The Littl Family


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May 10, 2008
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Ok so i'm making a log of my tamagotchi family(version 5) The Littl family!

Ok so I pulled the tab out of my tamagotchi and saw 3 eggs appear. I set the time date and everything. After a couple of minutes I heard a beeping sound! The first eggg had hatched! I looked down and saw a omututchi! BEEP! BEEP! another one!! This one was a Futabatchi! The last one was a mimifuwatchi! One of each type. (0% bond)

I named the omutuchi Jimmy (boy)

I named the futabatchi Mia (girl)

I named the mimifuwatchi Will (boy)

(this happened a week ago my tamas are teens now im just recording what happened so i'll write up to thier teen stage)

They evolved! Jimmy turned into an Ahirukutchi! Mia had turned into a tororotchi and Will turned into a mousetchi! I was so proud....until they started to talk...


Uh oh better check on them! I thought

oh darn they got into the cookie jar!!!

Jimmy: Hi mommy! me eat cookies!

Mia: Yah cookies!

Will: BUUUURP! I knew it wasn't going to be easy! (70% bond)

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I ran to my tamagotchi they had evolved! YIPPIE!

Jimmy was now a Mamekatchi Mia was now a Chamametchi! and will was now a korokotchi. time to think about marrige for my tamas. Ive decided to marry Jimmy with a chamametchi like his sister to get a mame family! 100%bond

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