V 5 log


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2010
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okay so my v5 are adults and they are very cute they are the onputchi ,mumutchi,yonepatchi

i dont like my v5 that much but i like it sorta so i have it byby


piper <3

NOPE still cant mate them Matchmaker is still livid maybe i need 100 percent bonds lol

i named them all tho

the onputchi is >Eeden

the mumutchi is>Drake

the yonepatchi is> Emily

Thats all byee

my tamas are with the babysitter she begged me to let her watch them until tomoro ima miss my babys

My baby drake got married to nicole *alannahs tama there babysitter*

today was my last day seeing him - tears up- but he didnt have children hise sister Eeden did. she has a healthy baby boy and girl theres only to so name time

Girl - Eeden> Alice

Boy - Draco>Blake

i named the boy the matchmaker gave her Draco

im playin with my babys i had em on pause for awhile. i feel bad now but oh well. there fine.

Alice- hi all i miss my biological mom how come we cant see her mom.? i mis her *cries*

Blake- i miss dad. we dont get to see them my new mom says. said that were in an adoption home sorta i no im in good hands with piper tho. shes a good mom two.

Me- actually whenever u play games u always see them during shoe pars and golf put. And when you eat.

So the twins are fine and dandy. hoping around like no onez beez wax. alice is in trouble she pooped.


Alice is an Itchigotchi

And blake is a bakutchi

Alice would like to speak at you

hey everyone, im Alice the v5 itchigotchi. i look like a strawberry! and im super girly me and blake are very good friends and my friend nicole and i are gonna hang out on tuesday


Hello everyone im blake the bakutchi, i look like a music note. hahaha i cant wait to hang with nicole


how long does it take for v5 t evolve into adults again? pm if u no.

there fine there happy and full lets go shopping.................... theres chocalote a cupcake popcorn cracker and a synday ill buy the sunday

there with me right now.

sitting here my lil alice and blake

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo since i can name them whatever i want the next boy is gonna be Bronson and the next girl will be jane and then the next if its a boy cheyenne and if its a girl skylar. i no that sounds girly for a guy and boyish for a girl SO WHAT




just kidding about the last part

but there horribly ugly. well there potechi and mukugetchi EWWWWIE

i feel bad for them. but there soooo ugly *sighs* maybe they'll change if i feed umm certain foods. Nahh porlly not

ARGGGGGGGGGGG waiting for the stupid matchmaker to calm the heck down GAWD i hate when shes all RAWR :lol:
