The Log of my v3 and v2!


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
OK about 45 minutes ago I hatched my NEW v3 and reset me v2. Thank you IndianWind for helping my v2. Well both are baby girls. One is Gelly and the other is Julie. BOTH are cute. Well Im going to tamatown to get some passwords. Bye!

YAY! Both evolved about 15 minutes ago. One is a Mizumemtchi or whatever that is called and the other is a murotchi. Both are over weight. And SORRY INDIANWIND I HAD TO LEAVE EARLY CAUSE U BEEN IN THAT TOILET TO LONG. Anyway I almost forgot my v3 is trancelucent yellow while my v2 is red with hearts I got christmas. So I just got 1 souviner. 1)Password. And ALOT of items. All codes were in and got everything. I got the twin code. ALSO I got a movie poster. More later.

EDIT-I got a ball! He was all shaky on it but cute. awwwwwwww. He fell but cute.

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OK so now like I just got out of school. I checked both of my tamas. V2 AND V# needed ecersize. So yeah ok they are now ok. I bought my V3 a lamp and a geniue poped out! Wow! <_< So the screen turns black he gives me a gift.............TURKEY! ugg.........Well theyre both evolving in about 1 1/2 hour. So Ill post what they look like when they evolve to teens. Bye!

YAY!!!!!!! BOTH EVOLVED!!!!!! Ones a ringotchi and ones a Obotchi! Cool I just played Flag now How the **** do I play that?

Hm........Well I put both to sleep about 45 minutes ago. I went to take a bath. I left them near my mom on the couch. She went to put My little brother to sleep. So I came out and came to get me tamas. Well you know what! I only found my V2! I looked under the couch for my V3. All over and started to cry. I ONLY opened it YESTERDAY! So I went to my brothers room. I asked him "Were baby(his word for tamagotchi) and he pointed and said "Der" (4 year olds piff) I looked asked my dad(obviously in bed) and said dont bother me about that. So I cried and went back to Timothy and pointed the same way I looked on the floor. THERE IT WAS it was hard to see cause of well Its trancelucent yellow. Now there both safe in my pocket.

Wow! Today after school when I was at the bus port and looked at them they were sick mad and hungry! So I gave my v2 to IndianWind on the bus and took care of my v3. Now they are A OK! Hopefully they evolve soon!

Whoops! I forgot to post about their evolution! My V2 turned into a Kiwiwtchi and V3 is a ugly Maskitchi XD! Well I put the costume on the V3 and Wow! It looks pretty! Now I use that one code and got a twin! My mom likes it. Now both will wake up at 10 for more play! and bye! my brother just gave me 2 fake rings that ar pretty and I must find some stuff for our yard sale sunday.

Whoops forgot to post.

So after the parents left I am stuck with to adults. -sigh-

OK the v2 was a shiropuchi>Hidotchi>Hinomatchi>Gozaratchi

V3 Teletchi boy>Tamatchi>Forgot>I dont know what the Heck it is.

Sigh Well Im going to mate them soon. I need the potion.


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