The Toboe Family


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
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I'm starting this a little late since my Tama's are already in the second generation. But since my second generation Tamas are almost at breeding age I thought I'd start this now.


My first generation V5 Tamas grew up to be Mametchi, Chantotchi and Kuchipatchi in that order. When I learned of the pure families I KNEW I wanted a Mame Family since Mametchi is my favorite Tama next to Mimitchi.


However I made a mistake being that there was still some unknowns with the growth of V5 Tamas at the time. The mistake was marrying my Chantotchi to a Mametchi, when the proper order for a Mame family was to breed a Mametchi with a Chantochi along with get bonding to 100% and training them with "Smart" training activities. I ended up getting Papamametchi and Mamametchi and they had two eggs and at first I thought I was on the road to a Mame Family...until my Tama's both evoled into Tamas related to a WHOLE DIFFRENT FAMILY GROUP. The boy turned into Bakutchi and the girl into Ichigotchi, turning my "Smart Family" into a "Blended One" again.


Thinking maybe training would fix this I spent time making sure to check my Tamas during times they ask for training and using more "Smart" training activities on them. It wasn't until I read more here about the Pure familys that I relized I would have to wait until my Third Genertation to get a Mame Family.


My tamas should be of breeding age tommorrow, but I'll keep checking with the Dating Channel until then. Even though my Tamas became adults yesterday :lol:


Right now the oldest, the girl is a Chantotchi and the boy is a Mametchi. The parents are Papamametchi and the mother, my tama, is Mamametchi. Their bonding went down to 90% but I got that back to 100% playing "Shoe Pair" and using the DVD's. They also had more training and used the rocket which was the smart activity.


When the Dating Channel allows me to mate my Mametchi I will post another log. But knowing my Tama's something else interesting might happen before then.


By the way. The name of my family "Toboe" is the name of my favorite wolf in the anime Wolf's Rain, I also own both volumes of the Manga. Toboe means "Howling" in Japanese. Since Tamas at a young age are ALWAYS calling for attention, and Toboe the wolf in my opinion represence staying together, supporting eachother, and caring for one another like a family, not to mention innocence, I felt his name was a good choice.


Sorry if the reason for naming my Tamagotchi Family sounds cheesy. ^_^

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I said I would post when my Tamas mated, so now that I'm posting you all know the deal of why. However I didn't mate my Mametchi with a Chantochi as I said I would to create a Mame Family.


I got a rare event were Planetchi appeared and offered a Sunnytchi. I couldn't resist this rare chance and I mated my Mametchi with Sunnychi.


Now I have a Papamametchi and a Planetchi, they have only a single child that is a female Iwatchi. I hope this won't affect my future generations since I heard now that you only get one child with a Sunnytchi no matter what you breed it with and it grows up to be a Sunnytchi. I hope I didn't make a big mistake... :( :D


Anyway like every baby Tama I've had it keeps needing attention and I feed and play when needed. Also like every Tama baby I've had it got sick a while after it hatched, ate and played. It should take its nap soon before turning into its toddler form.


Next time I'll raise a Mame family, I want to have raised all the Pure Families on the v5...the GOOD ones! Not the Large or Petite or Ninja families :p


I'm going to most likely head to Tama Expo and play some games and buy stuff. You know the Cup Shining game at the Tamagotchi Amusment Park is GREAT! Its easy and it pays a lot, 300G! Its near IMPOSSIBLE to say you haven't got a high score on it to get the full amount of Gochi Points. The cups are easy and quick to clean.


I miss the other stuff from the other Tamagotchi Town though. I miss the Parent and Grandparent houses. I liked being able to buy food there instead of waiting for the store in my unit to have it. Plus I'm SURE the prices were lower, the Street Market seems to charge a lot.


Anyway for now I'll focus trying to not go nuts until my Iwatchi becomes a toddler and trying to get Bonding up to 100% because right now its at 0% :p


And thankyou to A.M.S102 for messaging me about my Tamagotchi Log! :D

I don't know when it happened but my Iwatchi became its toddler form, a Hoshitchi...looks like a black five point star with eyes, a mouth and a white body...yet another reason I wish Bandai would make colored screens...I mean Nintendo managed it with their Version 2 of their Pocket Pikachu's!


I fed it bread to fill up its two empty Hunger hearts and played a DVD to fill its three empty Happiness Hearts.


I had two animations I've seen before. First Hoshitchi helped his mother, Planetchi, with laundry. Then vacumed...or something with his father Papamametchi.


Now that my Tama is older things should be less hecktic then when she was a Iwatchi.


Bonding is STILL at 0%...I really got to get moving with that.


I also want to add pictures to this but I think I need to sign up to photobucket or some other Image supporting site first...Photobucket asks for information thats too personal. I mean...why would a website need your address and cellphone number or your FULL name? I know a lot of people use it...but that bothers me and I'm not sure I want to use Photobucket...

Okay I took my Tama to school today like I always do. Good thing my professors don't care that I have it and take care of it so long as I get my work done and all my notes written...good thing I'm a great multi tasker when its needed. I can have it sitting on my desk and nobody will say anything about it. I keep the sound off and check on it every so often so nothing bad happens.


Hoshitchi wanted to be fed and played with while I was in class, I fed her some eggs to fill up the three empty hearts and I played the Roportchi DVD since playing was out of the question right then...and I didn't want to give her a snack. I might not be able to see their weight anymore with the v5 but NOWAY am I giving her too many snacks! :( She had a donut today with her breakfast when she woke up, she wasn't getting anymore sweets! :huh:


With all the research I'm doing at school I haven't had time to get the bonding up AGAIN! But its at 10% now so thats something....I really need to start working harder... :blink:


When I got home and after a little bit she asked for training, I let her play with the blocks. Then I saw an animation of Hoshitchi and his dad Papamametchi talking to a frigarator...okay odd... :D


I and I have pictures now! I had to clean them up in Photoshop because they were dark and blurry. I don't know how great they are...I hope they show up. I wanted to get a picture of each family member but it always flicked to the regualer screen instead of staying on the states menu when I was scanning.


You can't see from the pics so I'll tell you, I own a Brillient Ruby Red v5...did I already tell you guys that :angry:


Anyway here are the pictures of my Hoshitchi.


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I never posted a new log for yesterday I know. :lol:


Thursdays I have class from 9:15am all the way to 5:35pm...yeah very long day and when I got hope all I wanted to do was eat, enjoy myself with some video games and take a good long hot shower after dinner before going to bed.


Not that I don't enjoy doing my Tamagotchi log...I was just very tierd yesterday. :lol:


Anway yesterday for some reason Hoshitchi was almost as fussy as a new born that possible in a toddler formed Tamagotchi? Because almost every minute he was wanting to be fed or played with, and yes I checked the time, I always do in order to get an idea of how long it takes for a heart to empty. :eek:


I saw some more animations from my Hoshitchi. She talked with the frige with his father, did more landry with his mother and took a bath in a big tub. :wacko:


I saw Papamametchi and Planetchi have some animations too!


I saw them eating banana's once...and caught them kissing. :D


Later that night after I trained her and played "Shoe Pair" to boost the Bonding she evolved again.


Now she is a Mikazukitchi with a cresant moon for a head. :blink:


So since Tamagtochi evolutions take a two days for each exsepted for their change from baby to toddler...she might be changing into her adult from either Saterday or Sunday night.


As for this morning it was a disaster! I over slept and woke up to Mikazukitchi with her screen a mess due to her "leavings" and all her hearts were empty! I quicky fed her, played "Tea Time" with her and played the Ropotchi DVD to fill her Happiness hearts, and of course flushed...I did that first. :mellow: :) :p :) :unsure:


So here are the states for my Tamagtochi right now:


Family Name: Toboe

Family Type: Blended Family

Generation: 3

Current Memebers: Papamametchi(Father), Planetchi(Mother), Mikazukitchi (Daughter)

Bonding: 40%

Gotchi Points: 2340

Hungry: Full

Happiness: Full


I will try to put pictures here of her new form later today.

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Saturday night was when my Tama finally became a Sunnyitchi.


Something happened today however...


I was unable to care for my Tama during class and when I checked on her...ALL MY TAMAS BECAME PETITE FAMILY CHARACTERS!!!! :)


This was to be my Tama's wedding day, but still I switched to the dating channel and got her married to a Mametchi and they had to eggs.


Here is the states so far:


Family Members:

Mimifuwatchi (Oldest, Daughter)

Omututchi (Youngest, Son)

Petioyatchi (Mother, my Tama)

Papamametchi(Father, married into family)


I can't understand why my Tamas all became Petite characters...I always make sure they aren't hungry...was that ONE single hour were I wasn't watching really had that much of an effect for a fully grown adult Tamagotchi?


I hope their kids don't grow up to be a Petite Family...I read you needed to feed your character certain stuff...maybe its for when you want to change your current family back. I still see that as strange that a well cared for Tama from the time of its birth became a Petite character along with my other Tamas because I wasn't paying attention for one hour...that feels a little extreme and wierd. If I NEVER fed my Tama that would be one thing...that wouldn't surpize me...but a fully grown Sunnyitchi who was left for just ONE hour!?

After the insanity of this morning both babies...after being as demanding at baby Tamas are...both transformed into their toddler stage after eating one more meal (a mushroom), playing a game, and getting sick and pooping on the floor after I gave them medicne...Tama newborns honestly... :)


Anyway the little girl is a Sakuramotchi and the boy is a Ahirukutchi. :D


They should be asleep in the next minute... a least in this version all Tamas regardless of age have a bedtime of 9:00pm. :D


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