The long awated return


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan City, IN 46360
Well, it's been a few months since i posted a log or anything here and now i'm back. Over the last few months i've been yo-yoing and still am but i've been sick for the last few months and am now taking medicine to get rid of it.

Right now i'm caring for my v2 connection named jenny who is in her 3rd gen and doing well. She's 3 right now and should be changing sometime tommorrow but right now she's content and watching music videos with me.

She also has watched me play gta vice city on my pc alot latley along with a few other games i downloaded^-^

Just in case anyone cares though here's a link to one of my vid's for yo-yoing and if anyone here yo-yo's and lives in chicago i wanna let you know i'll be in lincolnshire on may 20th for the IL State Contest!

oh yeah, i forgot to post that i want some people to post about my vid! so post away people!

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well, it's been a few dys and little jenny has grow up alot! When i unpaused her last tuesday she was a heavy 79 pounds but over the last few days i brought her to a healthy 32 pounds (this is by the time she turned into an adult... more on that in a bit).

Well friday morning i had a court date for a reason i rather not talk about (i'll be an outsider here if i say it...) and got home by 11 am and to my surprise she changed into a pochitchi^-^ I never liked the character on my gen2 tama's but she's kinda cute! She'll be 6 tommorrow so not long until i start me 4th gen!!!!!!!!!

I'll be posting again when this happens so look forward to my next post.

well... it's been a loooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggg time since i last posted or started a tama (i feel ashamed...) but thats changed this week. See on tuesday i was bored of yo-yoing, playing my DS and surfing the net (doing this non-stop can get on anyone's nerves sooner or later)...

So what did i do? Well around 12:30 am on tuesday i reached for my one and only gen2 tamagotchi and set his clock for the first time in almost 5 months! Just to refresh your memories his name is webster and he's been with me for the last 9 years now (and he still works wonderfully i might say^-^). Ok so after 5 minutes his egg hatched and a little shirobabitchi popped out, at the time i was playing "Kiss Psyco Circus: The Nightmare Child" and had to pause to care for him. This realy wasn't a problem for me since i just started a new game on the nightmare mode so i just saved and cared for him till almost 1:30 in the morning when he finally changed.

Since then he's had a easy life, he visited a few of my friends i made at my last job (worked at Pizza Hut) and came wwith me to visit my old friend cristal. In between that he either was watching me play animal crossing wild world or Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow or came with me as i job hunted.

Yesterday had to be the most boring and exciting day for me and him though... See we had a big storm on wensday and it knocked our power out till around 3pm yesterday and in that time i was trying to care for webster by flashlight (it was hard but i did it!). Then the morning hit and i woke up and went out to have a morning cig when he changed into a little tongaritchi^-^

So thats where i am right now, he's 5 yrs old, 21 lbs and needs only 1 more discipline befor i can get my sweet little mimitchi again, and i know that my days of not caring for a tama are over!

Well not much has happened from yesterday but then again alot has happened!

Fisrt off last night while playing Uno with christal and her mom webster asked for his last discipline! This was great for me cause now i'm certain that i'll have a mimitchi this weekend for sure... Next off this afternoon after i finished mowing the lawn i took him out of my pocket to check on him and he was sick... meaning that either tonight or tommorow morning i should have a little mimitchi again!

Well, since my last post a few changes have happened. First off webster changed into a pochitchi at age 7 and i wasn't unhappy about this, but the next morning his batteries died so i had to go out and get new one's (got a 6 pack of em) and started him back up. A few days passed and he once again became a tongaritchi and i was sure i'd get a mimitchi this time but for some strange reason i still got myself a pochitch on sunday. I didn't want to reset him and unless these batteries died on me or something else happened i wasn't gonna reset him.

This is where i was on monday, i woke up at 6am with my parents to go to Knox for a celebration they were having for my grandpa (there post office was named after him!) and after that we went to my aunts house. Here is where i think another tradition for webster happened... I was outside having a cigarette and (stupidly) sitting by there pool when webster fell in.

(I'll update everyone as to why this is tradition for me and webster. See ever since i got webster 9 years ago he's always fallen in some type of liquid, wether it was at the beach, bathroom or in a cup of kool-aid he's always gotten water logged. Since 99 when my aunt got her pool though he's swan dived into it with me over 50 times since i always had him in my pocket and would forget about him being there.)

So after getting home i took him apart and dried him off and put 2 fresh batteries in him yet again. Right now he's 2 yrs old and is at 75% in discipline. He should get sick later tonight and be changing tommorow into a tongaritchi again. This time he hasn't been fed any snacks or beeped at me cause he's hungry or unhappy and i hope to have a mimitchi by the weekend.


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