v. 5 tama log


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Jun 6, 2008
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The Octo familitchi was hatched on 21st December. They are now one full day old. My three tamas in the Octo familitchi are Mousetchi (son), Tororotchi (daughter), and Amirukutchi (son). These are the three toddlers. I wouldn't remember just what the babies were called. Anyhow, it's Day 1 in their lives, as of 22nd December. There's 0% bonds per Blended family, and this is 1st generation. Let's see how far we can go with this familitchi! :furawatchi:

8:00 PM= Bath time for my tamas! They all had a nice bath and are squeaky clean! My Mousetchi loves to raid the fridge, it seems! They had two bond sessions today. They made a paper airplane and beat a tambourine during the 4PM and 6PM hours. They don't go poo too often, thankfully. They don't need too much to be happy, actually! They are easy to care for, thankfully, so I don't need to do too much. If I do have to leave them at home I put them to bed, then wake them up once I get back home. We went to the Tame Expo and earned some Gotchi points on the cruise-liner. I think that Mousetchi is a sneaky boy, though! My Tororotchi and Amikurutchi are both good. They might evolve tomorrow, or the next day. I'll miss my three toddlers! I think having three teens will be a handful! I'll post again soon! <_<

Well I'm going to let my Mousetchi have a chance to speak up. He loves to be the centre of attention, so I'll let him speak here. Here's my Mousetchi!

Hi there! I'm a Mousetchi! I'm the oldest of my family. We are the 1st generation, and I hope I get to be chosen for the matchmaker's mate choice! My sister is a Tororotchi, and my brother is a Amirukutchi. They're ok, but I think I'm the best! Well, I'd better go. Here's my mummy!

He's a hoot, ain't he? Well, I'd better go and monitor these guys. It's almost time for them to go to bed, like good little tamas. See ya later!

My Amikurutchi wants to say a few words, now. I think of my three, I like him the best. Here he is!

Thanks, Mummy! Hi there! I'm an Amikurutchi, the youngest of my family. My brother is a very annoying Mousetchi. My sister, a Tororotchi, is much nicer. I'd like to see her get a chance to win the mate from the matchmaker on the dating show on TV, if we ever get to that stage. I'd prefer to go back to Tama Planet, and keep an eye on my brother, the Mousetchi. He'll be under close guard, I tell ya! Well, here's Mummy again!

Ain't he the sweetest? I knew there was a reason why I liked my youngest tama so much better! Keep checking back often cos there'll be so much more to say as my tamas evolve to teens! I know my Tororotchi would talk but she's rather shy, so I won't press her to speak unless she wants to. Check back soon! Thanks for stopping by, too! ;)

I love these animations! My tamas were watching the stars come out. They'll be asleep soon, and I hope there'll be more to post tomorrow. Until then, my tamas say to be safe and good night! ;)

Well good morning! I'm back, and so are my three tama toddlers. I've noticed that alot of these logs include stats, so I'll put down the stats of my own familitchi! Here we go:

Hungry Hearts: 5/5

Happy Hearts: 5/5

Bonds per Blended Familitchi: 10%

1st Generation

730 Gotchi Points

Well that's the current stats of my tama familitchi. I still have the three toddlers, no evolutions yet. They now have three things in the toy chest. There's two items, a stereo and a bubble wand and bottle of bubbles. There's also a rare item from a Tama Town game. It's a plane ticket. My tamas at least have some toys to enjoy, now! If they are quite good, save up more Gotchi points, and don't beg for more stuff, I'll treat them to more stuff soon. They also have three new snack foods, a cracker, a pie slice or something like it, and a cookie with a heart on it. I'll update later on! Bye for now! :)

So far we've gone to Tama Town once today, but I've done no more shopping, since we are still low on Gotchi points. They are all still toddlers, but no big deal. I had to go run errands so I put them to sleep for a few hours. My tamas no longer go travelling. I'd rather have them go to sleep than go travelling. My Mousetchi is still a brat, but he might get better with his next transformation. My Amirukutchi is still the sweetest one. My Tororotchi is still gentle and sweet. We will see how they turn out as teenagers. They need to evolve first, and I hope they will evolve by the end of tomorrow! More later, so stay tuned!

WOOHOO! They are teens now! My three tama toddlers evolved at around 5:45 PM, and they all look really cool. Here's what they are now:

Mousetchi: Bakutchi (son)

Tororotchi: Ichigotchi (daughter)

Amirukutchi: Mamekatchi (son)

Well, it's been a very fun and interesting day. My tamas will all be asleep in about two hours, so I might get one more fast trip to Tama Town before they go to bed. Here's their stats:

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonds per Blended Familitchi: 20%

1st Generation

2320 Gotchi Points

Not too bad so far! I hope tomorrow will be another interesting day. My tamas just took a nice poo as I got started writing this entry. I cleaned it up and gave them a bowl of fried rice. They don't get too many snacks, I'm glad to say. I give them up to three snacks each day, and everything else is usually a meal. They usually get the bowl of fried rice as a meal. I'll give them the bread meal once in awhile. Well, that's all I can say for now. See ya later! :p

Nothing too much to report right now. I'm saving up my Gotchi points so that I can buy them something nice and jolly for Christmas tomorrow. I think I'll arrange for my Ichigotchi to marry another tama from the dating show, cos she's been so good! She'll be evolved before she can do that, so of course she won't be an Ichigotchi when she gets married! I love my Ichigotchi, but my Mamekatchi is absolutely adorable, too! He's much cuter than his brother, the annoying Bakutchi! He's nothing but a silly-looking bomb! And I thought he looked silly as a Mousetchi! Well, they still have to turn into adults, so we'll see who gets the priviledge to marry another tama on the dating show! I said I'd like to marry off my Ichigotchi, but we will see once they are all adults. More to come later, so stay tuned! :hitodetchi:

I realised that my three tamas need names. Despite the fact I can only give them a family name as the official name, I'll give them their own names, too. So, here are their names:

Bakutchi: Comet

Ichigotchi: Jam

Mamekatchi: Potto

I know these are strange names, but I like them. I'll let them come forward to talk to you, starting with Comet. Here they are:

Hi there. I'm Comet. Mum finally gave me a name! I feel like a happy guy, now! I have a name! Yay!

Hallo there. I'm Jam. I'm an Ichigotchi. Cheerio, then!

Hey there! I'm Potto, the youngest of the Octo familitchi. Mum gave me a silly name, but I'm starting to like it, now. Anyway, I have a nice family. I still hope that Jam will get married and have a nice new familitchi someday. I'll go back to Tama Town and be happy with other tamas like me. I'll keep an eye on Comet as well.

Awww! Thanks, Potto! You are so sweet!

You're welcome, Jam.

Grrrrrr. No fair! I was born first!

Aren't they a lovely group, folks? I just bought them a tophat today, and they all love it. It'll be time for bed soon, with their bath at 8 PM, so I'll write more soon. As Jam put it so nicely, cheerio! :)

Hi again. Jam wanted to speak, so here she is!

Hallo there! I have a very nice brother. His name is Potto. I have another brother who's not as nice. His name is Comet. Potto is a very good brother cos he wants me to go on the dating show and get married. Comet thinks he should be the one to get married. I don't know if he should, cos he's a bomb right now. I'm so glad teenagers don't get married! What would a tama girl think of a tama boy who happens to be a bomb? Kinda explosive for a relationship, don't ya think? I'm not a bomb, thank goodness! I like Potto cos he has manners. Comet has none at all. Thanks for your time. Here's Mum.

Well, Jam is a really nice Ichigotchi. I just lauged about her comment about Comet's being a bomb! I give Jam credit for being brave enough to speak today. More later! :)

Comet's raiding the fridge now. I'll let you listen in on what he's saying. Heeheehee! Listen to this:

Well, where in heck are the doughnuts? I'm so tired of rice! Everyday I get rice. I make a poo and I get rice. I rarely ever get bread! I might get a lollypop here and there, but I never get doughnuts! I want me a doughnut! Maybe Mummy hid them in here. I'll find them and eat them all myself! Doughnuts! Doughnuts! This is an outrage! Me wants my doughnuts!

Poor Comet! Maybe I'll give in and feed him a doughnut. My tamas are so good, as it is. Since it is the night before Christmas, why not give them all a nice hot doughnut? I'll give them one and post again in a moment.

Ok, I gave them all a doughnut. Potto and Jam are both happy and Comet is very excited! I prolly gave him a sugar-rush! Oh no! Jam is being a nice young lady and Potto is shaking his head at his brother. Oh, how fun it is to have three teen tamas the night before Christmas!

Yay! I got me doughnut! Wowie! Thanks Mummy! Me be good now!

And pigs will fly, I recon.

The nerve of that Comet! He still has crumbs all over his face!

Well, Jam, I hope I'm clean.

You always are, Potto.

Anyway, it'll be time for our bath soon. I hope Comet will really clean up his act then.

He will, Potto. You'll see.

Bath? Oh boy, not again! My flame will go out, and I won't be hot anymore! I don't want a bath! Waaaaaaaaa!

*Sigh* Oh, Comet!

Anyhow, that's what I get to deal with now, and all on account of giving them a doughnut! I hope they'll be calmer as adults, and that they'll evolve soon! Teenagers are driving me crazy! :)

Well it's bath time for my tamas. They're all having a splash! I'll peep in and listen in for trouble. I'm not so sure about that silly Comet.

Splish splash, I'm the bomb in the bath! Ticking away the holiday night!

Whatever, Comet. I'll ignore you cos you're silly.

You're sillier, Jam! I ain't scared of a strawberry with a cute face! I'll call you Jam-face!

Comet, where are your manners? That was a very rude remark you made to our sister. Bath time ain't fun now. I'm pulling the plug on your fun, Comet.

*Sobs* You're so rude, Comet! How could you be so mean?

I ain't mean! I'm the bomb! Get off that plug, Potto! What? Oh no, you pulled the plug! My water! NOOOOO!

Course I pulled the plug, Comet! You have no consideration toward anything or anyone. Come on, Jam.

*Sniffs* Thanks, Potto. You're an awesome brother.

No! I'm the awesome brother! I'm the bomb! Grrrrr! Thanks alot, Potto!

So much drama over a silly doughnut! Can anyone believe that? These are my tamas! That's so sad! Well, maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Thank goodness it'll be time for bed for tamas very soon! Well, I'll be off for awhile.

I still can't believe the rudeness of that Comet! He's looking a bit sad now. Maybe I can talk some sence into him. We'll see if I can make the difference. Hey, Comet, what's up?

I think Jam and Potto don't like me anymore, Mummy.

And why don't they like you, dear?

Cos they say I'm mean and have no manners.

Now, why would they say that if they had no reason to?

Cos I called my sister a rude name.

Oh you did? And what did you call her?

I called her Jam-face.

You called her Jam-face? Well, for that, I can see why Jam and Potto said that you are mean. That WAS mean, Comet. Why did you call her that, anyway?

I did it for fun, Mummy.

Well, that's never an excuse to do it, Comet, fun or not. Why don't you write out an apology note to Jam? You ARE sorry, aren't you, dear?

Yes, Mummy. I didn't mean it, really.

Well, then let her know. You need to do that, Comet, cos that's a responsible thing to do. Go and write an apology note to Jam.

Ok, Mummy.

Well, he went to write a note to Jam. He's a good guy, really, cos I can tell he's good. I have ways of knowing he's really good. If he shares it with me I'll tell you what it says. Stay tuned! <_<

Awww! That Comet! He's a sweetie after all! I found the note for Jam, tucked under her pillow! Comet's keeping away for now, but I'm certain it'll be alright, soon. Here's his note to Jam:

Hi Jam. I'm sorry about calling you Jam-face. I didn't really mean it. I think you're a nice Ichigotchi and I like having you as a sister. Don't be mad for keeps, ok? Tell Potto I meant all I said in this letter, cos I really am sorry, Jam. You two are my siblings and I ♥ you both very much. We need to stick together cos we don't have much time left to be together as a family. Soon, we will be adults, and then one of us will marry and the others will leave. If I have to leave I want it to be on good terms. You and Potto are my best friends and I'm scared of becoming an adult. I know what will happen once we are adults. Just remember that, ok? Talk to you later. Peace out! ~Comet~

That's so sweet of him! It shows he's growing up. I'll miss them all once that time comes, too. Well, I'll get going for now, but stay tuned for more! <_<

I give Comet alot of credit for being so mature with that note to Jam. Jam read it as they admired the stars just now. I finally have peace between my three tamas! Potto looked at Comet and I could tell they made peace at last. I didn't ever suspect that Comet was afraid of becoming an adult! Poor Comet! They're all talking again, and by the looks of things, it's all ok, now. Listen and see:

It's been a nice evening, hasn't it?

*Sigh* It has, indeed.

Quite. Do you think tomorrow will be even nicer, though?

Oh, Potto, it HAS to be! Right, Comet?

Right, Jam. Let's hope it'll be better. I hope so, anyway.

Me too.

Same here. Tomorrow is always better than today.

Yes, it is, indeed. Let's shake on it.

Ok, then!

Yes, let's do that.

Oh, those little sweeties! You see, it really will be alright, after all. I can always rely on my little tamas to be good toward each other, no matter what might happen. I don't really know who will go on and be chosen for the dating show, but I'll miss whomever ends up leaving, anyhow. Oh, they'll all leave in the end, but I'll always cherish this time, for all the ups and downs. I'll write again soon! <_<

It's bedtime for teenaged tamas! They might evolve into adults tomorrow, but I can't be certain! I'll be sad when that happens, but I'm looking forward to meeting the next generation, too! Well, I'll write again later! Peace out to all my readers! Hope you're enjoying this log, by the way! <_<

I have my three dreaming tamas all snug as bugs in rugs. All's wonderful, again. I think part of the difficulty comes from their low bonding percentage. Before I sign off for the night, I'll give you the stats of my tamas.

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 20%

1st Generation

Blended Family

2110 Gotchi Points

Nothing too dramatic by means of changes. They have the same two meal items and three additional snack items along with the two standard snacks. They have the plane ticket from Tama Town, and three items from the shopping show on TV. Comet comes up close when you hit the C button, as the only real change in bonding animations. I hope there will be changes to report on tomorrow. Tomorrow is Christmas day. Yippie! Well, with that, I'll stop reporting for the night. We'll carry on tomorrow. See ya soon, fans! :)

They are finally adults! My three tamas evolved this morning. I missed it cos I was still in bed at the time! Grrrr! Here's all the tamas in their new forms:


Jam: Potetchi

Potto: Uhyotchi

I have more news to share, I'm starting a second tama log cos I reactivated my v. 4.5 last night! I just put in a fresh battery and started over, just for the fun of comparing two versions of tamagotchi. If I have any fans out there, I hope this is fresh news for you! I'm going to be SOOO busy, now, but it don't matter cos I absolutely LOVE my tamas! Look for the new log coming soon! I will be continuing this log, as well. Anyhow, stay tuned! :blink:
