One sunny day it seemed that the day would be perfect! But it turned out that day there was a Tamagotchi that's name was Jacob who would always get into al sorts of Trouble! So anyway one day he decided that he would try to send the principal off to New York. But the bad news is the principal felt for it and went to the airport got a ticket and left. So the next day Jacob decides they would throw a huge party at his house since there was no school for a while. So he also got his parents out the House by sending them to New York too. But he forgot his Princial was there. So anyway his parents left and they had a party that night. Everyone from the school was invited! So everybody came and everybody had fun, so they kept on partying. But it turned out his Principal and Parents were still on the plane and it was headed for them insread of New York! It dashed throught the house killing everyon axapt him! That night he felt so ashamed so he tried to build a time machine. But the good news is it worked. So anyway he went back into time and changed everything! After he did he always behaved and listened to his Principal and Parents!!!