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Rockin Robotchi

Well-known member
Jun 24, 2005
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Lost in the woods
Well, since the V3 is new, i thought i would record some things i find kool or different on the V3 and give you everything that happens. And im going to give you what characters i have so if you dont know what characters im talking about look at the New v3 chart in the Useful Links ill go ahead and start.

I just started my V3 yesterday at about 3:45 PM. I pulled the tab and gave it all my information. I then had a baby girl named Kiwi. After about 1 hour, it changed into a Mizutamatchi. Very cute if i say so myself. looks like a little blob with little bumps all around it. i really liked this character. Then about at 3:45 today it changed into a teenager. I now have a 1 year old Patapatatchi. Reminds me much of the character from the V2, puroperatchi :puroperatchi: . It is now taking a bath, very cute animations. I have a few souviners from tamatown but i have not donated any money to the king yet. Ill write back soon. -RR :wacko:

Well nothing really new has happened. My tamagotchi has just turned 2 years old, but i have not noticed anything different. I still have the same character and im quite enjoying him! :p He is very cute. I bought him a ball and after many times of practicing and falling off the ball he has finally been able to land. The ball animation is different from the other animations and i like this one more! :eek: I have 3 items, makeup (80), ball (200) and a cap (800). I also have 9 souviners from tamatown and im hoping they update more places there so i can get some new ones! Ill post again soon. -RR :lol:

Nothing much happened but i just checked on my tamagotchi to see if i had some cool items in the shop, and to my surprise, they were having a shop sale! Everything was half off, i got to buy a lot of kool things for not very much, so make sure when u are checking out the shop to keep an eye open for sales. They are very useful! :angry: -RR :D

Ok, somethings have come up so i decided to fill you guys in. My tamagotchi changed into adult just this morning and changed into a mametchi! The mametchi is the other versions i didn't like very much but the new one on the V3 is absoluetly adorable! It has really big and cute eyes! So i still have him, and he is 4 yrs old. At 2:00 today, i very kool animation appeared on my screen too! A snowman and a winter scene was on the background and was very cute, but i accidentally clicked a button and it went away. I have bought a few items so far, the only item i might want to warn you about is the lamp...i purchased that item and when i used it all of my tamagotchis happy hearts went away. At it costed me 700 and i only was able to use it twice..i though maybe something good would happen the 2nd time..oh well, well i will keep u guys updated when more things happen! -RR :lol:

Hmm, well not a lot has happened. My tamagotchi is 7 years old now and im hoping to have the matchmaker come soon although i might have to wait another day or something because im gonna have to put it asleep for my basketball practice....but i have still been able to play with him a lot! :D And i have been trying all the games so far and there is one i really am having trouble on, i can't seem to do flag, im not exactly sure how to play but hopefully i will figure out soon. And if you know go ahead and PM me, (dont reply in this topic) but i have a few items, I just purchased a RC toy and its quite cute. Im not looking forward to losing my mametchi because he is absolutely adorable but im looking forward to getting some new characters, or atleast i hope! :D I have 1123 points and i am hoping something good will come into the shop that i can buy. My big money game is the heading game, i get 400 points almost every time i play it! So i very much like doing that game every time. Well if anything new happens ill keep you updated! -RR :D

Last night at 7:00 pm my tamagotchi had a sweet baby girl and mated with the bunbuntchi. Im trying to think of a new name for my new baby girl but until then im stocking up on points until i lose some of the games when i go back to a baby. Well i ttyl when i get more info, im debating between the names of Tulip, Kiwi, or maybe Peach... i like weird names! :wub: -RR :wub:

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I currently only have 798 points because i just bought a few more items from the store. My baby girl turned into a toddler called the Mahitamatchi and he was very cute! :p And then a day later he turned disapointly into a hinatchi which i have already had in previous tamagotchis but im hoping to get a cool adult to make up for him! Oh well, the items i have now are make-up, ball, umbrella, cap, wings, CuckooClock, BLDG Blocks, Drum, RC Toy, RC Car 2, wig, and a bow. I also have a few foods. My girl's name is Sugar and she is 1 year old and i am on my 2nd generation. Ill update soon. -RR :eek:

I right now currently have about 900 and some points. This time instead of spending my money on items im trying to save up to donate some money to the king! :-D My tamagotchi is 2 years old so nothing really has happened yet. The items ive bought have been a CD and a put in a few codes to get some hair gel, honey and costumes and i got a cute little doll/lion. Update soon.. -RR :D

Well again nothing really has happened so this will be pretty quick. My tamagotchi is now 3 yrs old and im hoping it will change into an adult soon. I also recently donated 1500 points to the king and am hoping to donate more soon. I recently bought a plant for my tamagotchi and it made him very happy! Well like i said, nothing really has happened so update later! :angry: -RR :wacko:

Well im not really sure what to say about my new tamagotchi. It finally turned into an adult but its very weird :eek: Her name is the Decotchi. She kinda reminds me of frankenstein. She always looks groucy and the best thing ive seen it do is put a little grin on when she won a game. But its still a new character and its a very weird one and im glad i get to experiment with her. Im hopeing to find a favorite treat for her for i never got to find one for my previous mametchi. My tamagotchi is currently 4 yrs old, 30lbs, and 8 training bars (she won't be getting anymore). Well i guess, ill just start collecting some more points and wait for the matchmaker to come! Update soon! -RR ;)

Ok, well the matchmaker finally came and gave my tamagotchi a baby boy. Today, i named it Pepsi and he has 1 training bar. He then turned into a toddler called the Mahitamagotchi. I am on my 3rd generation and decided to go to tamatown and put in the passwords so can visit his parents. I also have 9000 points donated to the king and put in a code for a nice ring. Also as i was looking through the shop i happened upon a ticket that i can use when my tamagotchi is an adult and travel somewhere from tamatown so im much looking forward to that! :mimitchi: And i have finally gotten together with some other tamagotchis and i now have 2 friends.... Mark and Lydia but i can not remember what they look like for on my buddy list it shows that they are the Nazotchi. They weren't V3s though, they were V2's :) . Well im sure more exciting things will happen soon so keep your eye open for another update! :ph34r: -RR <_<

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Well my toddler has turned into a Young Mametchi and i had him for about 3 days and i got to buy 2 plane tickets for tamatown so im looking forward to that. Right now i have an adult known as the paparatchi hes 5 years old so i should be starting a new generation soon! I'll update later, when i get bak! I should have lots of new information when i get bak so wait patiently! ^_^ -RR :hitodetchi:


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