Two Questions About NEW Tamagotchi Connection


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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Hello! I have two questions about the new tamagotchi connection that just came out.

1. Is there a growth chart out yet? I know it just came out, but I know some people are very tech-savvy or had early access, so I didn’t know if one was created yet.

2. Is there a way to pause it? I know on the original connections you could press A and B together and it would pause it, but I’ve tried that on the new one and it doesn’t work.

Thanks in advance for your help! :wub:
No, it cannot be paused. This was on the Western versions only, and the rerelease is the same as in Japan.
2. Is there a way to pause it? I know on the original connections you could press A and B together and it would pause it, but I’ve tried that on the new one and it doesn’t work.

Welcome to clock pausing! For the new connections, go to the clock screen and press A and C simultaneously to put the clock in set mode (a digit will start flashing and set will appear at the bottom of the screen). Now you can just leave your tama alone and then come back and update the time so your tama sleeps on time. This works on practically all tamas (I think the only one you shouldn't actually use this on is the Tamagotchi Ocean/Umino but that versions a real beast; don't know if there's a colour model you can't use this on but then they have daycares/babysitting).

The reason this works is because virtual pets rely on the clock to time events like evolutions and meters dropping. By pausing the clock, all of these processes stop. It's worth noting that the new connections are likely to still possess an internal clock (I think this is the case for all Tamagotchis) where the time elapsed on the device is still measured for things like evolutions even if the clock is altered. So, if you move the clock 5 hours ahead, your Tamagotchi wont evolve 5 hours earlier. Rather, you'll have to wait for 5 hours of use to expierence an event that would have happened at the 5 hour mark. I imagine this feature is because it allows the user to start the Tamagotchi at any time of the day and not be forced to experience events at only certain times of the day (such as experiencing evolution always at noon regardless of whether true full 24 hour days have elasped or not).