Too Much


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Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
I feel....Disapointed in myself i think. Today I just got the Toys R' Us 2 pack with lime green keitai akai (with little red/orange/yellow trees and catepillar things all around it), and Lime Green Home Deka tamagotchi, also my v3 which I have had for a week but has mostly been on pause. And i have already ordered two entamas...


They are so awesome but they cost so freakin much! Not the V3 but the 2 pack! Ugh I just got a job and didnt mean to spend my check this way....but Iam really happy with what I got. SO in this log i think i want to just like give info on them cause I had a hard time finding info about deka, so let's get started with the basics for now.

Deka: So this is the giant tamagotchi and features a little girl with like some overalls and a little beanie hat with ears sticking out. Awwww. She starts off in this little hut but i soon found you could travel all over Tamatown. Like the school,bank,shop,gamehut and some place which might be the gotchi kings palace. I love how simple this is because you dont have to worry about liek feeding it or training it or anything you can just play games to win point which you can

buy items for your own deka house, or even buy a new house

send the won points to your other tamagotchis

send TONS of items to you're other tamagotchis

I really love it! The graphics are cool and i like how at the school you can interact with like> :wacko: :) :wub: it's really fun and new too play with

Keitai Akai: Ok this thing is hard to see, I always have to squint to tell what mine is doing. Mine started as an upside down clear heart (a girl) and within an hour matured to a cherry (i love it) i liek the games with is like catch the poo, basketball, and betting on which tama will win the race. There are alot of things i havenot figured out like how to get to the shop, or if there even is one or does the salesman just come by? I think ill liek this one more as time goes on...

Tamagotchi american V3

hehe i love it. Mine started as a little girl and then matured into a little ice cream cone puff and then went to be some character from v2 which i didnt really like... Oh well anways the games are catch the music (not the poo, so is like the opposite of keita), bump, flag, and the ball game. I like the new items and tamatown which always seems not to be working, atleast on my comp. I think it's really good but am more ecxited about the entama
