Training Question


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Nov 4, 2006
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How do you increase the training level of your tamagotchi? i have one bar, but I'm not sure how to get it any higher. Thank you :angry:

Here is a little guide that will help:

Earning "Training" Bars:

The way you train your Tamagotchi will affect how it will grow up and how disciplined it will be (determined by the amount of training bars). To earn training bars, you should praise it when it does something good, but give it a "time out" if it refuses to do what you're asking it to do and/or cals you for no reason. :angry:


How do you increase the training level of your tamagotchi? i have one bar, but I'm not sure how to get it any higher. Thank you :angry:
To get training bars wait till ur tama is crying, has it's back turned, or is naughty(like giving your friend unexpected presents)you ether disipline or praise it(to cheer it up).

Hope I helped^^


if it beeps although his hearts r full and does nothing, punish it

if it cries or turns his back on u, praise it

How do you increase the training level of your tamagotchi? i have one bar, but I'm not sure how to get it any higher. Thank you :mimitchi:
To train your tama you must disciplin it when it is bad. For example if you connect with another person,and you press visit,your tama will disapear and will be shown on the other persons screen. Then your tama will either give a good gift such as food or a item. This will make the other tama happy and he will learn to like you better the more good items you give. but if the item is bad the other tama will cry and learn to dislike you the more bad present you give (bad present usually are tama poo). Then your tama will appear back to your screen, if it was a bad present your tama has given then be sure to disiplin it. There are many more ways,If you don't know how to displin,or want to know more PM me and I'll tell you all that I know.

Hope that helps. :(

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