The Tamagotchi in the sunflowers log


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
My house ;)
:p Hi, everybody, after months of not posting, I am FINALLY back. :unsure:

Anyways, I pulled out my sunflower-clad V4 tama, which had been paused as a little tiny baby boy for 5 MONTHS. Now that's a long time. :eek: :)

So anyway, Bob was a Mohitamatchi as a child then now he's a Hinotamatchi teenager!

He turned into a Tosakatchi. It's kinda sorta kinda sorta cute....


He's now a TV REPORTER! I love that job!

Oh, by the way, he is now 5 years old.

You know what that means.....

In TWO DAYS, the Matchmaker will come! Eeeeee! (sorry I'm just really really REEEEEAAAALLLLLY excited! EEEEEEEeeeeeee!

Today I'm sick. Everytime I stand up my head throbs....

OK, you must have been wondering how Bob was doing....

Actually, he is doing GREAT!

He got 2020 points from his boss today. His boss is a Nazotchi, which is kinda strange because he seems to be the job boss for every other Tama but oh well. :rolleyes: Who cares anyway? <_<

6 years old and still no Matchmaker yet, though the tons of pausing sometimes may be the problem. Now what else....

His Intelligence points are at 314, so that's good. I don't play the normal games, because the job game gives your tama happy points, Intelligence points and low weight. :lol: :D :mametchi: :kuribotchi: :hitodetchi: :mimitchi: :D :furawatchi: :ph34r:

Sorry, I haven't been on in SO long!

Bob got the Matchmaker and got a baby girl whom I named Lisa when he finally went away.... but it was forever! :lol:

Lisa turned into a Furawatchi and had a baby boy whom I named Azul when she went away. This is the V4 Tamagotchi I have now. He is a Pyonkotchi, with skill points of 18, 5, and 15. I know, I kind of HAVE been neglecting him....

I got a V4.5! It's the purple lava lamp kind, and I only got it because it had PINK on it! (Yes I know I am obsessed with pink.)

I got a boy. He was named Tamai by me. Yay!

He was a baby boy, and then a Kuchitamatchi (you know the child with the beaky lips) then the diamond character, then a wierd Tamagotchi with a bandana and a beak. Hmm.

He mated with my friend's teenager Tama (she was a V2 but I'll tell you that story later) and had a baby girl. He left today and I named her Angie.

So, yeah, right now my hands are worn out from typing so bye!


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