Unable to get Violet Family on V5


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March 2008 Contest Winner
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
Hi, I recently got a Violetchi on my Tamagotchi V5. Today, I've tried to get a Sukatchi on the Dating Show multiple times, but for some reason, the Matchmaker never offers a high-bonded adult, which means no Sukatchi. My family is currently bonded at 100%, so I'm wondering, is it even possible for me to get a Sukatchi on the dating show with my middle-bonded family? The other two tamagotchis I have with my Violetchi are Mumutchi and Furikotchi. Thanks for your time!

If you want to get the Pure Violet family, make sure that the current bonding is at 100%. The matchmaker's offers are random, you can't control what she gives you. If she doesn't give you sukatchi, oh well, try again. It takes time. Don't worry, sukatchi will show up eventually.

Well, the matchmaker only brings three Tamas per day. I was trying to get the Violet family a while back as well, but Sukatchi just wouldn't show up! However I used a special cheat so that I could visit the matchmaker more than 3 times. First you set the time to 11:59PM, wait until it turns 12:00AM, and then set the time to when your Tamas wake up. It's timetaking, but Sukatchi eventually appeared and it was well worth getting the Violet family!

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