The Next Doll


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Hey everybody. For all those who watch the show "The Search For The Next Doll", then you'll probably enjoy this topic. It's open for disucssion. Talk about who you think should win, not win, if you think somebody should get kicked off, ect. :(

Anastacia-I love her! She is my ultimate favourite. I love her voice, her looks, and her dancing. She looks like a Pussycat doll and has the attitude. I love her poofy hair! I've liked her since the very beginning. She's had training and her vocals are great. She can hit low notes real well.

Asia-She is a good dancer, and a good singer. I don't really think she has the "PussyCat Doll" look to her. She has a high chance of winning the compitition, as it seems alot of people love her. I'm not crazy over her.

Chelsea- Another personal favourite of mine. She's super friendly, outgoing, has GREAT vocals, but her dancing needs some improvement. If this was a vocal compition, she'd rule! I've liked her from the beginning too. She has this look to her that just grabs my attention.

Melissa R-I like her also. She has high chances of winning as well. With many fans, great dance moves, and a pretty face.....she is PussyCat Doll material. She seems to shine in her dances, and all eyes are on her for the most part. People continue to guess what her nationality is.

Melissa S- No. Just no. I don't like her at all. She has too much of an innocent and "I'm CUTE!" face, and thats not how PussyCat Dolls look. Her voice is often too high and it doesn't match the song. She thinks the world of herself, but is always putting down others and telling them what to do. She thinks she is "THE PussyCat Doll" when everybody knows she isn't. I hope she gets booted off.


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I love that show! I really want chelsea to win cause she is nice!

Anastacia is cool and has a very deep voice so I love her 2!


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