~Usagi Family!~


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May 17, 2006
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Hello, I'm Shelbi. Please do not post comments here, send what you want to say in a message instead. Thank you!

Today, March 16, I bought my first v5. It is the "Love My Family" design.

I had the "home" out of it's plastic container before I even got home during the fifteen minute car ride. I pulled the tab and three eggs appeared on my screen. The first to hatch was the middle egg, a baby girl. The second was the egg on the left, a baby boy. The third, and last egg, to hatch was the right one. It was another baby girl. I didn't get to name them in the game, (Is that normal?), so I am going to name them anyway.

Kenzi is the first born, a baby girl.

Taylor is the second born, a baby boy.

Jenny is the third born, the second girl.

They are all very cute!

I watched them intently to make sure that nothing happened to them. I have raised tamas before and the babys always tend to need the most attention. I had to get the medicine once. Poor babies. They did the normal baby thing poop a bunch of times, need food quite a bit, need to be played with a few times. Eventually they took a nap, the tall tail sign.

After they woke up, they evolved! Yeay!

Kenzi is a sakuramotchi

Taylor is a mattaritchi.

Jenny is a belltchi.

They are all so cute!

I went to my father's house some time after they evolved and started looking up information about the v5, familitchi. I found the posts by binary! They are very helpful! Thank you binary! Due to them I have lots of money for my tamas. I bought them a train, or a bus (it was kind of hard to tell). They enjoyed playing with it! Kenzi likes to talk to the fridge, or is she raiding it? Hmmm.


Hungry: four hearts

Happy: four hearts

Bonds: 10%

Blended Family

Usagi family


5040 gotchi points

Kenzi= Sakuramotchi= Daughter

Taylor= Mattaritchi= Son

Jenny= Belltchi= Daughter

Awwh they just used the duckie potty! They are so cute.

Right now they are getting clean. It keeps rotating from a bath to a shower. You can barely see their little heads over the side of the bath! Awwwh.

I am guessing it is about bed time for them. My three tamas are standing in a line next to a window and yawning. They have been doing it for some time now, they must really be tired xD


Still the same as before.

I took Kenzi, Taylor, and Jenny to school with me today. They were up before first hour! O.O I think they woke up around seven then. The v4s, at the same age, don't wake up that early, or at least the ones I have had did not.

Anyway! The children weren't that much of a hassle. I had a bit of time each class period to check on them and play a bit. My entire sixth hour was spent inputting the 1000 points code and buying them new toys and food. They are so spoiled. xD

Mommy tries really hard to keep us happy. I love her!

I like chasing my sisters with the bus! Vroom!

Heelp! He's chasing me again! Waahh!

Oh goodness.

After I got home, but before I got around to start updating, the three of them were watching a bunny with two eggs. I think that means that Easter is coming? I am not sure, but it would be cool if major holidays had been incorperated into the v5s. Kenzi was talking to the fridge a lot today, or getting a lot of food out. I am not sure. =/

I got to see them use the toilet today! The were wiggling in place, kind of like what the v4 does when it has to potty. Since I have raised a v4, I took them to the bathroom and it worked! They went and the toilet was a little duckie one! I think it is some sort of training potty. Even if it isn't, it is still really cute!

My friend Ashley might be getting one. I am trying to convince her! Hopefully she will so that the Usagi Family will have someone to play with! And hopefully then Taylor won't chase his sisters around the with the bus so much.

Oh goodnes! I forgot the stats.


Hungry: 4 hearts

Happy: 4 hearts

Bonds: 10% ((Still? D:))

Blended Family

Usagi Family

Generation: one

Money: 9990

Kenzi= Sakuramotchi= Daughter

Taylor= Mattaritchi= Son

Jenny= Belltchi= Daughter

Of course I brought my tamas to school again. Things went fairly smoothly, except I didn't have as much time as I did yesterday to check on them. They made it though!

I looked at my familitchi at the end of sixth hour, just to make sure everyone was doing fine. To my suprise I saw different characters scuttling across my screen. I guess they don't really scuttle, they more bounce. Anyway! My tamas had grown up! I was so excited I showed my friend. He didn't really care. xD


Hungry: Four Hearts

Happy: Four Hearts

Bonds: 20%

Blended Family

Usagi Family

Generation: one

Money: 19340

Kenzi= Ichigotchi= Daughter

Taylor= Bakutchi= Son

Jenny= Chamametchi= Daughter

This is slightly funny because on my v4, I have an ichigotchi also! I guess they just love me! Lol. Kidding.

But mommy I do love you!

I... *mumbles* love you too.

Family Hug! Yeaay!

Awwh. I love you guys too! I'm glad Taylor stopped chasing his sisters with the bus. Hopefully now you guys can get along better.

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I've noticed that the v5s don't age as fast as the v4s. I started my v5 and v4 in the same day. And today my v4 became an adult while my v5 is only a teen. Neither have been paused and the time has not been played with. I am not sure what to think though.

Today I checked the travel channel for this first time. My teens left their house, locked it and hopped on a bus. The bus drove them to a circus/canival/park. From there they took an airplane/helicopter to a beach. From the beach they took a boat to a city. Then it started all over again starting from the bus. I wonder what the purpose of this is. =/

I like to think that their food is vegan. I pretend the meat is a meat substitute like tofukey or something! I hope I'm not the only one who does this. xD

I can't wait for them to become adults. I wonder what they will be...


Hungry: Four Hearts

Happy: Four Hearts

Bonds: 30%

Blended Family

Usagi Family

Generation: one

Money: 21930

Kenzi= Ichigotchi= Daughter

Taylor= Bakutchi= Son

Jenny= Chamametchi= Daughter

Yeay! Today in sixth hour they became adults! Kenzi is an Onputchi, Taylor is a Mumutchi, and Jenny is a Yonepatchi. I think Kenzi and Taylor look reaaaally cute! I think I will marry off Kenzi when I decide the time is right.

Thank you mommy! I can't wait to meet my husband! Please pick me out a nice one.

Bonds are now up to fifty percent. They dance in a line then fall on their faces! Silly Tamas. I hope they don't get hurt doing that.

I looked at some of the charts, and I think I might actually mate Taylor. If I mate him with someone, I forget who, I can get the Meme Family. :D

I will have to look up his mate later. Probably tomorrow when they are allowed to mate.

I mated Taylor yesterday, and I didn't realize that the matches don't work backwards. xD Oh well. At least now I know for later matings. He mated to a memetchi and they had three babies. Two boys and one girl.

While waiting for the time that he could mate, I entered codes for all of the meals and snacks. Thank you Binary! So now they are spoiled and have different foods to eat.

Last night, I went through all of my containers and found all of my tamagotchis. My Angelgotchi is the only one that still has working batteries. Yeay! The others are three v3s, a connexion, and a v1-p1. Since today is Easter Sunday, and not many stores are open, I have to wait to buy new batteries for my tamas. Does anyone know what kind of batteries the v1s take? I need to find a small screw driver to get that one open. I thought I had one... =/

Any way, to the stats!

Hunger: four hearts

Happiness: four hearts

Bonds: 10%

Blended Family

Usagi Family

James= Ahirukutchi= Son

Bells= Belltchi= Daughter

Kenny= Mattaritchi= Son

Taylor= Memepapatchi

Kelly= Mememamatchi

Awwh, what a happy family.

I am trying to find a way to get either my camera or my cell's camera to take non-blurry pictures of my tamas. It's tough. I can't get them to focus on the pixels. Maybe I need a better light source. =/ Any tips?

I've deciced to start typing in a color. That way you guys don't get too bored. Anyway I now have six tamagotchis running at once. It is kind of exhausting. Lol. Hopefully when school starts up again I can get two more. I am buying them from my friend since they aren't being used. After that I have to buy more batteries.


On to my v5!

Today they have bonded twice and they grew into teens. James is now a mamekatchi. Bells is now a chamametchi. Finally, Kenny is a Bakutchi.

I saw James and Taylor vaccuuming this afternoon. I guess James has to do chores around the house now. Lol. I need to vaccum too, so it's okay James.



Hunger: Four hearts

Happiness: Four hearts

Bonds: 10%

Blended Family

Usagi Family

28370 GP

James= Mamekatchi= Son

Bells= Chamametchi= Daughter

Kenny= Bakutchi= Son

Taylor= Memepapatchi= Father

Kelly= Mememamatchi= Mother

Lol. I was really lax on the stats yesterday. Sorry about that guys!

Awwh, James and Kelly are talking to the fridge together! I wonder if she is teaching him bad eating habbits. xD

Since I don't wake up early for school right now, I had to come up with a way to take care of my tamas and get some sleep. I found my solution. I wake up at 7:01 AM to check my v5. I make sure it is okay and then go back to sleep for an hour. That means I wake up at 8:01 the next time. I check what ever tamas are awake and then sleep for another hour. This goes on until I feel the need to get up.


Right now I am raising the bond percent of James, Bells, and Kenny. They are currently only at 30% but I hope to raise it more before they become adults.


Awwh my v4 is watching an egg hatch. I wonder if it is for Easter?


Anyway, I am using the bonding trick to get it to go up. I know, I cheat. lol.


I wish I had another v5 so that the two v5s could play together. My poor Usagi Family has no one to play with. Hopefully I can save up lunch money next week. =/ It might take two weeks. Oh darn.



Hunger: Four heats

Happiness: Four hearts

Bonds: 50%

Blended Family

Usagi Family

28370 GP

James= Mamekatchi= Son

Bells= Chamametchi= Daughter

Kenny= Bakutchi= Son

Taylor= Memepapatchi= Father

Kelly= Mememamatchi= Mother

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I haven't been updating because I have been very busy. All of my tamas have been on pause but I did order a v4.5 today. Hopefully I will have more time soon. I will probably be able to unpause a few since school is starting back up.


Sorry guys! D:

Yeay! I am finally able to unpause them all today.


Over the past couple days of pausing and unpausing, my Usagi Family grew into adults! James is a Furikotchi.Bells is a Violettchi.Kenny is a Mumutchi. I got another mumutchi! I wonder if he'll show up again in the next generation. o_O


The other day, before I paused them, I was working on their bonds. And guess what! I got it up to 100%! Hopefully Bells will be able to mate and I can make a Pure Family. I am very excited now!. :angry:



Hunger: Four heats

Happiness: Four hearts

Bonds: 100%

Blended Family

Usagi Family

28380 GP

James= Furikotchi= Son

Bells= Violettchi= Daughter

Kenny= Mumutchi= Son

Taylor= Memepapatchi= Father

Kelly= Mememamatchi= Mother

Stop checking our stats. I want to talk to the fridge with Mommy. Gosh, messing up my day.

Sorry James! xD

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Today I mated my Violettchi, Bells, with a Sunnytchi. I was orginally going to mate her with a Sukatchi to get a pur family, but I just couldn't pass up the Sunnytchi! They had one child, who is now a Hoshitchi. So cute! I forget what gender the child is. D:

I had to pause all of my tamas because my leftovers spilt on them. Poor things.

Once again I was busy so my tamas were put on pause. Two of my friends and I went out to find my one friend a prom dress. Just thinking of prom makes me nervous.

My Hoshitchi,Solar, is a boy. His mother is a Mamametchi and his father a Planetchi.

I wish Solar wasn't an only child. He probably gets lonely. I mean sure, he has his parents, but he is alone. He doesn't have any tama friends either. I think I shall have to go buy him a friend. :(



Hunger: Four heats

Happiness: Four hearts

Bonds: 30%

Blended Family

Usagi Family

28610 GP

Solar= Hoshitchi= Son

Bells= Mamametchi= Mother

Peter= Planetchi= Father

Solar is now a Mikazukitchi. ^_^ He is so cute. I am glad I got him, though I still wish he had more siblings or something. D:

I can't wait until he is an adult now! I am very excited.

Hopefully I can go out this week sometime and buy another tama.



Hunger: Four heats

Happiness: Four hearts

Bonds: 40%

Blended Family

Usagi Family

28610 GP

Solar= Mikazukitchi= Son

Bells= Mamametchi= Mother

Peter= Planetchi= Father

So I've realized, that I've been saying four hearts, and v5s have five hearts. xD

Wow. Go me.



Solar has become a Sunnytchi. I don't know who I will mate him with yet. I guess it all depends on if I want an all space family, or if I want to go in a new direction. =/ Hmm.



Hunger: Five heats

Happiness: Five hearts

Bonds: 80%

Blended Family

Usagi Family

28770 GP

Solar= Mikazukitchi= Son

Bells= Mamametchi= Mother

Peter= Planetchi= Father


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