The Tamago-Chu impressions xperience


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black candy

Well-known member
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
I bought a king+queen pair from Jason Store, here's the photo of the tamago chus in the box:

First, i wanna say how beautiful look the design of the tamago chu box! ;D It's really really cute, and the little booklets inside is cute too!

The tamago chu are tiny, half the size of the current tamagotchi connection, with a little screen with stylized heart on the backscreen, There are 3 buttons across the bottom: the first shows your characters name, then the name of the tamago-chu boyfriend/girlfriend you've connected with. The design of these tams is cute like the box. the only thing i don't like is the back side: the back side is really like a 3D egg: you can't place your tamago chu right on the table or desk, but they're really cute to take in your hands! : :)

On tamago chu you don't start with a baby, but after you'll remove the tab you will choose a toddler from 3 different characters on each tamago chu and you'll see your new tamas go down directly from tamaplanet :D There are 4 new characters in each stage (toddler, adult, oldies and after mating your tamas one new character for the babies).

Basic instructions:

If you think you'll be able to take care of these little tami, you're wrong. The only thing you can do is to take care of their relationship and connect them to falling in love and have babies (by pressing the heart button on the left side of the tama chu)... You can't feed your pets and wash their poop, but you can see their cute activities (i saw mine walk around the screen, fishin, cookin, watchin tv and read a book before taking a nap - you can't stop the animations by pressing the buttons like the "screensaver effect" of the new tamas) or see more by pushing the C button  like the new V4 or Keitai/Entama/Uratamas tamagotchi. The animations/activies are simply amazing.


I'm impressed by the many animations and activities in these tamago-chu's! My Yuki (young mimitchi) and Yuko (ringotchi) starts to do things like: washin the pavement, eating japanese food, playing the piano, read a book, fish, pot the plant, write a letter and............... playing with a DOG! This is the first time i saw a dog in a tamagotchi :D The boy start to run with a dog on the screen, like the skating animation on the connection. Cute! :D

Things i've noticed:

TIME: After you set the time you can't change or modify it, i tried but the normal functions doesn't work.

SOUND: the same like the TIME option.

WAKE TIME/SLEEP TIME: 7.00AM, 10.30PM - Toddlers

Strange Things:

A little praise icon (!?) appeared on the right side of the screen. I haven't touch Yuki, the tama-boy, and i have seen that icon disappeared after 5 or 10 minutes. That icon was again on the Yuko screen, the tama-girl, so i've pressed the C button to see what's happen, and Yuko gave me a kiss! I pressed the C button but i haven't seen that animation again... i'll try again when i'll see that icon! :D

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Today, Yuki, the boy, evolved into a Mametchi, and Yuku, the girl, evolved into Memetchi. They're so cute! i love Tamago-Chu :)

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They're married! :D A church appeared on the back of the boy-chu, and the bells on the back of the girl-chu. They got a baby girl after 4-5 connection! :( The baby now is on the daddy egg, but he can go with mommy if you connected them... Great! ;)

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Today Yuko and yuki stared at the sea after their usual connection. You could see the girl completely jump into the boy's tama and visit him! :) They're absolutely sweet!

now when i connect them they dance, they watch tv or the girl cooking some good food for the boy! They talk to their cellphone or drink beer, write letters or send email (you see the tama wathcing his portable pc! ) They're cool! The babies are still in the family, i'm curious to see what's happen after the grow old! :wub: :D

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