v. 4.5 tama log


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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2008
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For anyone who might be familiar with me, I have a v. 5 that's currently active. This log will be for my v. 4.5 tama, and so with that said, let's begin!

Introducing Toby! Toby is the 1st generation of my v. 4.5 tama, and to keep it even, he's also an Octo familitchi tama, but just on another version. This is day one in his life. Let's start with some stats:



Training: 1 bar

Smile: 12

Sparkle: 12

Flower: 12

0 Years old

10 lbs

Gender: Boy

1st Generation

2400 Gotchi points

Wow, that's alot of stats to put down! I've no idea what Toby is supposed to be, but he looks like a Kutchipatchi without the body. Anyhow, meet Toby, everyone, and look for more entries soon! :blink:

It's been a slow morning so far. Toby is fine, so far. Nothing interesting happening yet. I look at those heart meters every minute or so. Still nothing. He's a good boy. I'm so glad! I'm good at the Climb game, too. Not to brag, but it's not too hard to play. I hope Toby will be a good boy and grow into an awesome adult. Let's see what happens! :blink:

Things finally picked up the pace just a bit! Toby got mail twice so far. One letter sent him off to school, and he got a backpack from the teacher. The other letter was a heart. Toby is happy, anyhow. I bought him maracas, but he can't use them yet. Look for more updates soon! :eek:

Toby's doing well in school. His first lesson went a bit bad, but the second was better. Toby enjoys school and his teacher is always glad to see him. His levels are all increasing. Here are the newest stats:

Smile: 20

Sparkle: 16

Flower: 12

Training: 1 bar

Not too bad so far! Toby is my little superstar and I'm so glad he's doing well in school! No new mail yet, but that's subject to change at any time. Anyway, that's the most recent progress so far. And now a word from Toby:

Hi everyone! I'm Toby! Have a nice day!

Ain't he silly? Well, I guess that's all I have for this report! There'll be more to come, so stay tuned! :lol:

Nothing much has changed! Toby is doing great in school, and is making progress. Here's the latest stats:

Smile: 24

Sparkle: 28


Training: 2 bars

That's the most recent progress from Toby! He does so well in school, too! His teacher likes him as a student, and he has so much fun. I hope he'll do better in the more advanced classes at school! Maybe he'll find a great job once he graduates! Toby's favourite foods include sushi, cereal, and oranges. That's what I feed him most often! Well, look for more later! :(

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I bought Toby a plane ticket to New York! He will use it once he's a bit older. Now he has maracas and a plane ticket! I hope he grows up soon! Stay tuned! :(

Toby went to sleep over an hour ago. Thank goodness! He's so demanding! However, I'm content to take care of him! Toby is still doing well in school. He gets mail here and there. He got a snake once. That snake was a meanie and made him cry. After playing a game of Climb, Toby was happy again. The King came once and gave him 900 Gotchi points. Must be good to be the King! Maybe Toby can get a job in the King's palace someday! He might enjoy being a palace entertainer! Toby still enjoys school. He might be accepted to a higher grade soon. Let's hope for the best! As always, stay tuned! :chohimetchi:

Toby's sleeping, but here's an update, anyway. He just got accepted into a higher grade at school! He has a new teacher and is making excellent progress. I'm so glad he's doing well in school! Here's the newest stats:

Smile: 36

Sparkle: 34

Flower: 48

Training: 4 bars

He's such a good tama! Oh I'm so proud! Maybe he'll get a great new job! He looks like a drum, too. He evolved yesterday and turned into a drum! I've no idea what this sort of tama is called. I couldn't find him on the chart, so maybe he's a secret evolution or something. Toby is so good, and I'm glad I decided to reactivate my v. 4.5! Stay tuned! :p

Toby will be absent for a little time. Due to a new situation, he's taking a back seat for awhile, so I can take care of the newest arrival in my v. 5 familitchi. It's good of him to do that, eh? He'll be back in a day or two. Thanks for your patience, faithful fans! Toby will return soon! :furawatchi:

Toby's back! Now that things aren't so hectic, he's finally back! I bought him a shovel ten minutes ago. He dug up a tart, of all things! After he unearthed it, he smiled and ate it. He's dancing around right now, happy from his little treat. I've not let him say too much, so I'll let him talk now:

Hi everyone! I found a tart in the ground, so I ate it! I love school, too, but it sure is hard! I keep guessing the wrong box and I get poo on my head! It sure is hard to guess where the smiley face is! Bye for now!

Yes, it is a bit harder for Toby, these days. He's holding his own, though. I'll update his stats now:

Training Bar: 6

Smile: 71

Sparkle: 40

Flower: 54

Not too bad at this time. Anyhow, I'll update this log again later. As always, stay tuned! :huh:

Hi there! It's Toby! I wanted to say that I don't think my teacher is very nice. I liked Ms. Flower better than Mr. Turtle! Ms. Flower didn't put poo in boxes and swap them around to make the poo fall on my head! Mr. Turtle does, and that makes me so mad! Other than that, I like school. I love my new backpack, anyway. I got a diploma from Ms. Flower the day I graduated. I don't like getting mail sometimes. I got two snakes in the mail. Those are scary! Oh well, it can't be too bad. Maybe I'll go back to Tama Town to check it out again! Well, I'm outta here! See ya later!

Toby has evolved into an adult! He looks like a creature with a half-mask on his face. He's not a Masketchi, though. I guess the matchmaker will be coming tomorrow at the soonest. He's doing well, otherwise. Due to several periods of being paused, Toby is only 3 years old. He's still going to school, too. He used his maracas for the first time, too. I think he enjoys them. He's currently 20 pounds, 3 years old, and pretty happy. More later! :D

Toby's getting smarter in school. He's an adult and I hope the matchmaker will come soon. He just took a bath and is now squeaky clean. I truly hope he can get married tomorrow, but who knows if that'll happen or not. If I catch the matchmaker in time, Toby will start his 2nd generation. If not, there's always the next day! Let's hope for the best! Stay tuned! ^_^
