The Tamagotchi Dynasty!


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May 27, 2006
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Hello everybody,

I would like to start posting my tama log here and I invite everybody to read it. It may not be very interesting or innovating but still ^^ As I only have one V2 it's not too complicated I guess. Right so let's start with introduction.

Once upon a time in a galaxy far away, there was a Tama Egg. That Tama Egg was buried deep down somewhere in the remote place away from civilization. It was just trees, rocks, jungle, wild animals. Nature and peace. One day something weird happened, a beam of light came from the sky and hit those surroundings, but it was not a destructive beam. It was a beam of life. It given a life to that Tama Egg buried in the ground. And then it was when little, black ball hatched from the egg - Petitchi was its name. Little as it was it was a bit scared of everything. Hiding underneath the bushes, rarely going out of there, to get some food. It survived and after some time it transformed into a star-shaped brownish Hotodetchi. Hotodetchi was very keen on finding out what is outside those bushes he lived in. So he begin his adventure and ventured into the forest by himself. Brave he was to do that as wild animals were present here and there, and Hotodetchi sneaked unseen behind rock, bushes and trees. But then the deadly bird came from the sky and tried to snatch our little hero! BANG! Deadly bird dead. Somebody rescued our little hero! And he remains alive. Now that somebody was Kizzu a little fella who lived alone in near village. He took Hitodetchi with him and nursed him and fed him and took care of him. Hitodetchi was very greatful so he stayed with his new master Kizzu and quickly attached to him. Hitodetchi was growing quickly and became an UFOtchi one day. It was so funny when Kizzu came back home and saw something flying in the sky far away. He thought it was UFO but it was just UFOtchi! Years passed and soon UFOtchi became an adult. He was given a name - Wirk - by Kizzu and he transformed into a fullgrown Nyorotchi, a snakelike specie of Tamagotchi. Kizzu built him a little hut near his and Nyorotchi decided to establish his own family house there. With Kizzus help and support of course!

Thats how the story begins and how the Tamavillage is established. Now Kizzu and his menagerie of Tamagotchis will continue to develop this little place to make it comfortable for others to live in! Nyorotchi has just had a baby with fellow Memetchi today! They got a beautiful girl Petitchi which was not given name yet! But soon! There are some rumours in Tamavillage that a visitor from far away Tamatown is about to arrive soon, a cosmopolitan V3 modern type of Tamagotchi! How will he or she be recieved in this small community of Tamavillage? Tune in next episode! :chohimetchi:

Welcome again,

Another sunny day in the Tamavillage. Wirk the Nyorotchi and his babygirl Petitchi are still together, I thought they will separate this morning since it was 24 hrs from Petitchis hatching but still they are together... maybe Petitchi needs more time with her father? Who knows? They had a wonderful trip together in their UFO vehicle, they went to Egypt to see pyramids. Baby Petitchi was very pleased and amazed! They have planted some plants in the Tamavillage so now it looks a bit prettier but still quite empty. They recieved a letter from Tamatown saying that new V3 Tamagotchi is coming to live in Tamavillage as well. He or she are expected to arrive in The Tamavillage day after tomorrow or even earlier! Everybodys excited about this new friend. That would be it for today. Thank you for reading! :hitodetchi:

hello i am so sorry i cant deliver you in full details what tamas have been doing! take a look at the charts and pictures tho! new evolutions hehe!


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