A few Tuesdays ago, two Tamagotchies, an Ichigotchi and Kuribotchi , saw a big stick, about 7 feet long and a foot wide, on the way home from Summer Camp.
Kuribotchi wanted to carry it home, and Ichigotchi thought it was a fun idea.
So they carried it home.
Then they realized, "What are we going to do with this thing?"
Uh oh.
Kuribotchi's dad had to carry it all the way back to the park. It was heavy and left a mark on papakuribotchi's work shirt.
The stick still sits there today!
The end...the rock...or the beginning?
Kuribotchi wanted to carry it home, and Ichigotchi thought it was a fun idea.
So they carried it home.
Then they realized, "What are we going to do with this thing?"
Uh oh.
Kuribotchi's dad had to carry it all the way back to the park. It was heavy and left a mark on papakuribotchi's work shirt.
The stick still sits there today!
The end...the rock...or the beginning?