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Ok so Paul didn't go so well.........he turned into an obotchi and I reset him because that's how much I hate obotchis.I got another boy and named him Jarod(my boyfriends name).He was a normal baby and he changed into a Puchitchi.He's so cute.Jarod went to pre-school this mourning and did really good.Here's his stats:


Traning:{l }

Skill Points:32,15,23

Weight:12 lbs.

Well i gtg bibi!

Ok soo......Jarod has been on pause forever and he just turned 1.He changed into a Gourmetchi!I love them and Jarod is soooooo cute!I currently don't have him so his stats are somewhere aroud guessing....




Weight:17 lbs.


Well I promised Jarod he could say something so here he is:



Hi people!Thanks for reading about my life.It's nice to be apperciated every once in a while...

How much appreciation do you need?!

A lot!I mean come on I'm a teenager now!

Right....Of course.Anyways.....we have to go now so bibi!

Bibi my friends and people I don't know!

MCRbabe and Jarod

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