time machienes...


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
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do u think they will ever invent time michene? i here scientists saying they almost have the formula to warp time but if they ever made time michenes wouldnt we have seen them by now? we would have seen ppl travle back to this time...

and we had a science fair a wile ago and this one girl was saying she thinks that some on the claims of seeing a "UFO" are really time machies, i was waching her presentaition and she had pictures of the "UFO" sightings and pictures of blue prints of time macheies and they had a lot of stuff in comman....later that day every one tjhought she was crazy and i kinda do to but...idk do u think its a possiblity?

I shudder to think what us fumbling humans would do to mess up the universe if we had a time machine.

There are rules to time. Unfortunately, most people don't know them.

But anyways to quote a friend, right now, we're time traveling. Time traveling by the nanosecond.

I don't think it's physically possible. I don't know the whole scientific explanation, but you can't really change the natural way that time flows. I do believe it would cause a ruckus if it were possible to make one because you could change history, and all the laws and stuff could be affected just by one little thing you did when you traveled back to the past. I hope that made sense.

I think not.

It's one of those things that can't be done. Other wise, we would have people from the future visiting us now.. and maybe they would of fixed bad things that happened to this world. I don't think it's possible.

I'm a logical thinker and what happens if there is one invented right now but in a parallel universe 100's of years in the future and we are the past.... Its possible. Just shows how bored i get the things i come up with...

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