this is innappropriate


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
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many times, i saw a character that looked like a bomb! this is inappropriate for little kids! also the bomb was LIT! that makes it worse. and the little innocent child is going to ask mommy " what is that black thing with fire?" and mommy is going to say " oh, it's a bomb, sweetheart." i dont think so. why would bandai want to put things like that for little kids to see? :ph34r: :) :)

*edit* i have a 5 yr old brother. i know this kind of stuff.

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thats the age limit....and even if they do have "bombs" on a tamagotchi, what are the kids going to do about it? are they going to buy a bomb? bombs dont even look like that?! so honestly, this is a pointless thread...

what about them? this is YOUR problem to deal with not mine or anyone elses. so what if a tamagotchi looks like a bomb?! having a "bomb" is not innappropriate, its innappropriate if the bomb is killing someone? have you ever seen a tama kill another tama?! didnt think so... you dont have to tell the world that YOU dont think its right to have a so called "bomb" shapped tamagotchi!if YOU think its not appropiot then YOU shouldnt go on tamatown! this is a sup-forum to talk about experiences,problems, and questions about tamatown. not to tell people that there shouldnt be a certian tamagotchi. that isnt your decision. thats bandia's decision. and if you dont want your 5 year old little brother to see it, then dont show it to him! ...phew that was a mouthfull...

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:D It's not a big deal...I mean a BOMB come on. You made it sound more outrageos than it really was.
come on. It's a bomb with a happy face :D

who's gonna be afraid of a happy bomb. it never explodes it never threatens anyone. It's just a virtual pet. How sheltered do we have to make children these days. It's rediculous to freak out because a child might see a bomb with a happy face.

Look at the Mario party games. Mario party for the N64 was i believe rated E for everyone. I played it when i was 5! and there is a game completely centered on passing a bob-omb around until it explodes on someone. I grew up just fine haha. I am by no means more violent or hateful than i would have been if i have never been exposed to a simple bomb with a face in a simple childrens game.

Kids should be shealtered sometimes but i think you're going a little too farif you freak out because of a little happy bomb pet with a cheerful smile :3

Umm... that "bomb" is a Bakutchi. It's a type of tamagotchi.

I totally agree with sasukeisemo. If you don't want your brother to see it, don't show it to him! It's BandDai's decision whether to make a tamagotchi character that looks like a bomb to you or not.

And I mean, do you ever see the "bomb" exploding or killing other tamas? No! It's a virtual pet in a computer world for those virtual pets.

Besides, doesn't it say, on every single tamagotchi, that they are to be played with ages 8+? With that being said, do you think a 5 year old is going to be able to get online and see the "bomb", then grow up to be somebody hurtful? If the parents let them, then that's the parent's choice. Just worry about you and your choices.

i know, but this is tamagotchis we're talking about! what happened to the smiley faces on buildings and chairs and on every other inanimate object? and the cute creatures? a bomb is not cute. and my brother knows how to play tamagotchi....roughly..... he can feed it, and go shopping and play games!

Aww, come on. There are cute little bomb guys in the Mario games. Just because it's a bomb guy doesn't imply violence. Maybe he's a fun confetti bomb?

Why assume this bomb wants to blow up and die anyway? :unsure: I'm sure that guy enjoys life and being a bomb and is not suicidal.

i know, but this is tamagotchis we're talking about! what happened to the smiley faces on buildings and chairs and on every other inanimate object? and the cute creatures? a bomb is not cute. and my brother knows how to play tamagotchi....roughly..... he can feed it, and go shopping and play games!
I haven't been on Tama EXPO for a while, so I don't know if they've stopped with the faces on everything. Maybe Tama EXPO is more... "mature" from the other Tama Towns. tamagotchis are only 8+. No offense, but you wouldn't normally see 5 year olds playing with them. And like I said before, you don't see the "bomb" killing other tamas. It's just a black circle with a leaf on it's head and a smiley face. As long as it doesn't act like it's a bomb, then it's fine with me.

Meh. To me it looks like a leaf.

Anyway, I don't see the big deal about this. Take the Mario games for example. They have bombs. And they're rated E for everyone. Kids your brother's age play those games. I don't know about you, but to me, the "bomb" in Tama EXPO look a lot friendlier than the ones in Mario games.

omg! its a harmless tamagotchi character! get over your self!!!!!!! listen, tamagotchi_fan, you wrote this thred to get attention. dont try to deny it. why else would you publicly tell us your problem? its not our fualt that you so called "litttle brother" is scared of bombs. you REALLY need to get over yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so stup telling us its innaparopiot! just stop posting! can a mod PLZ close this thread

I think it's only in cartoons that a bomb actually looks like that. Actually, to me it looks like a highway traffic torch. (Click here to see what I mean.)

It's not the first Tamagotchi character based on something unusual. Have you forgotten the EnTama characters based on body parts - Ashitchi is a foot, and Shiripuritch is a bum (no, not a peach), and the UraTama characters based on toilets etc. - Makigamitchi is a roll of toilet paper, Benzatchi is a toilet, and Washikitchi is a Japanese-style toilet (which needs to be flushed!) And, speaking of potty humour, the Lucky Unchi-kun character used on the Angel Gotchi and Chibi Tamagotchi is a poo.

Click here for the EnTama character chart, and click here for the UraTama character chart. Click here to see the Chibi Tamagotchi unchi-kun character.

Anyway... I think that's enough for this topic. I'll close it before it bursts into flames.

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