Hello, Mr. Squiggles! ,
Welocme to TamaTalk! Admin sent you a nice, descriptive message to you because your new. Carefully view it! When your browsing a forum, peek in on pinned topics(at the tippy top of forums) and read through thoroughly. If you are confused or have hurt feelings or see a topic with SPAM and fighting or personal site links in it, contact a Guide or Admin right away! List of TamaTalk Guides georgiakate1 is on alot, you could try her! And spiffy!
But of course, read the rules! You can find them at the bottom of the PM/message our wonderful Admin sent you and click New TT Rules! Or, for convience, you may click this, the Improved TamaTalk Rules. Have a great day and thank the guides often and Admin and the good Angelgotchi for their HARD work! I am happy you registered here, I greet you with a warm welcome!
You must be interested in Tamagotchis, not?? Well, you have huge company! The majority of this place, TamaTalk, are interested in tamas, like them, and have their own opinions of them! What is your opinion? You don't have to be shy!! I will like to spend time in the TamaTalk chatroom with you, if you like! Funny name, Squiggles! He! I just met you and I am calling you by a nickname! Don't worry! I tend to do that!
Your Furry Friend from around the block!
Okay? GOOOOD!!!!