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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2009
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Hi! This will be about my black tamagotchi plus color, please pm me for questions!

Macko my young mametchi grew last night. Thats when he bacame an adorable young mametchi. So cute! My friends got a holed of him and fed him way to much... 95 lbs! :) :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :blink: :lol: :) , I want to kill them! He's finw now because I played games, many! Macko just came up to me, in zoom, he's so cute and proud of growing a healthy McDonalds tree! Yummy burgers, but there unhealthy. I don't want to over feed him, he's already gone through that. We are trying to grow an money tree like his mom once did. A couple days ago we grew a cotton candy tree. I found out this good cheat for growing trees, set you clock to 6:59 a hole bunch of times, like 4 and you tamas tree will grow each time it wakes up!!! Macko gets so happy when we grow healthy trees, not once a dead tree, yet!! Macko turned 2 this morning and got part of a green happy bar!! If you know anything about happy bars, please visit here! , it would be very helpfull! Thats all for now!

Macko's 3 and still didn't grow, maybe later, hopefully. We unlocked the full happy bar and became rich, between money trees and king games, we earned over 10,000 gotchi gold. We spent most of it on useless junk, though. On ebay yesterday I almost bought an other $45 dollar TMGC+C but I didn't, though I'm regreting it, but its still up there, in my fave color... but I know people in Japan that can get me a REALLY cheap one, to connect my black one with. Anyway, we got a house makeover, very cute little royal, log, and fung shway house.

Around 9:00 pm today Macko grew into a Gozarutchi! He does not reprusent bad care on TMGC+C! He can use the invisibility cape, its so cool! With his growth money I belive, we bought the "Flying Shoe," very intertesting! He is in a black shell, so it looks very cool, he might want to be a ninja, but he has a big soft side! We are going to the raffle now, he got a kitchen sponge, dang it, we already have that. PM me if you go to the raffle and always get the same stuff, I need to know that its not a glitch. By same stuff I mean stuff you already have. I am in the lead on Ebay, yay! My cat is happy too, he is purring. Lol! So, he's not a Kuchpa, huh, I kinda knew it wouldn't be, but I wanted to use the super hero box, oh well, maybe next time. OMG, I almost bought out the store, wow, I'm greetey, lol!

PM me if you like my log please, I really need to know!
