10 lbs

Skill points:

Humor: 88

Beauty: 75

Love: 126

(Could anyone tell me if these are GOOD?)

Yaila is a Hitodetchi! So adorable! I'm hoping she will evolve into a young ura violetchi so fingers crossed for me!

Will post again when Yaila evolves, which SHOULD be later today...

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Yaila just evolved! Into a...... Ura Young Marotchi! Not really what I was hoping for, but cute anyway!

Im gonna go take a look at the growth charts and see what she might turn into!

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If anyone has the link to a growth chart could you PM me with it? I cant find one for love nor money EVEN THOUGH I was looking at one just yesterday.

*shakes fist at the TamaTalk search engine, google and the internet in general*

Quick skill point update for Yaila:


Beauty: 76

Love: 132

Weight: 22lbs

Training bar: 4/9

Age: 1yr

And for Cica:

Training bar: 7/9

Weight: 22lbs

Age: 1 yr

Cica is sooo cute. At first I didnt really like him but the little wings and strange horns grow on you after a while!

Currently Cica and Yaila are good friends. Am hoping to mate them one day, seeing as the King gave me love potion :unsure:

Oh, thats odd... Yaila had a fishing rod and its suddenly turned into a hat?! Glitch?

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Woohoo! Yaila just graduated preschool and got a new teacher. Now she does that one with the annoying boxes... Fun fun...

Hmm, maybe I shouldnt complain about the boxes! Yaila's beauty skills have gone through the roof in the last few hours!

Cica hasnt done ANYTHING interesting today, but he did get bit fat... So I worked those snacks off with a couple of rounds of Get (cant work the other games! I just lose! Its the same with Yaila's games... I only ever play Climb. 400 gp just for pressing B thirty times is pretty respectable IMHO!)

Aww, sweet, Yaila is taking a bath! <_<

Anyway, have posted far too much today! Will post again tomorrow!


El, Yaila and Cica.

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Good morning, TamaTalkers! By the time I woke up this morning Cica had already lost 2 happiness and hunger points without beeping, grr!

But anyway, here's the stat update...


Age: 2yrs

Training: 7/9

Weight: 20 lbs


Age: 1 yr

Training: 6/9

Weight: 22 lbs

Skill points;

Humor: 147

Beauty: 100

Love: 143

I bought Yaila a shovel today, didnt yield anything worth remembering though! Cica's shop seems to be delighting in putting up things for sale that he cant use, but Im buying them anyway... Maybe he'll be able to use them once he evolves again (Tomorrow?)

Ive been connecting them loads but they dont seem to be going up in friendship. Its a good job I've got that love potion for when they grow up. Speaking of growing up, I'm terrified that Yaila will turn into a Shitekitchi! I have no preference for Cica but I just really dont want that horrible purple thing that looks like its screaming all the time!

You watch, now I said that, I'll get her!

Yaila is singing! Thats sooo cute!

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Im sure I caught Cica singing earlier! So darling!

Still cant find that V4.5 growth chart anywhere, so PLEASE if you have the link, PM me with it...

Yaila and Cica are now both on 8/9 in the training bar. The naughty little devils have been beeping at me all day. Cica's boombox blew up when I used a CD!!

The King came to Yaila earlier and gave her a heart shaped snack which made her very very happy (she was dancing!). I also got that clone thing, so I've been making her dance around with it all day just cuz its really sweet :D

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Tama's have just woken up because I set their clocks back two hours so I could get a lay in! :D

Here are the latest stats:


Happy/Hungry: Four hearts

Trainging: 9/9

Weight: 25 lbs

Age: 3 yr


Happy/Hungry: Four hearts

Training: 9/9

Weight: 23 lbs

Age 2 yr

Skill Points

Humor: 185

Beauty: 112

Love: 164

Am wondering if they are due to evolve today? Its been a while since I raised a Tama so I'm not really sure!

Anyway, will post again as soon as something interesting happens... Might take the Tama's into Tamatown in a little bit!

Bye for now,

El, Cica and Yaila. :wacko:

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So cute! Im a little worried that all those dark pixels will be harsh on the battery but who cares, she didnt turn into a Shitekitchi so I'm happy!! :kusatchi: :lol: ;)

Still waiting on Cica to evolve, hoping it will be sometime today but more likely to be tomorrow as he usually evolves in the morning!

*Does a happy dance for her gorgeous little UraYattatchi*

:D Just watching my tama's take baths before they go to bed :mametchi:

They are quite funny because they both poop and lose hearts at exactly the same time every day. I know if I see Cica poop that Yaila will too in a few seconds, hehe!

Hoping Cica will evolve tomorrow so I can use that love potion and make them partners. For the second gen Im going to try for a Ura Violetchi on my V4.5 and a Memetchi on the V3... Hope it works!


El, Cica and Yaila! :hitodetchi:

My little Cica grew up this morning! He's now a Violetchi. Weird how V3 evolutions aren't gender orientated huh?

Anyway, he's awake but Yaila is still sleeping, the lazy thing. Cant be bothered with a stat update right now so I'll post again later!


Success! My tama's are now partners! I think you have to wait 24 hours after they become partners before they will mate...


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