The Stone and the Smile Family


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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2009
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United States, AZ
I just got 2 new Tamagotchis 2 days ago. I now have a V5, A v4.5, AND A v5.5. I'll be talking about the V5s. On the V5.5, the oldest is a Mousetchi, second oldest is a female Tororotchi, and the youngest is an Ahirukutchi. They are a Sociable Family and their bonding is at %100.0 because I changed the time a lot. Their family name is "Smile". The V5 (the "Stones"), consists of an old Belltchi, Tororotchi, and Mousetchi. They might evolve into teens today. As of now, their Happy and Hungry hearts are full :mimitchi: .

I think they'll evolve at 3:30 because thats the time i started the toys. I hope I get Kikitchi and Nonopotchi. Uh oh they're gonna poop! Yes! Just in time. :mimitchi:

Sorry I didn't update when thay didn't evolve. So on the V5,Belltchi evolved into ChaMametchi,Mousetchi evolved into Mamekatchi,and Tororotchi evolved into Shelltchi.I'm expecting Chantotchi,Mametchi,and Hotteatchi for adults.On the V5.5,Mousetchi evolved into Mamekatchi,Tororotchi evolved into ChaMametchi,and I'm very happy that Ahirukutchi evolved into a Kikitchi :rolleyes: .I don't know what to expect as adults,but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get a Tamastatchi so I can get the Gotchi King Family.

June 26, 2009 - Evolution Day (to Adult Stage)

Both of them are evolving today :huh: . Like I said, I'm expectin' a Chantotchi, Mametchi, and a Hotteatchi. I hope I get Tamastatchi, Princess Tamako, Prince Tamahiko, or Rosetchi so I can get the Gotchi King Family. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get one of them! :)

The V5 and the V5.5 evolved! I got what I wanted on the V5 except for Hotteatchi. Instead, I got a Memetchi :wub: ! I also got Mametchi and Chantotchi. I don't know which family I should aim for. The "Smart Family" or the "Cheerful Famly". V5.5 evolved as well! Like I said I got a Tamastatchi! I also got Megamitchi and Kinbatchi. I also always picked the 1st icon for training. 2 days and they'll be goin' to the Dating Channel! On the V5.5, Kinbatchi looks weird. He is a giant tooth with teeth. Megamitchi doesn't look that weird...Well that's all for now! See Ya! :( :D

Sorry I haven't updated. Just busy. So marraige has come for both of them! Mametchi married a Chantotchi to produce the Mame Family and Tamastatchi married Princess Tamako to produce the Gotchi King Family. The children on the V5 were a Mametchi and a ChaMametchi. On the V5.5 I now have Princess Tamako and Princess Tamakoko. I can now play Cue Ball, Jewels, Shoe Pairs and Golf Putt. I found out the maximum number of Gotchi Points you can earn on the "2nd Generation" games on the V5 is 100GP. The maximum on the V5.5 is 700GP. Very big difference. They are all just bouncing around the screen right now. I also found out that when you process from generation to generation, the friendship with your friends will go straight down to a big fat 0. They all have many animations. I quickly raised the bonding to %100.0 on the V5 and %80.0 on the V5.5. I found out that the bonding on these familys are hard to raise! This is sorta off topic, but I'm sad that the "King of Pop" (Michael Jackson) and Billy Mays (the best Pitchman ever and the guy for Oxi Clean) died :lol: . So See Ya for now! :) ;)

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BTW I wonder how Pitchmen can continue their series without Billy Mays. Our best thoughts go out to him. Good luck Anthony Sullivan! :( :lol:

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Back to the Tamas. By the way, thanks TamaTalk for the 50 views you've given me! I don't know if I should marry the V5 today or 1 or 2 more days from here. I'm gonna marry Princess Tamako with Prince Tamahiko because their parents look cool. If I decide to marry Mametchi, I will be aiming for a Memetchi. I wanna spend heaps of time with the Mame Family before I let them go :( . I don't really like the Gotchi King Family. On the 4th Generation on the V5, I hope I get a Memetchi. So See Ya!....for now. :mametchi: :mimitchi: :gozarutchi: :lol: ;)

Mametchi got married to a Memetchi :( :D . I got a boy Mimifuwatchi and Omututchi and a girl Omututchi. I'm expecting a Sukatchi, Memetchi, and another Mametchi! I want to get high bonding for the new Stone Family.

OK so, on the V5, they ended up evolving into Ahirukutchi, Belltchi, and Mousetchi. I always picked the 2nd icon for training. I'm gonna make sure I get a Memetchi so I can get the Meme Family! On the V5.5 they evolved into Tororotchi, Belltchi, and Ahirukutchi. I'm keeping Belltchi's bonding low so I can get a Memetchi, get the dresser, and eventually get an Antoinetchi. I was so close to getting a Mousetchi! I really wanted Mametchi to get Eiyuutchi!. I keep ya close on updates later in the day. That's all for now! See Ya! :lol: :blink:

I forgot to say that Tamako got married to a KuroMametchi. I couldn't resist! I got PapaKurotchi and Jyooubatchi as parennts! I thought that I've had PapaMametchi too much so I married Tamako to a KuroMametchi. I've been looking all over the Internet for a good GROWTH chart for the V5.5 Celebrity, but I still can't seem to find a decent one. See Ya!....for now! :lol: :blink:
