tinkeepie's log


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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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With my tamagotchis!
Hi I currently have 4 tamagotchis running. One is a tama-go, one is a familitchi, and I have 2 music stars. Here's their stats:

Music star #1





4 yr.


25 lb.







Gen. 3

Music star #2




Kind:Mimitchi :mimitchi:

7 yr.


25 lb.

Stress: 08












3 yr.


40 lb.








Kind:Violetchi :furawatchi: ,Furikotchi,Onputchi





OMG Pebbles just got married to Togetchi!!! :ichigotchi: They had a baby girl! I cant wait for my 2nd generation! I hope their girl will be Chantotchi as an adult.


Here's a picture of Nick


This is Daisy up close


this is Daisy doing her makeup :D


And this is Pebbles performing with her band


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Mini update: Daisy married dorotchi{Yay!},they had a baby girl,and she also got a 1st ranking award.

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Hi guys, right now all of my tamas are just bouncing around. Here's some pics I took of them yesterday.


Violet and her dad sneaking a snack


Daisy and her husband, Jacob with the baby{I still don't know what to name her yet}


Nick playing tennis


Pebbles, her baby, Elodie, and her husband, Rick going to bed

Well, last night Pebbles and Daisy left their babies in my care. I named Pebble's baby Elodie, and Daisy's baby Bella.





They were born at 7:01 AM. Then, they evolved around 8:00. Elodie evolved into Tamatchi, and Bella evolved into Hitodetchi. Then, my tamagotchi familitchi married, and had two eggs. They were fatubatchi {girl}, and mimifuwatchi{boy}. They still haven't evolved yet.


Anyway, on my tama-go, the date place was open, so Nick went there, and he married lovelitchi! I hope they have a baby girl. I'll let my tamas talk.

Bella: hi! I evolved into hitodetchi!

Elodie: and I evolved into tamatchi!

Nick: I remember I used to have a crush on your mom, Elodie.

Nick's wife, Mary: Hey!

Bella: I'm hungry.

Me: you can have baby food.

Bella: but that's for babies!

Elodie: Yea, we want regular food!

Me: you can have regular food when your a teen, but for now, I want you to eat baby food.

Bella and Elodie: :angry:

Nick: I'm going to the tama-market, do you need anything Mary?

Mary: *Gives list of foods to buy*

Well, I guess that's it for now. Bye guys!

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Hey guys guess what Elodie turned into? A chamametchi! And Bella turned into an ichigotchi! I'll let them talk:

Bella: I evolved into an ichigotchi!

Elodie: and I evolved into a chamametchi! I can't wait to form my own band! We're going to be called the Rockers!

Me: good Elodie! What about you, Bella?

Bella: ummm, I don't know what I'm gonna call my band, yet.

Me: well, I'm sure you'll think of something.

Elodie: oh, I almost forgot.

Bella: forgot what?

Elodie: now that we're teens, we get to eat real food now!

Bella: oh yea!

Well, nothing else has happened. Bella and Elodie should be forming their band soon, so i'll tell you when that happens.

Mini update: Elodie and Bella formed a band! Elodie's was called the Rockers. Her band members were nonopotchi, and ringotchi. Their genre was hip-hop. Bella's band was called the go go's. Her band members were ringotchi, and ichigotchi :ichigotchi: . Their genre is R&B. Other than that, nothing else has happened to my tamas. Nick and his wife, Mary, should be having a baby tomorrow, though. I really hope they have a girl!

Hey, guess what happened? Nick and his wife had a baby girl!


Something else that happened is my familitchi evolved! They were chamametchi, and mamekatchi.


I'll let them say hi.

tama family member #1{chamametchi}: wow! we evolved!

tama family member # 2{mamekatchi}: yeah! we're teens now!

Elodie: nice job, guys.

Nick: And I have my own daughter now! I'm gonna call her Ginger.

Ginger: goo goo.

Mary, Nick's wife: *feeds baby milk*

Nick: I'm gonna miss her when we leave and come back to tamagotchi land. Do we have to leave?

Mary, Nick's wife: we have too, Nick. It's a tamagotchi tradition.

Nick: :(

Bella and Elodie evolved! Sadly, Bella evolved into kunoitchi, but Elodie evolved into chantotchi! When they evolved, their band members did, too. Elodie's band members: kuchipatchi, and maskitchi. Bella's band members: maskitchi, and chantotchi. Both Bella and Elodie performed to the judges, and got x o o. Then, they had their first concert at 5:00. Only a few people were there, but that's okay. Then, they had another one at 6:00, and a few more people came. Well, that's all that happened. Pics of Bella and Elodie to come!

Sorry I didn't post in the morning like I usually do, but the first day of school was today.So, I'm going to change my schedule to once or twice a day, in the evening. Anyway, a LOT of things have happened since I posted. First of all, I just got my v4.5 in the mail today! So, I will add the v4.5 to my log:

Tamagotchi v6 {Bella}

She just got her pro debut :kuribotchi: ! I'm so happy for her!

Tamagotchi V6 {Elodie]

Of course, she got her pro debut, too.

Tamagotchi familitchi

Nothing really happened. They're all just bouncing around right now.


Nick left! It was a girl, so I named her Sugar. Here's a pic of her


Tamagotchi v4.5

It was a boy. I named him Chili. He still hasn't evolved yet.



I'll let all my tamas talk:

Chili: goo goo ga ga

Sugar: gee gee goo goo

Elodie:*Practices with band*

One of Elodie's band members, Perry: Okay, guys we have to be great for our concert. We're not just performing out on the street, like we used to, now we're performing on a stage, with dozens of fans watching us.

Elodie: Yea, so lets start practicing!

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OMG OMG guess what happened? Chili evolved! He is now a Urayoungmametchi.He also went on his first day to elementary/middle/high school! His teacher is Ms. Flower. Another important event that happened is Sugar evolved into shelltchi! Not just that, but my familitchi evolved, too! They were lovezukintchi, and hatugatchi. Now, the final item on today's important event's list is: Bella got her first ranking award! I'm so proud of her! Elodie didn't get hers yet, but she will soon. Time for my tamas to talk.

Chili: yay! I'm going to school now!

Me: good job, Chili.

Sugar: and I can talk! Man, this is so cool!

Me: okay, guys, time to brush your teeth and take your showers.

Sugar: okay.

Chili: got it, hey, why did you name me Chili?

Me: uhh, I dunno. I guess I just thought of it.

Chili: oh.

Me: why, what's the problem?

Chili: well I thought you named me for a specific reason, like, I dunno, maybe a great grandfather, or something.

Me: sorry, bud. But, I like your name. I suits you well.

Chili: you think?

Me: yea, now go and brush your teeth, mister.

Chili: yes mam!







The tama family

I will post again tomorrow, maybe even today!

Hey guys! I have some exciting news! Okay, today I'm going to let Bella and Elodie tell you guys the exiting news.

Bella: Well, I met a guy.

Elodie: me too! His name is Steven, and he's a Shimashimatchi!

Bella: Hey! Let me talk!

Elodie: sorry.

Bella: anyway, we married!

Elodie: Yea, and me and Steven did, too!

Bella: we had a boy.

Elodie: yea, and we did, too!

Me: twins! What are you guys gonna name your babies?

Elodie: Hmm, I'm not sure, yet. I'm thinking either Perry, or Parker.

Me: what about you, Bella?

Bella: Uh, I dunno.

Okay, well something else happened. Sugar evolved into Ringotchi! I'm so proud of her!

Well, I guess that's it for now. Chili still hasn't evolved yet, but I'll update when he does. Pics of Sugar and more to come!

Ohla Senoras! Guess what Chili evolved into? A matsuritchi! I have to admit, that wasn't my best choice of character, but that's alright, because I'm still proud of him. Here's a pic!


Anyway, today I brought my V5 into school today. They got married! I had my harutchi marry what looked like a girl version of kuchipatchi, probably his sister. Then, my harutchi evolved into papamametchi, and his wife evolve into a mamapatchi. They had 3 eggs. In no time, they hatched, and evolved into toddlers. They are tororotchi, mattaritchi, and sakuratchi.

Heres their pics!


Well, that's all that happened today, but I did promise you pics of Sugar and my other tamas. So, here they are!




Elodie and her husband

Until tomorrow!

Ohla Senoras! Guess what Chili evolved into? A matsuritchi! I have to admit, that wasn't my best choice of character, but that's alright, because I'm still proud of him. Here's a pic!


Anyway, today I brought my V5 into school today. They got married! I had my harutchi marry what looked like a girl version of kuchipatchi, probably his sister. Then, my harutchi evolved into papamametchi, and his wife evolve into a mamapatchi. They had 3 eggs. In no time, they hatched, and evolved into toddlers. They are tororotchi, mattaritchi, and sakuratchi.

Heres their pics!


Well, that's all that happened today, but I did promise you pics of Sugar and my other tamas. So, here they are!




Elodie and her husband

Until tomorrow!

Thanks for 200 views!

Hello everybody! Something special has happened! Bella and Elodie left! I named Bella's Parker, and Elodie's Marx. Also, my brother, tamaluver's tama,{V6}, left her baby girl last night, too. Her name is Mia. We agreed to connect and marry when they grow into adults, but I'm not sure which to pick; Parker, or Marx? I guess We'll have to connect and find out! Anyway, they soon evolved into toddlers. Parker and Marx both evolved into Kuchitamatchi! I was really mad they evolved into the same character, and bad care, too! Oh well. Mia also evolved into a toddler, Hitodetchi. Now I'll let my tama's talk.

Parker: yay! we evolved!

Marx: into the same character. :angry:

Parker: Shh, some one's coming.

Mia:*walks into room*

Marx in whisper: who is she?

Parker: oh, I know her. We connected when we were babies.

Marx: I can't remember anything from when I was a baby.

Parker: why don't we play with her? C'mon, let's go.

Marx: wait!

Parker: what?

Marx: well, I'm kinda shy.

Parker: well, I'm going to meet her.

Marx: wait for me!

Marx and Parker:*walks awkwardly into room*

Mia: Hi there!!

Parker: Hi!

Marx: um,er, hi, uh, there.

Parker:*elbows in ribs*

Mia: I'm just watching alphabet soup on the tama kids channel.

Parker: I love alphabet soup! Which episode?

Mia: the one when tamatchi learns the ABC's.

Parker: great! can we watch?

Mia: sure!

Mia, Parker, and Marx:*watches alphabet soup*

Well, nothing else happened to my tamas yet, so I guess that's it for now.

Oh, I forgot to mention, for some reason when I posted yesterday, it went through twice. Just wanted to point that out for any confusion.

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Hi! Here are what happened to my tamas today:


Nothing happened. She's just been lounging around all day.

Tamagotchi v6{Marx}

He evolved into a kikitchi. He will form his band soon, but I still don't know what to call it yet....

Tamagotchi v6{Parker}

Of course, he evolved into a kikitchi too. I hate stressing over Marx and Parker evolving into the same character.

Tamagotchi family

They also evolved. They are chamametchi, shelltchi, and mamekatchi.

Tamagotchi v4.5

Chili finally got his job! He works at the bakery, and should get his pay tomorrow, or the day after.


7:00-Marx and Parker wake up

7:30-the tama family and Chili wake up

8:00-Sugar wakes up

11:30-Chili gets his job

4:45-tama family evolves

5:00-Marx evolves

5:30-Parker evolves



Chili gets xxx on first try


Chili gets OOO on second try


Chili gets present from king


Marx and Parker as toddlers {currently teens}


All of my tamas

Well, I guess that wraps things up for the day. I'll post again tomorrow, so please read!

Hey guys! NOTHING has happened today. I wanted to post when Marx and Parker evolves, but they may not until they fall asleep. So, I'll just let my tamas talk. Marx is red, Parker is purple, and I am Pink.

Marx: hello everyone!

Parker: hey people.

Marx: Parker's mad at me.

Parker: I'm not mad, it's just you know I like Mia, so why would you ask her out?

Marx: I didn't know you liked Mia-

Parker: yes you DID!

Marx: no, I DIDN'T!!

me: hey, now guys. Don't fight. Anyway, it's shower time. Who go's first?

Parker: I'm going first, and Marx, you better watch out.

Marx: I'm not afraid of you.

Me: GUYS, quit fighting, seriously.

Parker: whatever.

Marx: I'm going in my room.

Me: wait, Marx. You stay right here.

Marx: what?

Me: we have to fix this Mia problem.

Marx: what do you mean?

Me: you guys are constantly fighting over Mia, and it needs to stop.

Marx: okay, I'll fix it.

Me: you better, Marx, or this could turn out bad.

Marx: don't worry. I have this all under control.

Well, I still can't figure out who will date Mia, but another important event is coming up. I'm pretty sure tomorrow Sugar will be able to go to the date place, so I hope she gets a great care, or even perfect care character. I also forgot to say Marx formed a band! It's called New Moon, and his band members are: ichigotchi playing the microphone, and nonopotchi playing the trumpet. Well, that's all it is for today.

Thanks for 250 views!!

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