The Life of My Tamagotchi's


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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Reaction score
Somewhere in Texas
Hello everybody! This is my shiny new log. You might remember my last one, but this one is bigger and better, I can guarantee you! Well, here goes nothing! :)

[SIZE=21pt]Joey's Log[/SIZE]

[SIZE=21pt]Welcome to Joey's Log! As I've mentioned before, I resetted my Tamagotchi V4 to start this new log. The egg hatched, and it was a boy! I was suprised, but happy. This meant a chance to raise a Mametchi! And if it didn't turn out to be a Mametchi, I still wouldn't care, because raising Tama's is fun. Anywho, here are Joey's stats:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=21pt]Joey's Stats:[/SIZE]

Age, Weight, Etc.: 0 yr, 9lbs, 1G, Boy, V4

Hearts: (Er, how do you do the hearts?) Hungry-3/4 Happy-4/4

Skill Points: Intellegence-9 Style-4 Kindness-14

Gotchi Points: 1,460

Training Meter: 1/10

Other Info: Newborn!!

Hope you like my log so far! Stay tuned for Joey's Journal, where my Tamagotchi Characters interact and write their own journals! Bye!

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[SIZE=14pt]Attention all! Joey has turned from a baby Tsubutchi (m) to a toddler Harutchi!! This is really cool. He's asleep now, but most likely he'll be getting something in the mail from the Pre-school teacher when he wakes up! Thank you all for reading this and I hopey ou enjoy my log![/SIZE] :angry: :angry:

[SIZE=21pt]Joey's Log (Post #2)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Hello again, everyone! Welcome to the second post of Joey's Log! I have more news to bring to you. Joey has just got accepted into the Pre-school teacher's class! Joey is so excited to start school. In fact, he's in school right now! Joey loves school.[/color][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Joey's Stats:[/SIZE]

Age, Weight, Etc.: 1 yr, 11 lbs, Boy, V4, Male

Skill Points: Intellegence-13 Style-16 Kindness-18

Training: 1/10

Hearts: Hungry: OOO Happy: OOOO

Gotchi Points: 3,560

Other Info: Currently going to school with the Pre-school teacher, Harutchi (toddler)


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