This if for the Tama-Go version, a version specifically designed toward use in TamaTown. To receive a code, go to the Door icon, scroll down till PC, and press B. You will see a screen that asks for a deposit amount that you can bring with you into Tamatown, this is the key element to the cheat. Let's say you currently have 5000 gotchi. Enter 4000 to bring with you, just to test it out. After double checking whether you want to use, the Tama will show a code - DO NOT EXIT OUT! Now, login you're user and then your username and code onto the tama. 4000 G will be added to the amount you already have in Tamatown. DO NOT LOG OUT! Just simply refresh the page, and reenter you're login, username and code in. The 4000 you put in earlier will still be there, and now you will have another 4000.
Example: Tamatown Gotchi Points - 5000
First Login + 4000 - 9000
Refresh Page + 2nd Login + 4000 - 18000
Repeat. Once you have enough, like 999000, you can logout with that!