The story of four tamas


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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2005
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[SIZE=14pt]Today, I have four tamas! Yesterday, I went over to my friend's house and she gave me a TF pack of red [/SIZE]and pink candy collection tamas and my mom bought me one purple hearts tama. along with my normal tama i've always had, a light blue tropical islands tama! i've started the purple hearts tama, but i am not yet ready to start the candy collection tamas yet! my brother had a red candy collection tama, but we can't find it anywhere! My normal tama, Jack is already an adult. The purple tama is a boy too. His name is Jo and he is just a little babytchi!
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Okay, I have now started my candy collection tamas! It's a pair of girls! They are so cute! I named them ojo and jojo. Jo is now a hitodetchi!! he is cute. Meanwhile, Jack is something like this tama, :D but i'll show you the pic i made of him and the other tamas!


my tamas


somebody tell me what this is! comments are welcome!

[SIZE=14pt]My tamas haven't changed yet, but i hope the matchmaker comes for jack or that one of my friends have a tama that i cna use love potion on! the babytchis now have 8 gotchi points, Jo has 35 gotchi points while Jack has 77 gotchi points. my old tamagotchi, jacki, had over 1000 gotchi points as a gozuratchi. i miss her ^_^ . but i am happy with the tamas i have now, only i am hoping that i can mate jack so he can have a baby and move onto my next generation! oh well, blawg dawgs, i'll write more when i have something to write about! :D [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Ojo pooed and got sick while Jojo turned into a little ball thingy.. now they're not twins anymore :D . but Jo is kinda dancing around real cute! and now Jojo is rolling around! aww... Jo pooed two times and started to cry, so i gave him praise! Jojo has 0 training points as well as Ojo, Jo has 1 and Jack has 3! well, i gotta go watch my tamas so nothing serious happens, and + i gave Ojo some medicine and she's all better and happy. she is dancing on the screen![/SIZE]

okay, i was just looking at some thins in fun stuff, when i heard a noise coming from Ojo's screen. I ran to her and she was evolving. I was hoping she would be just like Jojo and she was! Now i have two little balls! what are they called?

Okay, i asked my friend, Nicole, who is a major tama freak and she told me it was called a marutchi so... yea, i know now! i have two marutchis, a hitodetchi and something weird looking!

well more in a few minutes!

[SIZE=14pt]Okay, I am hoping that the matchmaker will come tomorrow from my kiwitchi, Jack! My marutchi twins are both rolling around and around! I just hope that Jo will evolve into a teen soon! I want him to be an ichigotchi so badly! Or a young mimitchi or mametchi would be fine for any of the ones that haven't evovled. So far jojo had 30 gotchi points, ojo has 23 gotchi points, jo has 84 gotchi points and jack has 172 gotchi points.[/SIZE]

from your friends,

:angry: jo, jojo, ojo, and jack!

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Awww... I just saw Jack do something so cute!!!! He came up to the screen and it looks so cute when a kiwitchi does it!

[SIZE=14pt]okay, all of my tamas are asleep and i have to go to daycare and of course, i'll take my tamas with me!!!![/SIZE]

okay, so yea, i'll write some more tomorrow! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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[SIZE=14pt]Argh! Still no matchmaker! I wish she would come already!!!! Oh and Jo is a propellertchi! Cutie! Well, gotta go eat dinner with my tamas! lol! :chohimetchi: [/SIZE]
[[SIZE=14pt]I]Okay, I am so sorry that I haven't given an update for a while. Two days ago, the matchamker came for Jack ...he got mated to a Kaerutchi and he had a baby girl... so yesterday, at midnight, I watched Jack leave the baby, it was sad! SO, now I have Lynn, his daughter. She is a marutchi!!! Oh, and my marutchi twins evovled into teens three days ago!!! Now Ojo is a Ringtochi and Jojo is a young mametchi!!! she is cute!!!! oh, and Jo is a 6 year old Memetchi!![/SIZE]

So see ya from,

Jo, Jojo, Ojo, and Lynn!!![/i]

[SIZE=14pt] Another long time without an update.[/SIZE]

Jo was mated to a mametchi and had a boy.

The boy was named Oddy and was a kinkonomatchi and then a young mimitchi! Possibly a mimitchi is coming next!

Lynn is a gozuratchi(not the best choice) and is 5 yrs!

Jojo and Ojo's matchmakers should come tomorrow! They are a mametchi and a furawatchi. !!!!!


+ i think Lynn's matchmaker is soon to come as well!!!


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Jojo's matchmaker came and she was mated to a boy masktchi!


So, yeah, she had a baby girl and she will leave tomorrow nite!!!

Oh well, i still have OJo!

Ojo's matchmaker came on Saturday and she was mated to a boy Mimitchi, and she and Ojo are both gone now. :D

So their babies are Kiki and Sam. (kiki's a girl and sams a boy)

Oh and yesterday, i had two surprises.

1. I was sitting on the stairs trying to keep the cat off of me, when the matchmaker mated Lynn to a boy masktchi! Blech! She had a baby girl and tomarow i am gonna get her! Lynn will leave tonite! :D :D

2. I was at this one place, i dont know what its called, but my mom needed to do something there and i saw this dead tama on the floor. It was a blue butteryfly tama and my mom let me keep it! Now I have five tamas! So kewl!

L8ers people!

Here are my tamas

Light Blue Tropical Islands tama: Lynn and kid

Gozarutchi and babytchi

Purple Hearts Tama: Oddy

Young Mimitchi

Pink Candy: Kiki


Red Candy: Sam


Blue butterfly: Kikyo


love Kiki :D , Kikyo :D , Lynn :D and kid, Oddy :D and Sam

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:kuribotchi: Grrrr!!!! I am steaming mad at Lynn. I went to my friend's house for two hours and i had to play with baby vicky, so i left my tama alone cuz the others i left at home on pause cuz i wanted to see lynn leeve her child like jack left her, but after an hour with vicky, i found my tamagotchi had fallen off the table somehow, and it was dead!!!! SO i restarted it and i named her rin. she was a marutchi and then an oniontchi. it was two hours until my third generation, but NOO lynn had to die.

The rest of my tamas, except oddy evolved.

Sam is a hinotamatchi, Kiki is a ringotchi and kikyo is an ichigotchi!! Yay, so bye from

Kiki, Kikyo :puroperatchi: , Oddy :chohimetchi: , Sam, and Rin
